Team Jelly Belly!!!

Howdy! :hugs2:
Good to see some action in here! :D I have been working loads this month. I am helping/nannying newborn twins. They're leaving January 5th back to NY though, so my life will soon slow down to a lovely pace again.
To all my lovely Jelly Bellies:
Merry Christmas everyone!!!! Hope you all had a wonderful time with your families; Adriana enjoyed her first!!!

Debs I am getting sooooo excited :D

Good Luck Sarah - we will stay and cheer you on!! I had grapefruit the month I got preggy so it works ;)

Love to you all
I am back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REmember me? Been omgosh like 9 mo since ive been here. I am now in a great relationship and we have decided to start TTC :D Missed u ladies!!! FOr those that dont remember me :( Or newbies.. I am Michelle was here last year after i lost my son at 16 wks pregnancy.. Which i know now was a sign that i wasnt meant to be with that person i was with.. We have since divorced i found a great guy who i am very happy with.. Hope everone is good obviously cant go back and read updates cause wayyy to many soplease update me!
Hi :wave: I'm glad you have happy news. :hugs2: Thanks for the update!

As you can see from my ticker, I'm PREGNANT!! :happydance: I am half way gone already and loving every second of it now. I deal with the same aches and everything as the other ladies in the preg forum, but I'm happy and it's worth it!! :hug::hug:
Hello ladies. It's nice to see this thread up and running again!

Sorry I've been MIA...I've had a long month and half with Jack and his head injury. He's had alot of brain swelling a few minor operations and has been dealing with seizures alot. We just got home today, again from the hospital b/c he had 3seizures in the last few days. They say he may have internal hydrocpalus..which is a life long problem..that he probably had before the fall. but we dont know yet. Only time will tell. But at this point it's only external so thats good. I dont want to ramble on about it but thats the bits of it. Everyone is doing good though! Owen and Gavin are growing up so fast and playing so nicely. And despite jacks medical problems he's a very happy baby and weight 17lbs! no preemie looking fella here!:) He can't roll over or anything yet but thats okay.
Brian and I are doing really well so thats a plus too!:)

Sarah and Michelle welcome back and I'm happy for both you of you. I hope your ttc road is short and sweet!

Lady bee~I can't believe your halfway! How exciting...I can't wait to meet that bundle of joy! only a month left. I bet you are so excited. Way to go with being prepared.

I hope everyone else is doing wonderful and had a very Merry Christmas!

Rhonda and Jenna I'm going to stop by your journals.

Luv you girls and take care...I'm around!xx
Hi :wave: I'm glad you have happy news. :hugs2: Thanks for the update!

As you can see from my ticker, I'm PREGNANT!! :happydance: I am half way gone already and loving every second of it now. I deal with the same aches and everything as the other ladies in the preg forum, but I'm happy and it's worth it!! :hug::hug:

Yayyy COngrats!! So happy for you :)
Does anyone Know any other chart sites but FF?? Mine is old from when i was with my ex and want to create a new username but wont let me lol
Hello ladies. It's nice to see this thread up and running again!

Sorry I've been MIA...I've had a long month and half with Jack and his head injury. He's had alot of brain swelling a few minor operations and has been dealing with seizures alot. We just got home today, again from the hospital b/c he had 3seizures in the last few days. They say he may have internal hydrocpalus..which is a life long problem..that he probably had before the fall. but we dont know yet. Only time will tell. But at this point it's only external so thats good. I dont want to ramble on about it but thats the bits of it. Everyone is doing good though! Owen and Gavin are growing up so fast and playing so nicely. And despite jacks medical problems he's a very happy baby and weight 17lbs! no preemie looking fella here!:) He can't roll over or anything yet but thats okay.
Brian and I are doing really well so thats a plus too!:)

Sarah and Michelle welcome back and I'm happy for both you of you. I hope your ttc road is short and sweet!

Lady bee~I can't believe your halfway! How exciting...I can't wait to meet that bundle of joy! only a month left. I bet you are so excited. Way to go with being prepared.

I hope everyone else is doing wonderful and had a very Merry Christmas!

Rhonda and Jenna I'm going to stop by your journals.

Luv you girls and take care...I'm around!xx

Poor thing :( he is in my prayers. I was gone so prob missed what happened??
Happy New Year my darling Jellies!

So sorry to be AWOL for so long - but you've all been in my thoughts. I see gabs, Rhonda and Jai Jai's updates on FB all the time.

I'm so, so happy things are going well for you ladybee!!! And Michelle and Nicky - good luck with the TTCing :)
Debs so looking forward to seeing pics of you little one - good luck!!

Nothing much is happening for me with TTC - still waiting for a referral to the FS - they lost my referral, which is frustrating as we would have been by now. I'm going to call up tomorrow to make sure they got it through this time. I think the wait is about 6 weeks. I'm not sure what they'll do for us, but it's now 16 months of TTC, so hopefully something. My cycles and LP are still very screwy :(

We both reached a turning point at 12 months and decided to make the most of not having kids yet and go out and have fun. To that extent we've partied hard over the last few months, went to Vegas etc...
I'm not sure that NOT drinking made much difference and yeah, you could say I shouldn't be drinking and TTC, but sod it, I couldn't carry on waiting forever for something I'm not sure is going to happen naturally. I hope I dont' sound bitter, because I'm not! I've had the most fun few months of my life! We've BD'ed a LOT, all the time in fact, where as we were sticking mostly with Ov time before!
Here's hoping that all the shagging will work it's magic eventually!

hugs to you all xxx
Happy New Year my darling Jellies!

