Team Conceive Stress Free!!

Good luck with mil. Think my sis does not enjoy living with her in-laws. :dohh: but they cannot afford a house anyways so they are kind of stuck right now. :shrug:

I'm alright. Almost o time for me and I've been slacking in the sex dept lately (past three months). Guess I don't feel as sexy lately plus I keep so busy with work. :dohh:
dg-thanks and yes work will keep you busy from dtd. I've been through that plenty of times. Well this is my first fresh cycle with the BC since af started on nov. i dont know when to expect ov neither when to expect next AF. Just hoping that my cycles get shorter instead of me having 35+ day cycles. On the bright side of things..AF came 2-3 days earlier than it was suppose too so maybe it is getting shorter :thumbup:

AFM, im on cd7 and the bleeding has gotten lighter so it looks like it may stop in a day or so :thumbup: Yesterday, dh and I dtd :blush: I guess AF isnt going to stop him from having a good time :haha: I must say I did enjoy it and got my mind off of AF too. And i think us dtd is causing AF to stop now because after we dtd...i filled up 2 pads within a hour and then the flow just became light. I can now wear panty liners again so maybe he just jumpstarted the ending of AF :shrug: Im happy because DH graduates basic submarine school tomorrow :happydance: But he is changing his rate so he wont be in submarine long. I just cant wait for him to be stationed so i can pack up and leave. Im really tired of being in Florida and ready for change. Also, I just want to get away from all the stress that is there. Hoping everything is all settled before I get off BC so once I get off, we can finally start TTC with no problems :thumbup: It has been light snow on and off throughout the days. It took forever for thanksgiving day to come so I can go on the trip but now time is flying unfortunately and i will be back home Tuesday :cry: I wish time will slow down so we can really enjoy each other. We have been having fun though. I just wish I didnt have to leave so soon. Oh well, atleast I got my docs appt to look forward to though :thumbup:
Boo to time going too quickly and it soon being time for you to go home. :hugs: It's hard to be away from your man for a while, I don't know how you cope! I couldn't do it. Not strong enough. I could manage a week (2 at most) if I had to but not more than that.

Yep, working a lot takes away my sexual energy I guess. :shrug:
I feel that i am becoming a strong woman through all this. Before i couldnt even take being away from dh for a day. So now that i am coping with months and the fact that we talk and video chat every day helps too.
I bet it has made you a stronger woman going thru this. It's funny to think we can't live without our men but realistically if it came down to surviving, we probably would - like if (god forbid) they die tomorrow, we would find a way to survive and manage our lives. You know what I mean.
Yes i totally get what you mean. I think naturally, we are made as survivalist. And i just noticed we are only 3 days apart in our cycle :haha:

AFM, today is cd11 and looks like AF will be gone today. DH and i have been dtd for the past few days now and i think that helped. Now its only light pink and scanty so not a flow anymore. More cm than blood :thumbup: Today, i am also leaving back to Florida :cry: Im going to miss dh but i know in 2 weeks he wil be down so im not that sad. DH spent the night here so he can give me a nice farewell. On the bright side of things...MIL told DH that she hasnt moved in yet. She said her lawyer told her to not move and stay in unless a sheriff comes and they are trying to get things sorted because they think its a scam so its a possibility she might not move at all and keep her house :happydance: Well i hope so for her sake. I enjoyed my time here. We watched the movies Here comes the boom, Sinister and Alex Cross. All great movies. I saw dh graduate. And we spent some lovely time together. As for the BCPs..well im on the last week of the 1st month :happydance: Sunday, i start month 2 so time is flying. Cant believe 4 weeks passed that fast already. Now i got my doc appts on wednesday and thursday. I see the ob/gyn..well actually the midwife, on thursday for pap smear and u/s to check the cysts. And i see the hematologist on wednesday. So atleast i can give the midwife info on whats going on at the hematologist etc so they can go hand and hand and be updated with everything :thumbup: well thats all for now.
AFM, im cd12 today and AF is just dragging out her stay. Its pretty much not more left in there but its finding a way to still linger. I have on a panty liner and barely anything gets on there plus its only there when I wipe. AF needs to just go already. Hoping it ends today or tomorrow because I suppose to get the pap smear & u/s on thursday so if its still here....i wont be able to get the pap smear and would have to reschedule for that. Well, tomorrow is my hemotologist appt so will update about that when I come home from the appt. Yesterday, dh helped me through an emotional time. I came home to a living room that I couldn't walk through. I mean literally, boxes and furniture everywhere :growlmad: I was pissed and then kept getting calls from my mom telling me what I SHOULD be doing in MY LIFE and it was just sooo much stress and anger and I just broke down crying. Glad dh was on the phone to lift me up and made me feel strong again. It's a brand new me today and I am seriously going to have a stern talk with my MIL because my house looks like a storage unit or a hoarder house now and I dont even feel like this is my home and I just feel dirty walking through all this crap. ugggghhhhhhhhh ](*,) Hopefully today is a better day.
Sorry about the mess in the living room. I had wondered where all my boxes of junk had disappeared to. Hope that made you chuckle. I seriously do have a bunch of junk boxes hidden away in one of the extra bedrooms. :-=

