Thanks Michele
Hibiscus - Happy 8 weeks!!!!sometimes I do wish the MS would get worse so that i would know my hcg was on the rise, but I guess I'm having scans frequently enough to keep me updated! I'm supposed to go back for another scan around 8/9 weeks. I'm sorry, I've never heard about the type of bruising you're referring to, but that's amazing that they can pick that up from the ultrasound! Have you and DH decided whether you're going to ask what gender your beanie is?
For those of you with kitty cats, our vet told us that I should get tested for toxoplasmosis, which FS will do during my 8/9 week scan - have any of you ever tested for this, and if so, did any of you test positive with you having build up an immunity resistance to it? I am quite nervous that I could have it...I've not been ill, but I think you can have toxoplasmosis without even knowing it. FS said that it usually will cause an MC, and if not, then it will cause birth defects. He said it was unusual in HK for mothers to test positive for this, since the cats are usually house-cats, and don't roam around, so I think I should be ok, but it's still a bit nerve-wrecking!
I don't think toxoplasmosis is treatable...I think if I test positive, then they'll tell me to expect a MC. We've had our first cat for 2 years, but we've only had our kitten for 1 month. DH is doing all the litter cleaning, but I know the cats are all over our pillows and stuff when we're not home. Our kitties wouldn't have caught it since they were with us, the only time they could have was when they were in the pet store...but I think toxoplasmosis is from mice/rats, and I can't imagine they would be chasing those in the pet store!? Oh well...couple more weeks and I'll find out. Fx'd everything is ok!
I know it's hard not to google stuff - I'm a total google whore, but be selective on what you read - I think if the info says that most of the time you'll be ok, then I think you'll just have to trust that they will be. I've heard taking baby asprin is good for the blood flow...did your doc ask you to take it? I forgot, I was goin to ask FS today whether I should take it or not. I was taken off the protesterone last week, so I've gone 5 days without it now, and I guess things are ok...what about you?
I had really orange wee this morning I wonder if that broke it, it doesnt say anything about this on the test errors on the gonna ring cb x
Picture time!!
belly shot at 9 weeks
Pandu at 9 weeks and 12 weeks..
Will update with latest belly shot soon