Thanks R! Omg, you're not kidding she loved it! That's so sweet and she's adorable! Awesome about the Wii, I wanted one, might look into it after M's born!

I got a stethoscope, just a cheapy one from Wal-Mart to see if I could spy on M. Unfortunately I can barely get my own heart beat with the damn thing.

Who knows, it was only 13 dollars and I might be able to pick it up later in the pg. Oh M's being stubborn today and has really slacked off on the breakdancing. I don't like that, but I do get a little nudge wiggle here and there. I just ate so hopefully s/he starts dancing again soon.
Oh come on Debs, we're dying!
Ok, I don't know if I am supposed to post this, but I got a message from TL the other day that our Sara is pregnant!!! She's got a new man and it was a total surprise. I haven't really the right to post that, since I haven't talked to her personally, but I can't believe it! I am super excited for her and I think she was really shocked!

I hope she comes back to tell us about it, I'd love to follow her pregnancy!