(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

Joli- Thank you so much, I agree it will be a good way to raise awareness, when people ask I can say this is what she had and this is why I got it. It'll help me start a conversation about it and also help me heal by being able to talk about it
Hey Ladies

2016 - That's fantastic that your HyCoSy went well - it sounds like they flushed your tubes our well, and hopefully that will help with ttc. Are you trying this cycle or are you taking a break this month? I think I should feel movement in the next 2 weeks, sometimes I swear I feel flutters, but I wonder if I'm just making it up!

Tonya - I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly, you'll love having your first! Have you got a birthing plan?

Nicole - how are you doing? how are you feeling?

SM - have you found other parents out there who have been through the same thing as you? I imagine there must be some support group?

I'm doing well, and baby seems to be doing well also. But we had a horrible day yesterday, Harrison fell and cut his head open, and had to have 5 stitches. It was awful, it took 4 of us to pin him down while he was screaming and crying "mommy", and was in so much pain when they injected the anesthetic into his head. He got so worked up he threw up twice. I couldn't stop crying with him, and I wanted to badly to be strong and I just couldn't be, it was breaking my heart. Heaven forbid if anything worse ever happened to him!
...wow it's really quiet in here!

Thought I would come liven up the party.
Total and utter shock! I was hopeful at first after having the HyCoSY and progesterone this cycle but, due to DS sharing our bed cos of an ear infection, we only managed to BD twice before ov (ov -2 and ov -1) Our worst "hit" rate ever. Got a bfn at 9 and 10dpo and thought that was it for me. You ladies all know how grumpy I can get if you suggest there's still hope after 9dpo. :blush:

I thought I'd just keep testing with cheapies every day until AF arrived. Did one this morning then went and changed S nappy. Went back and thought I was seeing things. Hubby said he couldn't see anything so I cracked open the digi even though I knew it was probably too early...but it wasn't!

EDD 2nd December if I go by LMP which I'm going to stick with because I don't fancy quibbling with my doctor about 2-3 days .
Omg!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!! Sooooooop over the moon for you!!!! Oh so so happy!!! So your bubs will be virtually 2 years apart, so perfect!! Wow, really has made my day!! :)
Already said congrats but again huge congrats.

Just popping by, we are changing oakleys name lol to Jacob, it's not sitting well and he just doesn't suit it. Also everyone thinks we are calling him OAgley with our accent and it's annoying! Will announce officially when birth certificate change is sorted cx
GG - I love Oakley, but Jacob is a great name too! Well done to you and DH for taking the initiative to change if Oakley wast sitting well for his personality!

2016 - when are you going to get bloods done?
GG - As you know I adore the name Oakley since you first suggested it...but then I adored some names while pregnant with S which simply didn't suit him in the end. You can't call a child something his whole life and not feel right about it, particularly when an accent makes it confusing! Jacob is a fantastic name too and good for you for going with your gut. :flower:

Joli - I was due to see the doc on Monday anyway as my CD21 results showed high progesterone and prolactin....although now I know why! :haha: I am going to ask for a series of HCG bloods be done to check for doubling, and an early scan. Not easy to ask for anything with our medical system so we shall see.
Are you going to have a gender scan soon? I keep changing my mind what you might be having....and have already started guessing for myself. :blush:
Is Harrison aware of your bump yet? I am wondering how I will conceal mine because I lost a stone this last month and almost everyone at work noticed and commented how much slimmer I looked, keep going etc. Now won't they wonder if I start looking a bit podgy again? :rofl:

Devi....how are you feeling? Much MS?

hibiscus...I meant to ask before how is Jack getting on?
Thanks girls, I love the name still but not on him. I feel bad as Libby calls him OAky :( x
2016: Congratulations again!! I'm so excited for you!!

Joli: How are you doing? You must be getting really close to finding out the gender! Are you feeling movement now? How's Harrison doing? I haven't posted since he fell but I hope everything is good now. It is so scary when anything happens to them. I freak out when there's blood.

gg: love the name Jacob!!! How are you doing?

TonyaE: Welcome to the thread!!!

Hope everyone else is doing great, can't wait to hear some updates!

Everything is good here, although I don't get on the computer much. Daniel is on a mission to break it so I usually put it in another room until he's quieted down for the night. Everyone is still sleeping so I can get on to post. I thought Ben was a busy toddler but Daniel is much busier and climbs on everything. I'm more tired this time but other than that I feel good. Lots of baby kicks now, she's so active already. I'm not used to that, the boys were pretty mellow in there but I love it because I don't worry as much and it's nice feeling her often. We're going to name her Isabelle we decided on it before we had kids and still want to use it. We both wanted Ben and Isabelle for names before we started dating. This is getting long so I'll stop now!
Joli - As far as my birthing plan goes I have a midwife but I plan on delivering in the hospital, since it's my first I'd feel more comfortable there in case something were to go wrong. I keep meaning to book the hospital tour like my midwife has told me to do since I was 20 weeks (I hope they still accept me in the tour lol) just so I can pre-register and know exactly where to go, and get a good idea of what will be happening. I talked to my midwife about people in the room, and I will have three others with me, DF of course, My mom, And my best friend (who has 3 children of her own.) My best friend is going to be my main -no medication- support as she wants to help me get through it without any pain meds. Which should be interesting ! haha.

