Team Jelly Belly!!!

Hey gals well my temps are lowering again so I did not O when FF says, they still say I did O but I do not believe them, I just want AF to show up and let me start over with a good cycle, is that so much to ask for? I think not.
R so excited for your new scan. Good luck let us know how it goes.
Hi ladies!!

OK i can't be long as I've been super busy!! I'm sorry to have been out of action for quite some time. Right now I'm busy preparing for tomorrow and saturday's event. I have to conduct a programme for 200 10-11 year olds on both days!! LOL!!

Anyway, I've got to get going now. Have to brief about 30 volunteers on what to do, so I'll pop by again saturday evening ok! :D

Hugs to all of you ladies!!

p/s : I'm praying that AF doesnt show up this round. According to FF, she's due on Friday!

:happydance: *chanting* I AM PREG NANT I AM PREG NANT *chanting* :happydance:

Luv you ladies!!
I am so excited for you! I cant wait to see your :bfp:! I wish I were that far in my cycle! Well it is confirmed in my mind *not on FF yet* but I know I ov either yesterday or day before. I am almost pos it was yesterday though as todays temp went even higher and I got the darkest opk yet. Good thing DH and I got busy yesterday haha and this morning since I wont see him until Saturday night now. Well I will let everyone know what my dr says today about the blood work, but I already know what she is giong to say, still I hope she has something to make me ov sooner. We will see. I have only had c cm ever, so DH wants me to use preseed again next cycle. I told him I wanted to stop using any tools but since we didnt get to use it this cycle when I was ov, it didnt really count, may as well use it during the appropriate time frame next cycle. Then DH said are you going to temp, i was like no i am not temping or using opks, he said then how will we know when to use preseed... hmm I dont know. So he wants me to temp too. I dont know what to do now. We will see i guess.
Urgh! Ok get ready for a long bitch session girls...

Well I had the morning from hell...I swear doctors offices and me just do not mix!! I show up a little early for my appt as your suppose to, I had an 8:30 exam and a 9am ultrasound, well 8:30 came and went, they didn't get call me in until almost 9!! I was miffed big time! So sat and waited for 45 minutes, they messed up my your suppose to have your ultrasound first so they just forgot all about my 8:30 appt. Grrr!!! I get in there, everythings fine, then they take me over to get the ultrasound well I thought since it was still early in my preg that they would have to do a vaginal ultrasound...but tech said no your baby is up too high for that now. I said then I will need a full bladder?? She said yes, I obviously don't have a full bladder because I just had my pap and they made me empty it. She said well we'll try it they sent me back to the waiting area for 40 minutes to drink lots and lots of water....then had to go back and get the ultrasound done again, and then go get my bloodwork done and I told work I would be back by 9:30-10ish (remember I lied and told them it was Brayden's doc appt) and I didn't get to work until almost 11!!! I am calming down some now but god really!! Get your sh!t together people!!! How frustrating! And on the other side of me is one unpatient husband because his thesis for college is due today and of course he's not finished so he's freaking out about missing all this oh man!! Thanks for letting me vent, I feel a little better. Luckily work didn't freak out too bad, as all the bosses are gone for the day so I just sort of snuck in. Not sure if I will tell today or not, I was going to but probably should wait till the head honcho arrives first.

Oh the upside baby is good!! Heartbeat is still nice and high at 170bpm (come on baby girl!!!) :happydance: Got a new pic which I will scan in a bit and post on here. And they made my next ultrasound appt...for Feb 5th...which is when we will find out boy or girl...:yipee:!!!!
mstwiggy glad you are back hun, was starting to worry about you!!

Ashley great news that you are finally ovulating and you will have caught the egg!!! :happydance:

Sarah nice of you to drop by and check on all of us! Hope school is going well, must almost be time for your break right?

Gabby is ov too...well there, looks like you will all be right together this cycle. Hope you caught your egg too hun!

