Gosh I've got sooo many chills just reading this thread! I miss us all soooo much! We use to all talk everyday!
Sara..I agree hun, that obviously you weren't the problem and we know this all happened for a reason. I"m too sorry that you are dealing with all of this with your ex.

I hope Sebastian is doing okay despite it all.
I'm just so proud of you for leaving and getting out of the unhealthy life. You did the right thing! As long as you and Sebastian are safe, and that little bean inside! That's all that matters! Soooo when are you due?!?!hehe.
Nicky, I will say a prayer for you and your little bean tonight!! That's very exciting! We're you two trying? Homeschooling....wow you go girl! I couldn't imagine doing that.
LadyBee~30 weeks......?! Where did the time go! This is amazing..I too can't wait to see what your having and meet the little bugger

Do you have a room all ready to go? How are you feeling?
Rhonda~ I talk to you on FB but again, yay for working out! I'm proud of you....I still havent even started to workout.....but soon I promise! hehe. The sun is shining more so that motivates me.
As for me......well Brian has been laid off since October....

It's been a huge stressor for us and I'm working every weekend 3, 8 hours on thrid shift! I like it..but I miss just being home with my family. I dont want to work at all...I hate missing out on things.
We're hoping he'll get back to work SOON!
The boys are doing well. Jack is soo big...a whooping 19lbs! He's just a little cutie pie. He's so laid back and easy going. He's still having issues with his brain injury but everything is stable at this point. He doesnt sit up or crawl or eat baby food yet..but we'll get there.
Owen is suppose to start full day kindergarten this fall.....and I just dont know if I can send him yet. He'll just be 5 and the youngest in class...idk if he's ready for it.
Gavin..well he's doing fine..still itty bitty....weighing 23lbs. lol Doing well though, just turned two and he's a little stinker but so sweet.
As for me.....well I just recently had my right ovary and fallopian tube removed on the 3rd of Feb. Due to a HUGE ovarian cyst that bled out..and the tube was twisted. I'm all revocered......but just found out that I have a HUGE cyst on my left ovary now!!!! It's not causing too much pain as of now so we are waiting it out. But she said that if it doesnt go away that I could need to have the cyst removed, and possibly the ovary too.

This would mean no more babies.....

! And I'm not ready for that. I am soooo ready to start ttc right now. Hubby isnt though and we just dont know if we will get pregnant again or not.
I'm on the Mirena IUD and that is probably causing my cysts so if i remove it I will be on no birth control.
Well it's 12am and I must get to bed...lol just deciding on colors to paint my kitchen and living room.
Lovely hearing from you all!!!