Team Jelly Belly!!!

Oh Nicky!!!! I am so happy! I have missed you girls! xoxo
Yay Nicky so excited for you. Hey Gabs, how are you doing? I'm trying to get my lap top up and running so I can play catch up. My bf is a guy I knew from high school and I actually started talking to him before I left my husband, soon to be ex, but he was trying to help me talk to my husband and make my marriage work which was pointless and after i left the crap my ex pulled made me really realize i made the right choice in leaving him. From CPS to the cops to code enforcement to him lying in court it was crazy. Still going on right now but I'm at my friends with tiny just getting away from his drama. I didn't do anything not even kiss my bf until after I had filed for divorce and I randomly took my temp in dec and it was showing I wasn't Oing again so when my period didn't come on Jan 1st I wasn't surprised. We had one weekend of not being too careful and I thought it was fine cuz this was the 11th of Jan and I wasn't Oing. I got home on the 13th and my temp was up from 97.5 on the 7th to 98.1 on the 12th, i wrote it off as a fluke temp but then the 13th it was 98.2 and each day after it kept climbing. I really didn't think I was pg even though we had those 2 days where my body decided to O out of no where so I had decided on the 11th (before all this) to get on bcp and made an apt for the 20th, the test that day said no but the 22nd i took my own test at home and it said yes so I had blood work on the 26th with a beta of 43 and on the 28th with a beta of 146 so yep I was and am pg. I miss you all like crazy.
Wow Sara that's crazy!!! Not even tryin with the bf and boom!!! Maybe the issue wasn't really u after all!!!! Congrats bit I'm so sorry ur going through all this with it ex. :(
I can't believe that...Sara, wow, after all you went got preg that easy! :hug:
Congratulations nicky!!! :hugs: And Sara :hi: Oh how I have missed you girl!!! Congrats to you as well!!! Wow, when are you due hun? It always happens when you least expect it and I strongly believe you couldn't get pregnant for a reason with your husband (ex now), god knows what's right for all of us and he knew you didn't belong with him. I'm so happy to hear from you again hun!!! :hugs:

LB you'll be 30 weeks tomorrow :shock: how did that happen? :D Once you hit 30 weeks it flies by...can't wait to meet your lil one sweetie!

Not too much new with me and the kiddos, I have been working out with a friend 3 days a week and working out on my own on the weekends, I haven't lost more than a few pounds but I've been loosing inches :yipee: Still not into my prepegnancy clothes but I'm working my butt off to get there! Its way harder to loose the weight this time and I don't know if its from baby #2 or my age, being over 30 :blush: Oh I started Brayden on swimming lessons for the first time last Sat, we go again tomorrow. He didn't do great, he's not afraid of the water but he doesn't like being told what to do and not by people he doesn't know...I'm hoping tomorrow will go a little smoother! Kaiya will be 9 months on Monday...she's moving backwards, on all 4's rocking back and forth, I'm patiently waiting for her to figure the forwards part out, lol. She's still toothless but today I saw the littlest white spot on her lower left should be making an appearance soon :happydance:

miss you all :hugs:
Gosh I've got sooo many chills just reading this thread! I miss us all soooo much! We use to all talk everyday!

Sara..I agree hun, that obviously you weren't the problem and we know this all happened for a reason. I"m too sorry that you are dealing with all of this with your ex.:( I hope Sebastian is doing okay despite it all.
I'm just so proud of you for leaving and getting out of the unhealthy life. You did the right thing! As long as you and Sebastian are safe, and that little bean inside! That's all that matters! Soooo when are you due?!?!hehe.

Nicky, I will say a prayer for you and your little bean tonight!! That's very exciting! We're you two trying? you go girl! I couldn't imagine doing that.

LadyBee~30 weeks......?! Where did the time go! This is amazing..I too can't wait to see what your having and meet the little bugger;) Do you have a room all ready to go? How are you feeling?

Rhonda~ I talk to you on FB but again, yay for working out! I'm proud of you....I still havent even started to workout.....but soon I promise! hehe. The sun is shining more so that motivates me.

As for me......well Brian has been laid off since October....:( It's been a huge stressor for us and I'm working every weekend 3, 8 hours on thrid shift! I like it..but I miss just being home with my family. I dont want to work at all...I hate missing out on things.:(

We're hoping he'll get back to work SOON!

The boys are doing well. Jack is soo big...a whooping 19lbs! He's just a little cutie pie. He's so laid back and easy going. He's still having issues with his brain injury but everything is stable at this point. He doesnt sit up or crawl or eat baby food yet..but we'll get there.:)

Owen is suppose to start full day kindergarten this fall.....and I just dont know if I can send him yet. He'll just be 5 and the youngest in class...idk if he's ready for it.

Gavin..well he's doing fine..still itty bitty....weighing 23lbs. lol Doing well though, just turned two and he's a little stinker but so sweet.

As for me.....well I just recently had my right ovary and fallopian tube removed on the 3rd of Feb. Due to a HUGE ovarian cyst that bled out..and the tube was twisted. I'm all revocered......but just found out that I have a HUGE cyst on my left ovary now!!!! It's not causing too much pain as of now so we are waiting it out. But she said that if it doesnt go away that I could need to have the cyst removed, and possibly the ovary too.:(:(

This would mean no more babies.....:(! And I'm not ready for that. I am soooo ready to start ttc right now. Hubby isnt though and we just dont know if we will get pregnant again or not.

I'm on the Mirena IUD and that is probably causing my cysts so if i remove it I will be on no birth control.

Well it's 12am and I must get to just deciding on colors to paint my kitchen and living room.:)

Lovely hearing from you all!!!:hugs::hugs::cloud9:
Gabs, you could always send him and see how he handles it. He might do better than you think. Maybe get him enrolled in some type of class like activity now to prepare him.
I pray everything will be ok with your other ovary!!! If it's you bc why not just have it removed?

