Team Jelly Belly!!!

Shame love, don't stress. Let us know what your doctor says about the b complex.
Did you test at the same time?

I did my test at around 5PM yesterday, but I have heard that it is best to POAS at lunch time.
Also temping is soooo confusing. Did you say you are taking it an hour earlier now?
All these things could explain a lot.

If you are going for your test on Monday when will you get your results back?
Well if I go for the test on monday the results will come back on Tuesday the dr said. Also I temp at the same time everyday since the begining of this cycle so my temps are normal. i poas with fmu. I have done that the past two cycles and they have come back pos, like really pos! So i have no idea this cycle what is goin on. I hope the dr calls back soon, and when i went in to see her last month she said that vitamin b cant hurt, but thats the only thing i am doing different. who knows. :(
No I was just thinking that and posted on her shows she was online so I don't know, hope she's not mad at us :cry:
hmm maybe she is just doing a lot and cant really reply right now, I hope everything is ok
morning ladies!! woww, i'm up at 4.45am and i get to see you ladies online! yayyy!
just to inform everyone, i called the dr and she called back finally and said that i need to keep using the opks and not to come in on monday for blood work. she said to call her on monday and let her know how the weekend went and if i ov or not and then she will go from there. we will see over the weekend i guess and maybe she will be more help on monday.
do you girls think its possible i am going to ov today? i mean i got a so close to pos opk yesterday and then a lighter one today, my temp went downt today, so maybe i ov today? i am feelilng a little feverish (flushed my mom calls it) like red in the face and hot. what do you think? i really hope so, and i have one more preseed left to use tonight just in case.
Well now it would be useless if it was to counted as number of days past ovulation,
since the whole point of the test is main for women with PCOS or anovulation in order to determin if ovulation has occured.

Hense we don't know when we ovulate or if we are even going to ovulate so we wouldn't be able to count the number of days to know when to go for the test.

Sorry if I seem rude Vestirse, but you aren't really a part of our team.

If I missed the warning on this thread that non-members of the Jelly Belly team can't post, that's fine. Maybe you should ask the mods to password protect it. Sorry to seem rude, but as I see it, this is a thread on a main board of a public forum. I will respond to what I see as incorrect information.

If you are not sure when you ovulated, I can totally understand that and I apologize for misunderstanding if this is what you meant, but you did not state that and perhaps that is where the misunderstanding stemmed from. As such, I meant what I said for people that can pinpoint ovulation (using charting or OPKs etc) as it is wrong to advise them to just go in on CD21. The test will measure your progesterone and compare it to progesterone values of peak days. If you go on a non-peak day, you can and will have results that make it seem as though you have not ovulated when this is likely not the case. It can cause a lot of unnecessary panic.

The test can be used for more than just for women with PCOS or anovulation too. It is regularly used for women who have tried for their year, but have not gotten pregnant and also with those woman who have trouble keeping their pregnancies.
V you are welcome to post here if you want, This is team jelly belly but we also need information that we might not have. It is important information that you supplied here and Ashley might have just gone for the test and gotten wrong results and been upset for no reason. Thank you for your input and I will always welcome you anywhere.
I am only going to responde to this once and then I am going to move on because this is a happy thread.

Quote Vertise "If you are not sure when you ovulated, I can totally understand that and I apologize for misunderstanding if this is what you meant, but you did not state that and perhaps that is where the misunderstanding stemmed from."

Ashley is debating going for a CD21 test because unlike you her temps are going up and then down and she doesn't think she has had a proper positive OPK, hense she doesn't know if she has ovulated let alone the CD.
If a women has a very obvious BBT chart and +OPKs like you do, then you know you ovulated and this is why you don't need a CD21 test.
Progesterone is not the only factor in falling pregnant or having a regular cycle there are other hormones and many other factors to take into concideration.

In the nature of keep this a happy thread, if you would like to debate further please pm me.