So sorry to be AWOL for so long - but you've all been in my thoughts. I see gabs, Rhonda and Jai Jai's updates on FB all the time.

I'm so, so happy things are going well for you ladybee!!! And Michelle and Nicky - good luck with the TTCing :)
Debs so looking forward to seeing pics of you little one - good luck!!

Nothing much is happening for me with TTC - still waiting for a referral to the FS - they lost my referral, which is frustrating as we would have been by now. I'm going to call up tomorrow to make sure they got it through this time. I think the wait is about 6 weeks. I'm not sure what they'll do for us, but it's now 16 months of TTC, so hopefully something. My cycles and LP are still very screwy :(

We both reached a turning point at 12 months and decided to make the most of not having kids yet and go out and have fun. To that extent we've partied hard over the last few months, went to Vegas etc...
I'm not sure that NOT drinking made much difference and yeah, you could say I shouldn't be drinking and TTC, but sod it, I couldn't carry on waiting forever for something I'm not sure is going to happen naturally. I hope I dont' sound bitter, because I'm not! I've had the most fun few months of my life! We've BD'ed a LOT, all the time in fact, where as we were sticking mostly with Ov time before!
Here's hoping that all the shagging will work it's magic eventually!

hugs to you all xxx

GL Hun hope 2010 brings you a new member to your family!1 I am on FB as well. Email addy s [email protected] if anyone wants to add me feel free :)
Hey everyone! Gabs, Jenna, Rhonda...I was going to tell you guys through facebook but figured I'd just tell y'all on here. Tony went to the urologist (Gabs, you remember me telling you about how Tony had some weird thing in his scrotum that I thought was a hernia or something?), and it turns out he has a varicocele vein =(. He is getting a semen analysis done on Monday and hopefully we'll have the results shortly after that. The doctor told him that us getting pregnant accidentally with Michael was a good sign..especially since I only got pregnant with him 3 years ago, but that 80% of men who can't conceive a second child have varicoceles, so that statistic has me a little worried!
This is our 3rd cycle TTC and I'm on CD 20...5dpo. I haven't really had any symptoms except some really serious pain in my right ovary. I always get stretchy pains between O and AF, but this pain hurt really badly and almost made me think if I'm pregnant, it's ectopic. It's one of those pains where you just double over and hope the pain goes away soon. I don't remember a lot about my pains after O the cycle I got pregnant with Michael, but I remember thinking that I literally felt no symptoms for the first few weeks of my pregnancy. So those intense pains sorta lead me to think it's another month out for us =(

I can't believe Deb is about to have her sweet little girl soon! I'm so excited!!!
So lovely to have you so many familiar friends back.
Let's hope that those BFPs start rolling in.

Sorry I haven't been around as much as I thought I would but I am just soooo uncomfortble. I saw my baby today and her current measurements say she weighs 3.85 kgs. I begged my gynea to do the c-section this Thursday but he like to wait as long as possible to give the baby's lungs the best chance to fully develop so I am booked in officially for next Thursday 21st Jan at 08:30AM. I know it the big picture it isn't that far away but I am not really getting any sleep and my back aches to time does feel like it is dragging a bit. Oh well I shouldn't complain. I am almost there and I have so much to be greatful for.

Hope you are all having a great week.

Big hugs,
Sarah :bighug: I really hope works out fir you - sorry Tony has this vein, but you have Michael and I think that is a great sign - don't look at the neg look at the fact you are gonna be one of the lucky 200 out of 1000 that do fall preg ok?? :hugs:

Debs - ooooh exciting I know how hard it is and sympathise - justy think in 10 days you will be holding baby Jessica xxx :yipee:
Wow Jessica will be here sooo soon! I hope you get to be comfy in the meantime though...:hug:

Sara, I agree, it's a good sign that you fell with Michael so easily...hopefully it won't be an issue. :hug: Glad you got it checked out though, and now they'll have a next step if it is needed.
Sarah I'm sorry you ran into trouble already, hoping though since you guys managed to concieve already that will put you in that 20% range that can do it again :hugs: Let us know what you find out once you get your results hun!

Jenna...where have you been hiding my luv? Miss you!!!!! :hugs:

Welcome back michelle and Caroline!! :hi: Best of luck in your ttc this year, may 2010 be your lucky charm! :flower:

Can not wait to meet Miss Jessica!! Come on out hun, your mommy is uncomfortable and is just dying to meet you!!!!

I just realized at 3:30 this afternoon that I missed the kids doctors appts this morning :dohh: I've never done that before and now they can only get them in again this Thursday which is no good for me since Tim is going to Puerto Rico Weds - Fri for work...I can't handle both of them there getting shots, its manic as Brayden is more than even 1 person can handle, especially now that he's 3...he's all of a sudden a very terrible brat :growlmad: Not liking the "3's" so far!! I think with all the stress last week that's why it slipped my mind but its so unlike me!! I fear old age is setting in already :wacko:
oooo, nearly time Debs! Sorry your uncomfortable :-( Look over some of your posts from a year ago and see how you felt then. Uncomfortable is not nice, but at least your happy :-D

Got my appointment on the 8th of Feb. It's with the gyneacology outpatients department rather than the assisted conception unit...??? Hopefully it will still be useful!

AF is showing up today - grrr, it's not even a surprise any more.
But it does mean I'm ready to book a March trip to Vegas :-D If I'm not having a baby then I'm going to have a bloody good time instead!!!

Hope all is well with you guys xxx

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