Team Jelly Belly!!!

hey girls havent ready any today's posts but thought i'd update from my scan today.

So they checked baby all over. He did pretty well. Scored a 6 out of 8 for his Biophysical profile which isn't too bad. But he failed on it b/c of decreased movement. They need to see about 3 to 4 big movements and he only did two. And we waited and poked and prodded but he wouldnt! (the u/s tech said it was"okay" and i could leave but doctor would call with results.) Anyways. He's completely head down, she put the probe right about my vagina to find his she said it's SUPER low...right on top of cervix! She did all of the measurments and the biggest measurement was of his belly. It was measuring a belly of 37 plus gestation..and I'm only idk exactly what that means. She was very vague b/c shes not allowed to say much but he seemed okay in there to me.:) And.........his estimated weight is..............6lbs!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY COW....that's the biggest baby i've ever had and i'm only 33 weeks! I know its from the GD but my gosh. I wonder when they will induce if i dont go early....So all in all it seems like Jack's doing well.

And I went to pick up my diabetes supplies and with insurance covering over 300 dollars..i still had to pay 120bucks! Totally sucks...specially b/c i could have Jack anytime now.

Well thats my update for now, i am waiting for the doctor to call and talk about the u/s with me and hopefully make a plan of attack!
Debs..sorry for the bleeding, i'm praying for you and LO!!!! I'll go read your journal shortly.

And yes thats the whole purpose of the glucose test. I had to drink the sugar drink and then see how well my pancreas does by getting it's on insulin out to deplete the sugar...and after an hour of nothing to eat or blood sugar was 190! That's TERRIBLE and extremly high. So i was diagnosed with GD. And since i have diabetes now my body is going to toss back and forth from hypo and hyperglycemia....:( I find out tomorrow the whole plan and if i need insulin. And yes i know it can be scary but if you montior what you eat and your sugars and take it easy on how much insulin at a time, I should do well. Thank goodness I know alot about it.
Debs hun I'm sorry you had such a scare, I'll check out your journal in a minute.

Gabby glad all is well with Jack, thats great news, and 6lbs?! WOW what a nice healthy boy he will be, so if he weighs so much he shouldn't have to spend much time in the NICU if he comes before 36 weeks right? Sorry I don't know too much about preemies.

Well I just got back from my doctors appt, if you want to read all about the rediculous feascal I went through check my journal but to keep it short and sweet the IUD is in and I do not plan on having sex tonight...I'm very crampy and spotting and just feel icky...def not sexy :rofl:

Took a little video of Brayden giving kisses the other night and I'd like to share it with my jellies if you want to see it, Kaiya's hanging out with us too :D
Rhonda~ HOW ADORABLE!! I'm in You and your children are so beautiful.:) he's such a little sweetheart, it makes me think of how Owen will be with Jack. Gavin...erm not so much. lol maybe a hug and kiss and then a pinch. hehe. But honestly I bet you just love spending each day with them!:)

And again........i LOVE your's too cute! hehe

Glad the IUD is in, and oh i totally forgot your right Cramps are insane from that thing..sorry...big hugs!

Going to read your journal.

yes I'm assuming Jack will do VERY well if he comes soon. considering he's nice and big and has had steriods twice. The only thing is he might have low blood sugar b/c my the GD but hopefully he'll do wonderful! I can't wait to meet him.......then part of me is terrified to have 3!
........Mel could you drive up to Wisconsin and be a second mommy to my kids when Jack comes...hahaha. lol
Omg....Debs...I didn't even realize what was going on. Is there a chance it's breakthrough bleed from when AF is due?
I'm sorry, I'm in a hotel and I am trying to speed through the posts...:hug: to everyone! R, thanks so much for posting that, it was precious!
G, I'll be your baby momma! :D :rofl:
Hi Girls,

Glad everyone is well.

Looks like you are having one big healthy boy Gabby. I am so silly about the glucose drink I am blaming it all on preggie brain. Gosh it is a good thing they test for it and that it will be easy for you to monitor although I agree with you on those needles.

