(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

Managing to drive myself nutty this TWW. I know I wanted to try as hard as possible (rather than just go with the flow as I have done in previous months). Problem is then I start symptom spotting and set myself up way way too high to come crashing down when it's not my month. :dohh:
I am going to test on Saturday, 8dpo, with an FRER which is far too early but I wanted to be able to tell the accu if I was pregnant. If no luck on that day, I will just test with ICs until AF arrives or is late.

How is everyone? Awfully quiet in here. And what the heck is up with the red text on BnB?
2 more pregnancy announcements on FB today. I'm happy for my friends but ugggh just feels like I've had my luck and am silly to even hope for a second miracle. Also I have nasty ovary pains and am worried about cysts. Sorry to be such a downer but 6dpo is so dull. :haha:

Joli...you had your next scan yet?
Does anyone know when this grief and pain ends? I feel like I'm dying here
Does anyone know when this grief and pain ends? I feel like I'm dying here

:hugs:SM. I think it's different for everyone and I believe it can take months or even years to process the shock. Try take it a day at a time and hopefully you will feel less raw soon.
Welcome to the year of the dragon! It's supposed to be an auspicious year, so I hope it brings you all the joy and happiness you deserve! We had a lovely time in Taiwan visiting my relatives. Harrison was so charming and so well behaved. He is learning to say a new word each week and is even learning to trick us, like pretending he's going to drop his crayon but he doesn't really...cheeky boy!

2016 - that's so awesome that you and DH have been going at it like rabbits - I can't remember the last time I really felt like doing it - I guess accu helped, but we only got to try 1 cycle before the IUI. I really have a good feeling for you this cycle, am keeping my fingers crossed for you! Did the accu give you anything to do during the tww? I know it's torture! I started testing 7dpo but that was pretty insane, getting negatives on the frers and potential evaps on the cheap tests! Promise you'll send us some squinty photos :)

GG - 37 weeks! Eek! I heard that your second is likely to come out faster than your first, so it really could be any day now. Have you got your bag all packed?

SM - I am so sorry you're having to go through all this... Have you got any close friends or family who could help you during the day? How is your DS holding up, does he understand what happened? Could you get some counselling... It might help?
2016 - I had ovary pains a few days after ovulating with both Harrison and new baby...it's a good sign! Having had a burst ovarian cyst, you will know that pain, it is unbearable, you can't breathe...from what you describe, it is just your ovaries aching after release of your egg! Have you felt any twinges? My next scan is next Wed when I'm just over 8 weeks!
Joli...well we've had to slow things down a bit for now because DTD makes my ovaries hurt even more! Not to mention it's not easy to do anything when S is now sneaking into our bed pretty much as soon as we get into it. We have to nail the habit soon but it all started when he had the bad ear infection, then he developed serious separation anxiety when I started back at work, and now his lower canine is turning his whole gum swollen and blue. One thing after another. Hopefully it will all settle soon and we can work on keeping him in his own bed. My back is so sore from him taking up all the room! :haha:
The accu didn't give me anything specific to do in the TWW but I have been doing my own things - soaking feet in warm water most nights, using a warm heat pack on my oom and lower back area. Have also been eating warming foods (made a delicious soup with butternut squash, onion, garlic, ginger and a little chilli) and trying to avoid icy drinks. I am still taking the chinese meds. You have made me really tempted now to try test tomorrow with an IC to see if I get an evap. :dohh: Best I don't because I will only drive myself crazy. Will definitely send some photos of any tests I take with so much as a hint of a maybe something.
I have had twinges, have also been peeing like crazy and today I feel like I have hit a wall of fatigue. I could symptom spot all day but I know it probably means nothing. You had no symptoms remember???
Sounds like H was a real charmer in Taiwan. :cloud9: S does that trickery thing too and it always cracks me up. Oooh forgot to mention that S FINALLY started walking properly at the weekend. Have bought him a little backpack harness that looks like a horse because I know that child will be running before I know it!
Glad you had a nice time Joli, happy new year :) bags are all packed all ready, not much more I can do. Havnt got much for him but after I had Libby j realised I didnt really need to go overboard.

Good luck 2016, sending positive vibes.

Sweetmama I do t think grief is something that just goes away I think it just gets easier as you learn to deal with it and move forward.
2016 - Harrison crawls into bed with us every night sometime between 4-6am, he can climb out of his own cot, so he just gets into bed with me. That's awesome that Stewart is walking properly now! We got Harrison a monkey leash too, but we haven't tried it out yet. I'm so excited for you to test!! I'm sooooooooooooo keeping all my fingers crossed for you!! I didn't have any real symptoms, although now that I think back, my ovaries did ache and I did get some twinges.

GG - that's great that you have all of your bags packed and ready to go! Are you feeling uncomfortable now? Would you say overall that this pregnancy has been quite different to Libby? How much weight did you put on altogether? Sorry for all the questions! Just wondering what I have in store for me!
I havnt had too bad a pregnancy this time, I barely even new I was pregnant up until maybe the last 5 weeks, these last weeks are tough and very tiring and partly down to her age and strops. Up until before Christmas I had only put just over a stone on but I ate lot and can feel I have put more on but havnt weighed myself since then so havnt a clue x
GG - did Libby like to jump on your bump? Harrison always straddles my tummy when I'm lying down to have a good jump! Also have you still been able to lift Libby and carry her around on your hip?
Yeh she often jumps on me playing but just have to put my arms over bump to catch her and protect him if it's too hard I can still carry her around on my hip but I'm breathless, not in a sling tho, stopped using sling about 15 weeks as was too much x
I'm feeling very nervous and excited about testing tomorrow too. It is so daft because POAS at 8dpo is about as useful as peeing on a twig. A very expensive twig! :haha: Also looking forward to accu in the morning. At least hubby has agreed we can keep going with it for 3 months...guess he is enjoying the side effects. :winkwink:
No more ovary pain today but I have felt very hungry, dizzy and nauseous. Is there no end to the symptoms I am now able to imagine? I've got myself WAY too hyped up this cycle but, you know what, at least if/when :af: arrives I will be certain I have given it my all. :thumbup:
Hey Ladies