Debs when will :af: be due for you??
awww :hugs: Rhonda!!! they are idiots - hope DH got his thesis in on time too!?! Baby looks beautiful already :D so excited for you!! she looks like she is lying on her back with her arms behind her head (although I know clearly not as yet but its cute anyhow) xxx
Grrr! So DR didnt call today, so mad... I called and talked to a nurse, I was like I just want my results, the nurse said well your results are in and I will give the dr the message to call you, yet no call! I will call first thing in the morning and see what the dr says. Also a little frustrated with DH but I think its really cute at the same time, i want to stop using opks and temping, DH said but I think if we can get it all right at the same time those things come in handy and i really want to use the preseed again, it can only help right? which he is right, but i wanted to just relax, but now that i am ov so late in the cycle i am thinking how else will i know unless i temp and do opks... :muaha: i dunno....
Wow so exciting, Come on :bfp: Mrs twiggy needs to join R she is so lonely all by herself.
R baby looks good
Ashely looks like you should get your cross hairs tomorrow.
As for me I did not O still waiting to see what is going on, I do not want to take provera again but will wait to make that decision until after the new year.
Hi all,

I've just finished a 5 hour session with 140 kids and i'm almost drained!

Unfortunately, my v decided that it's time to leak, so yeah that darned :witch: is here for me. right on schedule too. crap crap crap.


i dont know what i'm doing wrong. *sigh*

R,your baby pictures are all I look forward to :hugs:
Was listening to the song So Close by Jon McLaughlin, and when he sang the part

So close to reaching that famous happy ending
Almost believing this one's not pretend

i thought to myself, damn, that's how i feel right now
aww mstwiggy I am so sorry that the dreaded :witch: found you again...I wish I had all the answers and could just instantly give you all your Christmas :baby:!! Don't give up hope, good things come to those who wait right? PMA!! Lots of :hugs: for you!!!
Hey y'all! I finished my exams yesterday!! I'm so friggin happy to be over with this semester!! I got a 3.2 this semester, which is fine with me...I thought I'd do better, but I really started to slack off at the end. I don't know why, but I lost a lot of motivation!!

mstwiggy--I'm sorry that stupid :af: got you. i promise, she wont show up one of these days soon!!

deb--I'm glad that you O'd this month!!!!!!!!!!! you did the cd 21 test, right? how did it go???

gabs--I think tony and I are in a similar situation as you and your hubby. but, we don't have sex as much as y'all. if we got pregnant, we'd be happy, but we're perfectly happy not getting pregnant! it all depends on how we're feeling about each other around ovulation time haha!

r--I LOVE your beautiful little baby (girl) that you've got cookin' in there!! I'm so sorry your doctor's office experience wasn't good...I was going to ask you about it on facebook (bc I saw your status), but I just figured I'd come here and read about you! I hope the next one is better.

jai--HOW ARE YOU!! I haven't talked to you in forever!! what CD are you on? How much did you BD this month? did you do any opks?

1stbaby--did you get your results girl? I hope it's good news!!!!

I just wanted to say, for the record, that I appreciate ALL information that the girls bring to the table on here. I think we are all different, and even though you can sometimes find 100 different answers for the same question, that doesn't mean any of those answers are better than the other. I welcome all info with an open mind, so I hope that when I post (which will definitely be more often now), you all don't hold back anything you want to say. I hate that this thread got sort of ugly, but I just wanted to throw that out there.
Sorry Witch got you's to a NEW YEARS BFP!!! GOOD luck hun.

WEll ladies heres the opk was negative on cd 15(monday) and then i didnt do one tuesday...and did one on wednesday cd 17 it was positive, cd 18 super dark...and cd19 negative...... so we bd on cd 14,16....and ummm thats it..? DOnt think i'm in with a chance eh?
oh yes Gabby you are def in with a chance...and a very good chance for a girl too!!!!
Thanks Rhonda....and So Glad baby is doing well!!! HOPE its a girl! Gosh you get to find out soon enough!!!:) yay!!! .

One thing though...i didnt have really any ewcm this month...just some watery...thats werid....must be stress.
Good luck girls! Glad everyone is here and doing well, so sorry MsTwiggy, that stupid witch, but just think with every month you are out, the closer you are getting to your bfp! Idk what in the hell is going on with my cycle this month! Can anyone figure it out for me! I left the DR a message this morning, she will call today with the results. They got in yesterday around 4 and she didnt have time yesterday, so she will call today I am pos. I just dont know what is going on, luckily DH and I have had the chance to BD a lot this cycle, but I just want to be in the tww and I dont even know if I am ov or what! It is so annoying! My temps are all over the place!
Gosh 1stbaby! That just stinks! I hope they figure out whatever is going on with you! I don't think charting is an exact science at I said in a PP, everyone is different. I'm still hoping for good news for you!!

Gabby, was your CM watery around CD 18? I usually have watery a few days after O. Didn't you get a pos earlier in your cycle too?

Gosh, wouldn't it be awesome if we just knew all of this stuff and didn't have to to all these tests/temps and such?

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