R, that movie clip was amazing. What a loving little boy you have got there and Kaiya yawning is to cute for words. You would not guess by looking how gorgeous you are that you have just had a baby. I certainly don't think you need to join any weight loss group.

Mel, have you got any nice plans for the weekend? Any more visitors coming to stay with you? Less then two weeks till testing time :yipee:
My bleeding wasn't breakthrough, my gynae thinks it may have been caused by the awesome :sex: DH and I had Sunday morning :blush: , hence we aren't allowed any nooky for the next month!
rhonda that was amazingly cute :hugs:

hey ladies

I am not gonna be on here today so jst thought i would pop in;

I fell down the stairs last night i was drenched with a gush of water from down there and DF rung for an ambulance - they rushed me in; was having a few contrations but nothing too bad or regular; movement of bubs was ok and so was hb and i wa snot leaking any fluid - they think the bash and the shock as i was coming down the stairs made me pee myself. my SPD is unbearable today cos of the fall and i cant move i am so tired and idnt get home til gone midnight......i am just gonna relax today think all is ok jst have a few aches and twinges i jst have to rest now...........but i am ok - was jst so scared last night never been so scared was shaking - i really thought s/he was gonna have to come last night

aanyway love u all and spk soon have a good day
OMG Jenna...What a scare....I am so glad you are alright :hugs: and JT too!! It gets pretty intense at the end, I feel so bad hun and sorry you are in so much pain today :( I wish I were there with you right now!!!! Rest today and take it easy, make Jos get you what you need and take care of you...Dr. Rhonda's orders! :D I love you babe :kiss:

Thanks for the kind words girls...esp you Debs...but omg yes I need to loose 30lbs at least, I made sure Tim didnt get the lower half of me on camera :rolf: and you can clearly see me baby belly in there :blush: not pleased about that but I figured it would be ok to show those I am closest too :D Gabby, Owen is a bit older than Brayden if I remember correctly? He'll do great with Jack!!!

Just this week Brayden has been showing some new signs of being ready to use the potty...he does every now and then but not regularly, I think next week I'll kick it up a notch, ever since Kaiya was born he's been going in reverse and not even wanting to sit on it, he's finally starting to come back around :happydance:

MT you can come stay with me anytime and be my nanny too :D
Gabby! OH dear so sorry that you have GD, that sucks. Thank goodness you’re one well informed mommy! :thumbup:

Rhonda, your little family is just SO adorable!! I can’t wait to have my own little ones to shower ME with little butterfly kisses!! Hehhehe… owh! And please forgive me for this but HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!

Debs, hope you’re feeling better now and bleeding has stopped :hugs:I was put on two week bed rest too earlier in the pregnancy (not sure if any of you remember) due to some bleeding. It was scarier when no one knew what caused it, at least you had some nookie fun! Lol!

Jenna!! OMG!! I read the first few lines and I was so worried!!! Recited prayers of thanks to the Big Guy as soon as I read that you and JT are ok. Big hugs to you hun!! You rest well ok!!

MT & Sara, how are you both getting on? Mel, everyone’s gonna start booking your time as step-in-mum now, teeheehee

Lea, you’re looking for boy names with Z? UUhh!! I love name picking can I suggest one please?!?! How about Zayn? :D (you know, like Billy Zane except with a more fancy spelling!) I just love the name, hehehe..

Story so far for me.. well my best friends are throwing me a baby shower tomorrow and I am looking forward to that :D I hardly even know who will be coming as they planned the whole thing and told me that all I have to do is just be there. They’re such sweethearts! Will update with some pictures tomorrow :happydance:

Oh, and I think someone asked about whether I have started on a nursery? Well, no nursery for me. Staying with parents and in-laws (on monthly rotation basis) so baby will be bunking in our room, hehehe.. So it’s just some furniture rearrangement for me instead of getting the fun of decorating a whole nursery! Boohoo :( it’s ok though, I get my kicks out of reading and seeing pictures of you Jelly Moms’ nurseries instead :D
Oh my gosh Jenna! I am so glad you are both okay. I can't believe your hospital allowed you to go home and didn't want to keep you in for observation.
When is your follow up appointment? I hope you will do as R says and rest up and take it easy and no going up and down those stairs.

