Sweetmama - I read about your baby's condition, I'm so sorry once again. I can't even begin to imagine how difficult this must be on you. Stay strong hon.
2016 - I'm loving your PMA - I went to accu the day after my IUI and I guess it must have helped! Ask them about the moxa sticks, that's what I used on a pressure point to warm my uterus. Did you get a +opk today? You're lucky that you have a sex drive, ever since I had Harrison, I just haven't felt up for it...well, certainly not like newly weds!
Nicole - congrats on moving up a ticker! woohoo! How are you feeling now? I'm sooo bloated too, seriously, even DH is like "ummm... you look like you've put on a lot of weight". My hips and legs feel so swollen and my tummy is also poking out. I know they say you show faster after your first, but I don't know why I feel this bloated and I'm not sure what I can do about it! I guess it doesn't help that I sit at a desk all day. I am only just over 6 weeks, but I already look like I did with Harrison at 14 weeks.
We had our first scan yesterday and heard the heartbeat - piccy attached! The doc said everything looks fine, she has me taking progesterone suppositories until 12 weeks. I go for my next scan at 8 weeks. It's bizzare how many check ups you get here, once every 2 weeks in your first tri, then every 4 weeks in your second tri, then back to every 2 weeks in your third tri. I don't want to tell my work until i've been there for 3 months, as I have a probationary period, but goodness knows how I will hide it the way my body is going!
We're flying to Taiwan this weekend for Chinese New Year - I love that we get 5 days off (including the weekend) not long after Christmas!