I had a question, not sure if anyone will know. I was wondering if there is any reason that you have to see a gyno rather than your family dr. as long as everything is going smoothly. I have an appt. with my gyno in July but I would love to just see my family dr. He is so cautious and understanding and I find him very knowledgable. He told me if I ever have any concerns that I don't need an appt. I can just show up and he'll see me, I'm finding it hard to give that up and go see my gyno who I find fairly cold and she's so hard to get into. Just wanted to see if anyone knew if it was mandatory to see a gyno. Thanks!
Joli: You are so close to halfway!!! That's crazy! I thought the baby looked like a boy in the ultrasound for no particular reason really. But I also thought gossipgirly's baby looked like a boy...have yet to be right! DS has no idea what's going on regarding the baby, I think he's too young to get it yet and dh doesn't care but is sure it's a girl. Have you picked out a name yet? when are the next bump pics coming
Devi: Great bump!!! glad you posted a pic!
tink: Can't wait to see your bump!!!
Ladybird: when can you find out the gender? (if you're planning to that is)
little aurora: just wondering how you're doing? might have missed the last time you posted!