Hey Ladies
I have news!! 2016, what did you think I was having?... after today's 16 week scan, looks like It's a....... GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not 100% positive, but that's what the doc thinks. The night before last, I dreamt I was having a girl, and that it came out and I said to DH that she has his colouring bit a little darker. It's my second 'girl' dream (even though with Harrison I had no dreams at all). We're so excited!!
2016 - How did your bloods go on Monday? Were you able to get a scan? I can't believe how much weight you've lost! That's amazing! I had a great excuse when I gained all my weight cause I just started back at work, sitting at a desk after having 3 months off. I put on so much weight to quickly though! 10 pounds in my first tri! I suppose you could just say you "lapsed"?? How are you feeling? Harrison hasn't noticed my bump enormously, but when I lift up my shirt and ask him to kiss the baby, he leans his head on my belly and cuddles. I think I'm going to have huge problems with him, he gets so jealous. When Ryan cuddles with me in the morning, Harrison gets really upset and pushes him away, and if he can't he starts to cry! What on earth am I going to do!!
Nicole - That's awesome you're feeling so much activity! I haven't felt anything yet...with Harrison it was around 17 weeks that I started to feel him, so hopefully I'll feel something soon. The doctor said something a little worrying to me today, she said at the minute my placenta looks like it's lying a bit low, she said it's still early days so it can change, but it has me worried. Isabelle is such a beautiful name! Our first girl choice while we were pregnant with Harrison was Isabella... but this time round, our front runner is Serena

What are you doing in terms of nursary? We had originally thought of babies sharing the same room, but that means the girl will need to deal with blue walls and airplanes everywhere! lol
Tonya - I noticed your bump ticker, awesome! It's great that you have so much support for the birth. I'd highly recommend doing the hospital tour, it really made me feel familiar with the place when we checked in, and you know what to expect.