Team Jelly Belly!!!

We put our tree up yesterday, gosh was that difficult with an almost 2 year old...LOL here I was thinking how much fun it would be and he was just terrible, he took everything off the tree after I would put it on, grr!!! I'm sure he was having fun but I didn't appreciate decorating the tree 5 times over. :rofl: I don't like doing it to begin with! I also started making sugar cookies, chilled the dough over night and will bake them when I get home tonight, was really looking forward to decorating them with ds as well but now starting to have second thoughts! :muaha:
Hi Girls,

How was your weekend?
How was dinner with the folks R?
Sounds like your DS had a ball undecorating the tree!

Gabby, again I am sorry that your DH and you are having a few bumps but you are such a wonderful person I hope he has sorted thing out with you already and as you say you probably will get your little bean this month because of the bump :)

Ashely, have you spoken to your nurse yet today?
What a pity there is a two week waiting list to see your gynea.

I must be very greatful that I have my FS's mobile number and can call him if I have an emergency, which I did last month when AF arrived at 7pm on a Wednesday evening. Well to me it was an emergency, I was devestate!!!!!
I am glad he has a very good sense of humour and a ton of kids so he gets it!!

Jenna, what a pity about your slow connection but it probably means we have about the same speed, mine is also aweful, the refresh rate is horrid at home.

Has anyone heard from Lea? I hope she is okay.

Liyana, you lucky girl, your ticker says only 5 days till testing.

I think the earliest I could think to test is next week Thursday but I am not feeling very lucky at the moment. If the witch arrives I am going to take a leaf out of Ashely's book and hit the gym big time, well for the two weeks until the IUI.

Jenna & Sara, have you two settled into your new homes?

Sarah, if you pop past the thread, I hope you enjoy the festive season study break.
Hey gals, I have been trying not to post on here for the last few days because I was thinking I was Ovulating. FF says I am 3 DPO but I am not holding out hope after all the problems last time so I am just being cautiously optimistic.

R- sounds like you had a day that you can tell him about later on. My mom said she used to put all the breakable ones way up high and let us decorate what we could reach. I wish she had taken pictures though because she said we would decorate the entire bottom half of the tree since that is all we could reach and each year the decorations got higher. :rofl: We have not gotten ours yet. Still trying to unpack all our crap. I never want to move again it is ridiculously tiring and annoying.

Gabs- how are you doing? Hope your bumps get patched up quickly. It will all work itself out, I am sure it is nothing too big for you two to handle. Good luck.

Debs- So how is your month? I see you can test soon, good luck. I think that AF arriving counted as an emergency, I would have called too. Thankfully your FS is very understanding.

Ashley how are you, I hope you O soon, If I did O then my dang body waited until CD 38. Wow what kind of craziness is that huh? Hope you don't have to wait that long.

Jai-Jai- Sorry your connection sucks right now but at least you can come on, I swear I have withdraws when I can not get on her. :rofl: A true sign of an addict.