Good luck with the upcoming appts, so glad you'll be getting some answers finally. Hope that's true for your MIL, be nice if she didn't have to move and everything.
DG-thanks :hugs: that actually did make me laugh. And i hope she doesnt have to move either. I think it would be best for both of us. But we shall see. Also, will keep you updated on the appts. I am happy as well to finally be getting answers and everything is happening so quickly so im happy that we are getting everything sorted out. Now dh has an u/s appt tomorrow because he found a mass inside of one of his testes. The nurse looked over it and felt the mass and they said it could either be something serious or just a cyst (which i didnt even know men can get :shrug: ) So thats why they need him to do an u/s to find out which one it is. Hoping its not testicular cancer. And dh is a little worried i can tell but i told him not to worry everything is going to be okay. He says he just wants to know because he wants kids and he rather know whats going on and get the proper procedures or meds out the way then to wait it out. Im with him on that so hopefully its just a cyst and it goes away on its own.
the hematologist just called and asked have i ever had any scans and at first i said no but then i remembered i had u/s so i said wait are we talking about any scan and she said yes like u/s etc and i said yes earlier this year and she said that they are going to need those documents faxed over to them so now im on the phone trying to get in contact with the referral department and this stupid nurse is giving me a hard time and not listening to what im saying :growlmad: So just had to put her in her place because i really dont have to argue with her. Im glad i got a new primary doctor. Now, im feeling good about tomorrow because they want the scan records so im assuming they want something to compare to which means im one step closer to our rainbow baby :happydance:

AFM, im cd13 today and AF has finally left the building today. So pretty much 12 days of bleeding. Well, it wasnt THAT bad compared to regular bleeding in which i bled for 2 or more weeks. Well, I only have 3 more pills left for month 1 pack :thumbup: Time is really flying. My midwife had gave me 2 packs so I wont need a refill until around January. So im good to go. My doc appt is in a couple hours :thumbup: I have also researched about extended AFs during the first month of using Lo Loestrin Fe and to my surprise....its actually normal. When having a long AF while on this BC, they call it a breakthrough bleed. And most women who talked to their docs about the bleeding were told to wait 3 just give it time. So that put my mind to ease that its normal to have a long AF the first month of using it. Im just glad i wasnt like most of those women who bled for months :nope: Hoping my next AF is shorter and much better than this 1st one. But we shall see. My birthday is in 23 more days and DH will be home in 16 more days :happydance: I know this time will fly by. Im hoping that while he is here..I have some doc appts so he can come with me and be there to see what I've been going through to get things done and just be there as my support system :cloud9: Will update about the docs when I get home.
Can't wait to hear the update about your dr visit.

Yay for your DH coming home in about two weeks, a lil more than that but still 2 weeks isn't that long to wait. :thumbup:
hematologist appt: well it went pretty good. The doc is amazing and my platelets level is a little high still but its due to heavy bleeding AFs. He said once it reaches the 600s and up then it is known as a problem but he said it is common for it to be a little higher than the normal because i have heavy bleeding. He told me to continue doing scans etc with my ob/gyn and keep taking the birth control to fix the heavy bleeding problem and everything will be fine :thumbup: My next appt with him is on jan. 2nd :thumbup: Also, he said im not at any risk and im very healthy and he didnt want to do any scans because they weren't going to be necessary so thats good and he also said he didnt want to do the scans since it wasnt necessary and he dont want to put me at a high risk for breast cancer by doing scans when he knows for a fact that the level being a little high is based on my heavy bleeding. So good looking out doc :haha:
Sounds like the dr really knows what he is talking about so that plan works for you! Jan. 2nd isn't that far away!
yes i know. time is going to fly by.

