(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

Joli...thanks for the update from Britt. I keep thinking of them - sent a few messages a few months back but didn't get a reply so worried I was hassling/too many people were messaging. Must try contact her again. I can't imagine how heartbreaking it is to have a child in that situation. :cry:

On a happier note though - yay for seeing little dragon bean wiggling around. 12/9/12 is a great date. :thumbup:

hibiscus...glad AF arrived for you. wish she had left me alone :growlmad: Do you think this scare has made you consider extra measures like BCP? It's so hard with the rythm method to get carried away at the wrong time. I couldn't do it - not on these Chinese herbs anyway.

Afm...I'm back to taking it a bit easier this cycle again. Got my hopes sky high last cycle and came crashing down with disappointment. Might try avoid Bnb a bit as it can make things worse.
2016: Sorry to hear about af, I really hope you get your bfp this coming cycle. You might have said but are you still doing accu? How's Stewart doing?

joli: Thanks so much for letting us know how Britt is doing, I think about her often. I'm glad you got to see your little one!! So exciting! I am going to find out the gender as soon as I can but I don't care either way. I just need to start buying stuff as soon as possible if it's a girl. I have nothing girly. Did you end up getting morning sickness this time?

Hibiscus: Glad you got af, I am iffy on bc too. It's a hard choice, I don't really know what we'll do after this baby. I think we'll probably wait a couple of years for the next one but I hated how I felt on the pill. Have you looked into an iud at all? There is the one without hormones, but I don't know much about side effects and such.

gg: How are you doing? I'm patiently waiting to see pics of the baby! I hope you don't have much longer to wait.

sm: Hope you're holding up okay :hugs:

devi: How are you? Any symptoms yet?

tbm: Hey, hope you're doing well, haven't heard from you awhile!

We've all been sick with a stomach bug again, I blame pre-school, we've been sick so often since he started going but he loves it so it's okay. Everyone seems to be better except Ben's still a bit weak and tired. I had my midwife appt yesterday, baby's hb was 152. I might have to have a consult with an ob because of my ectopics although I don't think it should matter really. I love the midwives so I want to keep going to them. I booked my anatomy scan for the 28th but I keep going back and forth on whether to pay for a gender scan a week earlier. I should just be patient but it's very tempting, they're having a $50 special.
Hi girls how are we all? No baby yet :(

2016 how are you and S? Feeling any better? Xx
Hey GG - I can't believe your boy hasnt made an appearance yet!! You must be feeling anxious to meet him. Have the doctors predicted how heavy he will be?

2016 - CD 11, you must be near O time - you don't need to reply, I know you're laying low, but I hope the accu is gonna help your bring firecrackers into the bedroom!!

Nicole - I can't believe you're over 16 weeks now!! Are you showing yet? I am struggling to not show at work, I seem to have popped out like crazy, have already put on 7 pounds! I have no morning sickness and a crazy appetite... I think I am going to have another boy, as I felt very much this way with Harrison. I'd love to have a girl though! When will you find out the gender? Sorry to hear about the stomach bugs, kids just catch everything from playgroups!
Joli: I am starting to show, I was more bloated before second tri and now I just look like I've been eating too much cake :blush: I think I'll look pregnant in the next few weeks though. I bet you're gettiing a cute bump already! You're so tiny you'll be all baby. Are you going to take a bump pic? I have an appt on the 28th but I still haven't decided whether to pay for one a week from Tuesday. I probably will since I'm having trouble waiting, I really think it's a boy though so I don't really know if I should waste the money. When's the earliest you can find out? Here it is 18 weeks but I've seen people on here find out at 16. I'm excited to see if you're right and it's another boy! Are you hoping for a certain gender? How are you feeling this time?

2016: I really hope you and Stewart feel better soon, sounds like a really nasty bug. It's so hard when kids are sick. I also hope ov is coming for you soon! :hugs:

gg: He's really making you wait! Everytime I see a post in your journal I go there first to see if he's coming! When did you feel movement this time? I feel like I should be feeling something soon but nothing so far. How are you doing? Are you nesting or anything?

Hope everyone else is doing well!!
Hello ladies :wave:

I am missing all of you. Keep wondering how you all are doing. :flower:

I was feeling really drained from TTC all these months with nothing. I really got my hopes up last cycle with the accu so was crushed to get BFN. I am still doing accu this cycle but then will have to stop because it's so expensive. The nympho effects continue though so I half wonder if hubby will find the money from somewhere! :rofl:
Can honestly say I haven't enjoyed DTD for as long as I can remember....so even if it takes a bit longer at least we are having fun trying! :haha:

Went to the doctor to ask for fertility investigations and she was very very rude to me. I have started a journal if you want to bore yourself with the whole story. She eventually agreed to send me for a pelvic scan to try get to the bottom of the pain I am having all cycle, every cycle. I have that next Thursday morning.