Liyana I look forward to seeing your baby shower, how exciting.
One of my friends texted me yesterday to say that she has already gone and bought me something for a baby girl so I hope the sex doesn't change at the 16 week scan!

No news here, just two more sleeps until my next scan. I still don't look pregnant but I suppose that will happen more over the next couple weeks or so I can only hope. I am not able to upload pictures using the Playstation so will have to wait until I am allowed to sit back at the PC.

Hope you are all having an awesome weekend.
Jenna, I was so scared when I first read that post. I'm glad your home and Jelly Tot is ok. I hope you will feel better after resting all day and from then on take it easy. It can all wait.

Gabs, glad your doctor's appt went well except for the GD. Especially glad to hear about Jack's size. It sounds like an early delivery for him might not be too bad.

Rhonda, the kids are adorable. I just want to eat Brayden up. He is so cute! He's been a great big brother from the beginning.

MT, get your groove on girl!!!!

Debs, sorry you have to be on bedrest but very happy the baby is doing well. Hopefully your dr will give you the green light to resume moving around at your next appt. Yeah for team PINK!!!

Liyana, Zayn (not spelled that way, but I like it) was actually on my list of names. So we will see. Have fun at your shower tomorrow!
I would gladly step in as MommyNanny! It's one of my favorite jobs EVERRRR!
Quick update...nothing new. I either didn't OV, or I already did...I thought I did but being sickly hasn't helped. :hissy: I still have this monster cough! :hissy: I HATE IT!
I've checked up on a couple journals but I have to go now...I'll be back when I can! :hug: to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you start to feel better soon Mel, an ongoing cough can really get one down and I am sure it is affecting your sleep :hugs:
I suppose it is my turn to share my bump.
The bump isn't big but the weight gain is!


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Girls ....update on me. So i'm contracting every 9mins. I called the hospital and talked to on call doctor.

She said they WONT stop labor and to hang out at home untill they get stronger, if they do. But she said they will not do a c section unless i have TONS of cervical change.

Well i've never gotten past 3cm without what if i dont dialate? do i just sit and contract and be in labor...?!?! I'm so upset i hurt feel sick and only 34 weeks and this doctor was a b*tch.

Plus my new ob said he doesnt want me contracting at home incase something would happen....
Nice belly Debs....miss skinny/.;)

Here are mine at 34weeks.


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Debs I definitely see a little baby bump forming!! :dance: Your so skinny!! I'd gladly trade bodies with you right now hun!!!

Gabby you look great! Its about time we get a new bump pic from you...since this might be your last one! I can't believe the on call doc told you that!! Did you tell them that you've had a previous c-section? And that bit about not doing a section unless you've had a lot of cervical change is BS!! I was having lots of contractions and no cervical change and they took Kaiya becaue of it, I would go to the ER and explain what was happening, hopefully you'll get a nicer doc, just tell them that your doctor wanted you to be monitored. I hope everything goes ok for you hun, definitely get that second opinion!!! Good luck hun I'll be thinking about you!!!!! :hugs:
Debs, you look fantastic! Thank you so much for posting your first JB Belly!!!!!!! :D

Gab...please update when you can...I'm all worried now. You are effing adorable you skunk!!!!!!!!! :D So cute! I think that's crap btw...hopefully they stopped and you're sitting with your feet up luv.....................
Our second Jelly Baby has arrived!
Jack is here!

:hug: Gab, I hope you are ok sweetheart!

I was searching the forums and saw the thread in third tri!

:cry::cry:Congratulations Gabs :hugs2::hugs2:
OMG!! OMG!! JACK IS HERE!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

:happydance:OH THIS IS SUCH A HAPPY DAY!! :happydance:

that's two jelly babies already!! wheeeeeeeee!!!

i hope mommy Gabby is doing okay!

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