I'm glad Jack is doing ok. It sucks your little guy has to endure this :( sucks that mommy does too!!!

As for us, no we definately weren't trying. At the end of Jan I had a hystoscopy and a d&c done to check for abnormalities and there were none. Praise god for that!!! Doc thought maybe I would need to try clomid but hubby and I decided no, one cuz he's unemployed and 2 we don't have our own insurance. So we left it in Gods hands and I guess He saw now as the best time!! Lol.

LB it's getting close!!!! I can't believe how fast time has gone!!!!!
Congrats Nicky! And Sarah, wow! awesome! I'm glad your happier now too!

Thanks for all the updates every one. I'm glad you're all doing so well.

Just got back from the hospital. I'm pretty distraught. I can't get hold of my OH and I didn't take him with me as we're going on holiday on weds and have a funeral just after we get back, so didn't want him taking too much time off.

I went for a HSG, and although I don't really know the results fully, it wasn't good. They could only see one tube, so they think I have a split uterus. They couldn't really explain what it means, as they're radiologists. They said I should have an ultrasound to check it out. But of course I had one last year to check for polyps and they didn't pick this up!!! which I told the radiologist.
They said I need to see my FS again, so I went across to try and make an appointment, so she can refer me for a US or MR - but the next appointment isn't till october!!!! F**king hell. I have an appointment in August, that we made last month, but we might have to wait all that time just to get referred for a different scan.
And of course I now know there's a serious problem. From what I can gather it mostly leads to problems with miscarriages and premature births. And of course I can't even get pg in the first place. So I'm feeling royally fucked now, since IVF won't determine where an egg implants, and there's a lot of miscarriages from the odd shapped uterus thing...
sorry to rant, I'm just so upset and confused.
And to top it all, the FS has a cancellation next monday, but we'll be on holiday still.
hopefully they'll push me through and give me an appointment or at least a referral before august.
we might have to go private.
And I don't have my phone with me, and although I've called OH's work and emailed him, I've still not been able to talk to him.

I'm an unhappy bunny today.
Sorry, sorry, just needed to vent.
Oh Caroline...:hugs: :cry: Love, I am so sorry you got such upsetting, unsettling news! :hugs: I really can't imagine how you must feel...but getting to talk to a doc and getting more info would be great, damn them for not getting you in!!! Can you call another place altogether?? I'm thinking of you sweetheart....xo

Gabs, So happy to hear Jack is well! I was researching the other day and I found a thread you posted on back when you wondered if Jack was a boy or girl... :D It made me smile. xoxo

Rhonda!! I have missed your journal hun...but it's awesome to get an update on the kids here! I bet B will be such a happy swimmer and K's getting teeth!! Wow, things change so quick!

Sara and Nicky- I am so happy for you both still...I hope we can all keep up through your pregnancies!! xoxo

I have been having rough patches with BnB, so I have to use the old computer to log on sometimes and that's just frustrating for me, so sometimes I don't always check on please forgive me if I can't pop in as often! :hug:

M and I are doing so well and I just feel incredibly blessed. I've posted 30 week pics on my journal if you care to see! :D

:hug: to you girls, you lovely ladies I've missed!!!
Sorry your going through all this Caroline.

I just got my blood tests back and they were only 12 :/ goining in a few to get repeat bw done. I think I just caught it very early. I will know for sure tomorrow.
Hi girls...well I'm in the hospital as of this morning. I have been vomiting majorly and in an intesnse amount of pain.:( I will be having surgery tomorrow....most likely a hysterectomy...:(:(. I am so devasted right. now sure what to think.............

Please keep me in your prayers. thank you all.
Oh Gabs!!!!!!! I'm thinking of you hun! Love to you!!!
Oh no hun, what's been going on? How do they go from vomiting and pain to it's your uterus???? Praying!!!
I have two ovarian the size of a basketball and internal bleeding.

on the left side.

And then a month ago i had the right side removed b/c of a twisted ovary due to a cyst.
Your in my thoughts an prayers Gabby!! HUGS to you!!!! I hope your feeling better soon. :kiss:

Nicky fab numbers hun, hope they continue to rise!!! :thumbup:
Hi Girls,

Just been catching up on our thread. Read from page 326-336.
Gosh so much has gone on.

First of all Gabby sweetie, you are in my prayers. You have had to endure so much.
I really hope you won't need to have a hysterectomy.

Sara, WOW! Congratulations. I am so excited that you are pregnant. You have waited long enough for this blessing. Are you going to be on team yellow or put us out of our missery and find out at the earliest possible time?

Jenna, how are things with little Aidriana? Have you finished studying? Are you working or planning on working?

Rhonda, how is it going with your little Kaiya? Still enjoying being a stay at home mum?
I am not sure how you and Gabby do it with more than one kid. Jessica keeps me busy 24/7 which is why I haven't been on in ages.

MT, 31 weeks. Not long now sweetie. Can't wait to see pictures of your little one.
Have you thought about names?

Caroline, I am so sorry that you have had to wait so long to get some help finding out what the problem is. I so hope you don't have to wait until August. I am sure a plan will be made to help you get your LO. :hugs:

Sarah, how is TTC going?

nickysdestiny, congratulations on your BFP. I pray this is a healthy sticky bean.

As for me. I am loving being a mummy. Little-J is still a bit collicy but we have found a collic mixture that really seems to help her and with each passing day she just gets cuter and cuter. She can smile now and she loves to babble and coo.
I am still BF. I am loving it, but it does mean I spend a lot of time in the Baby Changing room when we go shopping.

I look forward to hearing how you are all doing.

Big hugs,

PS: I so hope I haven't left anyone out.

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