Nicole - Thank youu (: I've been slacking on here ahh ! lol
Hey Ladies

I have news!! 2016, what did you think I was having?... after today's 16 week scan, looks like It's a....... GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not 100% positive, but that's what the doc thinks. The night before last, I dreamt I was having a girl, and that it came out and I said to DH that she has his colouring bit a little darker. It's my second 'girl' dream (even though with Harrison I had no dreams at all). We're so excited!!

2016 - How did your bloods go on Monday? Were you able to get a scan? I can't believe how much weight you've lost! That's amazing! I had a great excuse when I gained all my weight cause I just started back at work, sitting at a desk after having 3 months off. I put on so much weight to quickly though! 10 pounds in my first tri! I suppose you could just say you "lapsed"?? How are you feeling? Harrison hasn't noticed my bump enormously, but when I lift up my shirt and ask him to kiss the baby, he leans his head on my belly and cuddles. I think I'm going to have huge problems with him, he gets so jealous. When Ryan cuddles with me in the morning, Harrison gets really upset and pushes him away, and if he can't he starts to cry! What on earth am I going to do!!

Nicole - That's awesome you're feeling so much activity! I haven't felt anything yet...with Harrison it was around 17 weeks that I started to feel him, so hopefully I'll feel something soon. The doctor said something a little worrying to me today, she said at the minute my placenta looks like it's lying a bit low, she said it's still early days so it can change, but it has me worried. Isabelle is such a beautiful name! Our first girl choice while we were pregnant with Harrison was Isabella... but this time round, our front runner is Serena :) What are you doing in terms of nursary? We had originally thought of babies sharing the same room, but that means the girl will need to deal with blue walls and airplanes everywhere! lol

Tonya - I noticed your bump ticker, awesome! It's great that you have so much support for the birth. I'd highly recommend doing the hospital tour, it really made me feel familiar with the place when we checked in, and you know what to expect.
Joli - Thank youu I have to update it as I just took my 27 week picture yesterday ! :D ouff yes I'm so glad I have the support that I have (: and they are all amazing -- hope they stay that way when I'm in labor haha.
I actually signed up for the tour :D and my tour date is may 9th I'm pretty excited about it but DF wont go with me he said it's going to be boring :wacko: but in the long run I think it's best he doesn't want to go (not for the knowledge section) but mainly cause....He is soooo impatient and if something takes a long time he gets antsy, and it's like watching a child telling them that it will just be a little bit longer -- at our prenatal classes we have dinner before our class begins, (Class begins at 6:15) we finished eating and it was 6:16 and he was already complaining that they were taking too long to start class...... I don't think a 2 hour tour would be good for him LOL (I'm even questioning if my labor will be good for him :dohh: LMFAO)
I'll just have to run down what to expect to him once I get home from it.
Joli...I saw on FB so came on here. So exciting! I think they are often not 100% sure with girls and some docs just want to cover themselves a little bit. Time for SHOPPING!!!!!
I have already been trying to work out what I might be having. But only time will tell.
I adore the name Serena btw! :thumbup:

I didn't get bloods done on Monday :( My doctor insisted I needed to be referred to the early pregnancy unit but she would do it urgently within 3 hours. Well it took her 14 working hours or 1.5 days to send it through despite chasing her loads. :( Then the dept didn't even call me I had to call them. They offered me an appt today but I would have had to miss a bit of work and again on Friday. I thought they would start asking questions as I've had loads of doctor appointments lately!
Anyhoo I am now going tomorrow and Saturday at 8am. They will probably do the scan on 10th April when I am 6 weeks. Hopefully that way I will get to see a HB too. :thumbup:
I am 15dpo today and got 2-3 on a digi today so am pretty confident Sprout is in the right place anyway. :happydance:
hi girls!!!

2016!! CONGRATS!!! wow .. super super happy!!!

joli - pink pink .. but id wait till 20w before shopping just to be sure...

sorry ive been missing.. had episodes of bleeding from my SCH & was a bit nervous... anyways im 12w 6d today.. had a good NT on monday & results are great.. so all is good.
Joli: Congratulations!!! That's so exciting, a little girl!! Serena is a great name!

2016: Yay!! that's great you got 2-3! Love your signature too! I'm going to check your journal next to see if you got your results yet, I have no idea about the time difference.

Devi: That's great that you had a good nt scan, sorry about the bleeding, that must be very stressful.
Got my bloods back:

hcg = 572miu (I was hoping for >120 to prove not ectopic)
progesterone = >80

Scan booked for 8.40am on Tuesday 10th April...I will be 6 weeks by then.
So today's HCG had to be at least 900miu to rule out ectopic.

...it was 1662miu! :cloud9:

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