Devi........WOOWWEEEEEEEE!!!! Outside kicks? Amazing!!! That must be so awesome to watch

Make sure you take a little video so you can always remember it.
Loved the bump collage. It is such a nice shape. I started taking some of my own but all there is is wobble and bloat
Joli....Happy Baby Gaga box move day!
Hibiscus....Your bump is such a lovely shape. Looks like it was still done at work - I am impressed!

And happy 15 weeks!
GG...Happy 12 weeks - one more week and you are in 2nd tri can you believe it????
Ladybird....Just realised you only have 4 days to go until 2nd tri!!! Excited?
I tell you girls, this pregoo stuff aint easy. Woke up at 1am again in such pain, couldn't tell in my dazed state if it was ominous cramps, bowel cramps, back pain, heartburn or all of the above. Felt like I needed to poop urgently but there was nothing there!

Also felt so so sick and still feel sick now. After fighting it for an hour I ended up taking one paracetamol even though I really don't want to take anything. Pain eased a little and I was able to go back to sleep.
I only took comfort with the fact that Squiggle was just letting me know she is here and well