From the Beginning...
Mothers give the greatest gift,
that we on earth can receive.
A life to live and love to give;
the day she does conceive.
She carries me close, inside her.
Her heartbeat I do hear.
Her voice sounds like Angels singing-
The first sweet sound I hear.
Her touch is; Oh so gentle.
So secure I feel inside.
Only wondering how much longer,
in her womb I must abide.
Then the day comes,
when I no longer need to stay.
I only want to be outside-
in her arms I wish to lay.
I twist I turn,
I push I shove,
I open my eyes
and look above.
So scared I feel,
I just want to hide,
then her voice I hear,
so close by my side.
Then I see her-
The most Beautiful sight I've seen,
reaching out for me- her eyes full of tears,
yet still a happy gleam.
I snuggle and cuddle,
as close as I can.
As she kisses me gently,
and then takes me by my little hand.
I love her instantly,
as much as my small heart can bare.
Bundled up in her arms;
I grasp a strand of her soft hair.
I wrap it in my hand,
So, so very tight.
wanting to make sure that-
she is with me throughout the night.
I settle in quickly,
and slowly drift off to sleep.
As my mother carefully watches over me,
and counts each toe on my feet.
I see her in my dreams,
I feel her in my heart.
And I know this feeling will be here, in life,
even if we are apart.
So Mother, when you think of me,
know that this is true;
When I think of Undying Love,
Mother I am thinking of YOU!