Everyone else, where are you at? How is your month going and Hope your Holidays are starting off great.
hi everyone
I've had one amazing weekend - had a feeling all last week that this weekend was going to produce good news - had a little bit of spotting during the week and did a test yesterday morning and got :bfp: - screamed so loud and had to get my other half to confirm that there actually were 2 lines!!!!
raced to tesco and bought 2 digi tests just so I could actually see it in writing and got another :bfp:
I'm hyper!!! going to the docs on Wednesday, this is my 1st and very new to me.
On a note to everyone that's trying, hang on in there - its been 14 months since I stopped contraception and we had an appointment for fertility tests on Jan 6th.
lots of love and :hug: to everyone out there
well today was not a big help for me. I woke up at 5:30 am, I usually temp at 7 and I had to pee so bad I could not stay in bed when i temped then it was 97.5 again, then i used an opk it was neg and went back to bed till 7, this time my temp was 97.8. I have used the bathroom before in the middle of the night and it usually doesnt affect my later temp so we will c what tomorrow brings. I am having ov pain again today and c cm. I dont know whats going on but i called my dr and i am waiting for her to call back. I think its safe to say i will be going in for blood work either way because i want to know if i ov. Dh and I have been bding anyway just cause he still wants to, but we are not doing the traditional bd anymore so that its easier on me haha , hey anythings better than nothing. I wont see him tomorrow so that will give us both a break until Wed night. I think I ov but i dont know why my temps would be so wacky. did i didnt i.... on a different note, dh and i got frisky yesterday and since then my right nipple hurts so bad, like hurts! I yelled at him this morning because its still hurting and we did an exam and all looks fine! Wonder what thats about.
by the way we put our tree up after thanksgiving and its bringing some cheer to our home. I hate waiting for the dr to call back. i am thinking about going to the gym today, but Dh didnt want to this morning as he would have been rushed for work, and since he is gone i just want to lay around in my pjs! I made hot apple cider yesterday and this morning it is so good and not bad for you too!
hey yeh at least i can get on!!! its annoying though!! our xmas tree is so bare and looking sorry for itself - i have invited ma and pa round for dinner and mulled wine tomo so they can help me decorate it :D setlled in almost get our sofa in 10 days :dance:
Ok so i finally talked to my dr! She said to come in for blood work tomorrow, so i have an appointment at 1:30 fo that. She said that it is possible for the vitamins to have affected the opks because they are so sensitive, but that they would not have affected ov. She said she is unsure about my temps but not to get down on myself that it is still very possible I ov and my chances are still good to get pg. I feel better about it but I still am doubtful about if I ov or not. O well at least I will know by Thursday about the blood work results.
Good Luck with your appt tomo!!! Let us know how you get on - i will have u in my thoughts xxx
Every day brings a little more excitement for me with my cycles, I tell ya, I cant wait until this one is over. I got a pos on my opk today and i am not even going to see DH today! I wont see him till tomorrow night so hopefully thats good enough! We bded enough to where i think there are still swimmers there in case, but hopefully i will get another pos tomorrow and tomorrow night will work even better. I am still going for the blood work today because since this is so late for me to be ov I want the dr to fix it anyway haha. We will see what happens. If this is not my cycle then its just not my cycle. I am in a very good mood for a couple of reasons, I got a coffee today haha, and I got a very large bonus from my 2nd job yesterday and DH and I are going to be able to go to Vegas after all! I cant wait. I am going to they gym with DH tomorrow night and I am going to look so good when we go! And if I am pg by then, then we may change our destination, but at least I can go on a vacation! My boss at my other job wants to talk to me today, makes me kinda nervous but i will update you around 1 when i am finished haha. Well gotta go to the bank and stuff but things are getting a little brighter for me. O and my friend had to go to the hospital the other night she is 6 months pg, she thought her water broke, it didnt but she was so swollen and stuff, they diagnosed her with preclampsia, and diabetes. I wish she would take care of herself better, but i am so glad everything is ok.
good luck!!! hope ur friend is ok too. sounds like you hava had an eventful day xxx
yes today was eventful, blood work is done, meeting is over, and finally one job is over, the next one starts in 3 hours. haha i get a little break with my dogs and cat, dh is at work, i wont see him till tomorrow night. still having c cm, just slightly though, so i am so confused about the whole pos opk and no temp raise or drop, maybe i wont ov at all this cycle we will c, af is due on monday so we will c what it brings me, at least the blood work will be back and i wil know before that.
Ok so where the hell is everyone in here?? Its so quiet lately, I don't like it! :sulk: Ashley you seem to be up down and all around, gosh I hope you get good news from the doc...strange that you wouldn't ov....hope it gets figured out for you soon hun.

I woke this morning with a sore throat and that is always how I start to get ill...I can hardly wait! Both dh and ds have had nasty coughs. I have my scan tomorrow morning....getting excited!! I had a strange dream last night, put my hand on my belly and a little hand pushed me off, I looked down and my belly was see-through, I got to see all of the baby including a little penis...uh oh could it be another boy??!! Time will tell I guess.
I know I am up and down and up and down, its crazy. I got another pos today on opk, I guess i am going to ov today or tomorrow. It was super dark like I am used to and my temp went up. So that is good I guess. I didnt get to bd yesterday so that makes me sad. We will get a chance tonight so hopefully thats enough. The blood work is useless now though.
Hello ladies! No i havent been avoiding you! My computer has a virus and hubby says CANT GO ON........well i cant take it anymore...had to come on! :) We seem to be doing better at the moment...but our problems are not fixed and i think we may need a little bit of help. yes we can pretend its all good and be happy but in the back of my mind i know thats not right! we are workng at it and yes im sure we will be fine...we've been through all you can think of!!!! I have no idea if i o'd yet or going to or what...haha. I havent had much ewcm, did a few opks here and there and they were positve on ummm Friday?.....but that was cd12??? idk...we've bd every other day since af left so i guess will see! I think i have a uti though...which totally sucks!

How are you all doing? I dont have much time to read all your posts....but i am so excitied lots of you girls are in the 2ww!!!
Everyone try to update me that would be awsome! Miss you girls and thanks for thinking aobut me!!!:)
Hi Ladies,

Gosh is this tww long or what. Since I don't think this will be my month I wish AF would hurry up and arrive so I can go to gym and try and lose a bit of wait before Christmas.
I doubt I will, but it would be good to at least try.

Ashley did you and your hubby go to gym last night? My hubby hates the gym, luckily bding probably helps a bit!!!!

Gabby, I am so happy that things are improved. I hope it continues to and that you get the happiness you deserve.

Rhonda, :woohoo: scan tomorrow :happydance: I can't wait for you to post the pic :)

Nothing really to report this side, gosh this waiting is excremely dull.
No idea when AF will show up, I am guessing anywhere between Monday and Friday next week.

Is anyone due to POAS? I miss it so much!!!! Come on girls, we need a :bfp: in our thread.
Alittle update...i just poas b/c i was like hmmmm maybe...and it was super OPK that def going to o in the next day or two....we bd and we'll see what the rest of the week brings...hubby really wants a idk but just thought i'd let you know im in with a chance .....LUV you girls!
hey y'all! I havent been able to get on much bc I've been busy with exams, but I want y'all to know that I think about y'all all the time!!

Is anyone POAS soon? I'm so anxious to find out if we have any BFPs!!

R, I can't wait till your scan tomorrow!! I bet it's going to be so amazing for you and dh!!

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