AFM, im on cd14 today and went to my ob/gyn appt today. I had my annual pap smear and talked about the effects of birth control and everything. She wants me to come back in March. She wants me to wait until month 4 to see if my AF is going to regulate to showing up on week 4 of the BC each month. So im hoping that my AFs regulate to showing up on week 4 because if it does..that mean im going back to a 28 day cycle :thumbup: I had some spotting after the pap smear which is normal but now im having sharp, shooting pains through my back :shrug: So now I got an appt in january for the hematologist, appt in february for my primary care doctor, and appt in march for the ob/gyn :thumbup: And then in April...i will be off of the BC :happydance:
You're a busy girl with all these appts with different drs. :thumbup: But yay for progress.
yes im just happy that im progressing through the steps instead of just being at a stand still and not knowing whats going on. How are you today?

AFM, im on cd19 today and it seems like my cycle is going by pretty quickly. Also speaking of time going by...cant believe dh will be here next friday :happydance: Im super excited. Yesterday, I decided to treat myself and so i did my hair and DH loves it. I always wanted to go to a salon and get it done but its hard to find someone who you can trust with your hair so I just been doing my own hair since I was 16. Now back to my cycle :haha: The midwife had told me I suppose to get AF on the 4th week of the BCPs. Which means now im going from a 35+ cycle to a 28 day or less cycle :thumbup: I think thats pretty good because that will increase our chances more seeing that I will be able to go through my cycles which means more tries compared to now where my cycle is sooooo long that I get less chances. Also, im almost at the point where I have only 3 more months left to go :thumbup: I will be off the bc in no time so im happy about that. Im hoping we can immediately start ttc after i stop the bcp but if we cant...then i guess a little longer wait. I dont mind waiting right now because right now dh and I are not living together and he is going through the process of changing his job so i want to wait until he gets stationed before we ttc. So atleast we are together and dont have to worry about catching ovulation during a trip or anything. Well in 17 more will be my birthday :happydance: Im turning 23 on the 28th so I cant wait. Well thats all for now.
That is good.

I'm doing alright. Ready for a break from work and school. Just took my final today.
How did your final go?

AFM, im on cd20 and this morning I discovered that I have LOADS of thick, creamy white cm :shrug: Have no clue what it means because my cm never looked like this before. It was more on the watered down side but this time its very thick. Dont know if that means im getting closer to ov and the cm is going to change soon or what but i guess its just a wait and see. Now i get to see if AF is going to come during the 4th week of the bc like the midwife says it should or im going to get it in the middle of the pack again. Hopefully whenever it does decide to show will be spotting and doesnt lasts long like the last one because im ready to enjoy alone time with dh. Im researching nice places we can go to while he is down so he can enjoy his time here and it can be a romantic little getaway while he is here because unfortunately i got a phone call from my MIL and she says she definitely has to move now so now she will be here when dh comes down to visit :nope: Oh well dh told me thats not going to stop him but at the sam time i just want us to be free and not have to be secretive about what WE do. But we shall see. Today, im going to straighten up a bit and also relax because i need all the relaxing i can get before MIL comes in. DH is pretty pissed at MIL because he is telling her what she can and cannot bring and she is fighting with him saying she is still going to do it so he is pretty pissed off at her because he says she is rying to do whatever she wants to do and thats not going to work. Atleast i actually have proof that n matter if i stand my ground...this lady does whatever she wants and i think thats going to be a problem once she gets here. Hoping we dont end up arguing most of her stay here though. Well as an update. I talked to my ex friend and everything went well. We are now okay with talking again and found out it was all a misunderstanding and rumors just going about so we both apologized and now are trying to mend our friendship again :thumbup: Soon I will only have 3 months to go with the BC and also dh wants to be a medical corpsman. And he talked to corpsman and they told him that he is most likely never going to be assigned to a ship and just have shore duty and if he gets deployed...they will fly him out :happydance: Happy about that because if he has shore duty then that menas that he will be there with me everyday and so we will have no problem ttc because he will be there for the pregnancy :happydance: So fxed that he gets that job :thumbup:
That is great!!!!

Final was stressful! Just glad it is done. :haha: I'll be glad when Christmas is over and I can relax. But dreading the one year anniversary mark of finding out dh's dx. Not sure how I quite feel about that approaching. Guess it helps to know I definitely will have iui next summer to look forward to. Just need to go get my blood work done before that. :dohh:

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