Hibiscus - It's great to hear from you! That's awesome that Jack is walking now, I don't think 14 months for a baby boy is unusual at all. It really does sound like he's allergic to milk - if formula is too expensive, you could always try rice milk? Can he eat cheese and yoghurt? We did get pregnant on our first IUI, which was just such a miracle. I didn't need to go on injectbles this time, I went to accupuncture, which gave me my first AF, and the next O, we had our IUI.

We actually switched to soymilk and he's been great. His stuffy nose that he's had for like 7 months went away, too! Maybe he had a lactose sensitivity issue all along. He does fine with yogurt, cheese, and milk-based formula, just not the straight milk.

Again, congrats on your pregnancy! I'm very happy for you and glad it was so much easier this time around. I've heard that a lot of women are much more fertile once they're already had a baby. Do you feel like that's the case for you?

I'm actually a bit worried about myself this month. We've been doing the rhythm method but DH, after promising not to actually...ya know...ejaculate on my O-Day...went ahead and did it anyway!!! I was furious. This was after I was nice and told him he didn't have to use a condom after he begged. If I'm preggers, I will be so mad. I have always said I don't think I could terminate a pregnancy, but this would not be good timing. Yes, we COULD handle it if we had to, but it's not ideal and I think it would be really stressful for us. Child care is so expensive and we both want to keep working. The plan has been for Jack to be 3 yrs old before kid #2. Argh I don't know. I guess I shouldn't worry about it until I have a reason to worry.
hibiscus...nice to hear from you again. Hope you get the outcome you want. I believe that women can be more fertile after a baby - but not in my case unfortunately. My tubes were blocked before and nothing will have changed in that department. Just praying for a miracle (again).

BFN for me this morning. :nope: Thought I would post a picture anyway. There is nothing to see IRL so don't even bother squinting. :haha:
2016 - I got a bfn on an frer, but my super faint line with the cheap test, and it took a while to develop, so don't count yourself out yet! Keep posting the pics! Will you test again later this evening? Still keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Hibiscus - We still had to have IUI this time round, but I think I was more fertile due to the accu I was getting - it gave me ewcm which I found so hard to get when I was ttc with Harrison and on injectables. I hope you get whant you want too, babies are a real handful, and if having one when Jack is 3 years old is better for you guys, then I truly hope that is what you get :flower: Do you think your DH secretly wants another on now which is why he went for it during O time?

GG - the doc did mention to me to stop using a carrier around 16 weeks cause it would put too much pressure on. I don't know how Harrison will cope cause he refuses to go in the stroller and he's around 30 pounds now...
Joli....I took a cheapie too. Also BFN. Won't test again today. Will just do an IC a day until at least 11dpo now (which is when AF is due).
9dpo. IC. :bfn:.

Bored.com! At this point I would love at least an evap to look at. These tests are so negative it's painful! If it doesn't show up tomorrow, game over with :af: due at 11dpo. :nope:

Had possibly the worst night's sleep EVER. We have had to shift all our bedroom furniture into the spare room for 2 weeks while we strip up the laminate in our bedroom and get new wardrobes/carpet fitted (and our 10-year-dream superking sleigh bed delivered :happydance:) However, this meant the usual trick of bringing S into our bed was thwarted because he thought it was so flippin' exciting we were in a different room. 3 HOURS he thrashed about...I had no idea so much time had passed but was half-asleep. Then a further 2 HOURS to try get him to settle in his own room. Then a further 45 minutes in our bed before he settled. We also tried Calpol, Calprufen, singing, cuddles, ignoring, trying to sleep with him in my arms in the rocking chair, 15oz of milk :wacko: and the inevitable poo bum change. He still woke up at 6am right on shedule. :hissy: Though I should be grateful as he normally starts the day at 5am lately so it was technicall a lie in.

Kill me now. :cry:
2016: Sorry about the bfn, I hope you get a positive tomorrow!! 9 dpo is really early! Sorry you had a rough night, hope tonight is better for you!

sm: I hope you feel a little better soon! I think it can take a long time to feel better, you've been through a lot. How have the last few days been?

gg: So excited that it could be anytime now!! Hope you don't have to wait much longer, Libby's probably taking a lot out of you, I am worried about the end. Especially since I didn't have much patience for Ben last time and I have two this time!

Joli: Glad you had a good trip! Harrison sounds like such a sweet boy! I'm still using the sling although I find he gets heavy after awhile. Daniel weighs about 23 pounds I think, what percentile is Harrison? Daniel is in the 5th I think but he needs to grow soon or I won't be able to use all of Ben's old clothes for him. Will you find out the gender this time?

hibiscus: Great to hear from you! I hope you get the result you want, let us know what happens. Did you dh tell you why he did that when he knew you were ovulating? Maybe he does secretly want another one.

I had my first midwife appointment, she was so nice! I can't believe I didn't go with one before. There are 4 I'll be seeing so I hope they're all that nice. She found the heartbeat, it was in the 160's. I couldn't really hear it very well, Daniel was screaming through the whole appointment. My mom is going to watch him next Wednesday when I go back, it's a long appt and I need to be able to hear. I hope he grows out of that, he does that whenever we go to an appt or a playdate at a new house.

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