Today is ov day for me and I will be testing next Saturday at 9dpo. Will you ladies please promise me one thing though? If it is BFN then please don't tell me "it's still early" etc. etc. because, as proven month after month with my body it HAS to happen by 10dpo or there is no chance with AF arriving the next day. Sucks that I only get 10 days but that doesn't seem to change with progesterone cream or even full on progesterone pessaries! Maybe the scan at 7dpo can give me some insight into the thickness of my lining. :shrug:

Anyway, what is news with all of you? And GG I am so looking forward to meeting your son. Where is he already?????
Hola chicas!

Nicole - I can't believe how far along you are now, time is just flying by! My first tri seems to be taking forever...I definitely look like I've eaten too much cake! I can't wait until I actually look pregnant and not just chubby :rofl: I'll take a bump pic when I get to 12 weeks. Are you going to take any? I can't wait to find out what I'm having either, I'd love to had a girl, just so we could have one of each, but I feel prepared to have a boy - more men in my life :) I think you can find out here at 16 weeks if the baby's in the right position, last time round I found out at 17 weeks. What about you, are you hoping for a girl this time? How are you feeling?

2016 - it's good to hear from you, I missed you! But lovely to see the updated pic of Stewart :) What a cutie! Promise we'll be totally straight for your ttc this cycle, no egging on. :flower: it's great that you guys are having fun ttc, I think that's such an important thing, and something DH and I really missed out on having to do IUI. It's good that you're going to have an appointment just to make sure everything is ok, I'm sure everything will be.

GG - happy 40 weeks! I can't believe baby is still inside, especially since Libby came so much earlier. I always thought if number 1 came early, then number 2 would also be early. Did doc say whether his head is down?

I went for my 10 week check up yesterday and everything with the baby is going well, saw it wiggling around :) But I got really angry at the clinic, here in HK hospitals are insanely hard to get into, and for the one I want to get into, you have to apply when you're 9 weeks. They missed submitting my application, so it didn't go in until I was 10 weeks. I'll find out in a week or so if I got in. It's massive news here about all of the Chinese coming from China into HK to have their babies so that they can get permanent residencies here. They swarm the hospitals, it's a huge problem for the local women living here. So fingers crossed!!
Hi girls. I had some brown spotting over a week ago. & was put On bed rest for a week. Did multiple scans. & bub is fine. Not on bed rest anymore & spotting gone. 7 weeks ;)
I was going to post here yesterday but didn't get a chance. Wow Devi 7 weeks already? Sorry you had a scare with the spotting. Bubs was probably just getting all nestled in. So glad all is ok. :hugs:
And Joli almost 11 weeks! You are going to be out of 1st tri any moment. Did you hear back from the hospital you wanted?
And Nicole over 18 weeks. Did you go for the gender scan in the end?
AFM....I am 5dpo (boring) and just wishing my life away until my pelvic scan on Thursday, testing on Saturday and the delivery of our new bed next Tuesday.
Have been getting quotes to get my tubes dye tested privately but so far both consultants said I should be entitled to it through the NHS, even if I have a child. :shrug:
Hi ladies, sorry I haven't been on in a bit, I was just trying to take time for me and learn to grieve and heal some, I'm not as devastated now but I am still sad about it. Things this month have been really hard but it seems like the storm has passed now. I'll always remember Sophie and she'll always be my angel but life has to go on. I have to be strong for Corbyn though.

Joli - Tell Britt thanks for the condolences, and I'm praying for her and Kinley :)

Nicole and 2016 - I'm holding up much better now thank you for asking
Had my pelvic scan today. All was fine which is pretty much what I expected. Lining was 10mm at 7dpo which I think is ok but they weren't really checking that I just got the sonographer to measure. :winkwink:

Over the last few days I have had the worse PMS in recent memory. I am so angry, moody and tearful. Retaining water like never before in my life. Just feel fat, frumpy, ugly and stupid and just want this cycle to be over now so I can get over yet another failure. :cry: Aren't I the ray of sunshine today?!?! Sorry ladies I hope you all are well.
2016: already posted in your journal but hope you're doing okay.

joli: Glad everything is good with the baby! I hope you get into the hospital you want. I didn't realize you couldn't just go to whatever one you wanted, that's much different than here You're getting really close to 2nd tri! That's exciting! I will take a bump pic in the next few weeks, whenever I finally look definitely pregnant rather than just bloated.

devi: So happy everything is going well, spotting must have been scary but glad it's stopped for you.

sm: Good to hear from you! It's good that you're feeling a bit better.

gg: how are you doing? Hope you're enjoying your little man, he's so cute!

I am finding out the gender today if they can tell! I was going to go last week but the kids got hand mouth and foot disease, what a miserable week! I got a mild case as well but we're all healthy now.
Hey nicole I'm fine thanks. over it tbh. So exciting it's gender day!!!! Hope they can see...I guess girl.
You were right! it's a girl! I was so shocked that the lady showed me three extra times. I want to announce on fb but my mom thinks I should wait to make sure on Tuesday after the anatomy scan. But for 67 dollars I would hope to get the right answer.
Woweee!!!!! First time I have been right EVER! :wohoo:
That is so exciting Nicole. I guess after two boys you must have thought you were a "Mummy of Boys". How do you feel?
Glad you finally got to be right! I was only right with Daniel, other than that always wrong including this time. I was expecting to only have boys but I'm really excited to have a girl.

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