I really don't want to come across nasty as I myself certainly don't have all the answers and I am sure nor does my Fertility Specialist.
I certainly don't want to discourage you or any other visitors we have to visit our team thread, but I do just want to keep up the PMA because we are a support group and we need to be there for each other.

Okay enough said, I am off to breakfast with DH, so got to run but I hope you all have an awesome weekend and get lots of bding in.
yes yes, happy thread, happy thread wheeeeeeeeee!! :D

I test in a week's time!! lalalalaaa! Anyone having the ticker say the same thing as mine?
Happy thoughts, must be positive!! say it with me now laydeeees, I AM PREG NANT, I AM PREG NANT! LOL!!
For what's it worth I think V has some very valid points and should certainly be free to express them in this forum. Just cos there different from others does not necessarily make them incorrect.

Also Reading some of V past posts I think generally she's pretty knowledgeable about the whole TTC and I for one read her posts with great interest.

As previous poster said Happy thoughts ladies- we're all in this together.
Oh my I'm gone for a few days and all this hostility going on in here!!!!! EEEK ...i DONT like to see that! This is a PMA thread and we dont like negative in here!!!!:)

Girls.....I think it is best to just post your information and to be honest I'm sure alot of us arent always right and they may be no right or wrong answer for some things that we talk about.
I know that Debs gets her information for a vaild Fertilty Specialist who has a i dont find a reason not to listen to that...but yes i know doctors all have different opinions.
As far as Vertise goes I've read alot of her posts and they yes seem very good...but what she has told me and others is that she is a "research whore", her words not mine! as far as I'm concerned there are sooo many things on the internet they may or may not be true...I mean you could find 10 different points about how to concieve on the internet.....which one do you trust???
I'm not going to start an agrument and I know that WE all on this thread welcome everyone and their opinions...i just dont think we should start a debate!

Please lets all get along and remember...WE are all in this TOGETHER!!!:)

now.....HUGS girls!:)
BTW girls........sorry i've not been on much....idk what this cycle is doing..i've stopped temping, opks and all that good stuff. Me and oh are having a few bumps in the we arent TRYING....but not preventing........

TBH...i dont know if i want to get PG this month....but it probly will happen!!! hehe.

I'm around girls and keeping an eye on you all! I LUV YOU GIRLS!!!!!
Dont worry about me...I'm hanging in here.;)
Awww Gabs, i know what you mean! DH and i had some bumps in the road right when I was expecting to ov, and I even mentioned going back on birth control! I changed my mind of course, but now looking back I wont be that dissappointed if this is not our month. i am going to stop using opks and temping very shortly and i cant wait! I hope all is well and you were very missed around here!
Ok ladies, i give up. I dont think I have ov yet. I am so upset because it does not take this long ever to ov for me. I stopped taking my vitamins today and I did not opk today. I will do an opk tomorrow just in case but no more vitamins. i am so mad that things are getting worse and not better for me. today is cd21! I should have ov! I will call my dr tomorrow and see what she wants me to do, I want to go in for blood work so hopefully she will want me to as well. But have you ever gotten so frustrated you just want to give up. i am at that point, and now I am starting to doubt myself in ever wanting a baby to begin with. like well if i can give up this easy then did i ever really want a baby. Idk. just right now i dont know if i can keep doing this. On a brighter note, started my diet today and going to the gym tomorrow morning. My iinsurance changes jan 1 so I wont be able to go to the dr unless i pay out of pocket for the whole visit so after this blood work is my last chance.
I know how you feel because I am waiting to see if I O too. It seems like it is never happening. Good luck dear I hope you get a clear sign soon.
Oh my I'm gone for a few days and all this hostility going on in here!!!!! EEEK ...i DONT like to see that! This is a PMA thread and we dont like negative in here!!!!:)

Girls.....I think it is best to just post your information and to be honest I'm sure alot of us arent always right and they may be no right or wrong answer for some things that we talk about.
I know that Debs gets her information for a vaild Fertilty Specialist who has a i dont find a reason not to listen to that...but yes i know doctors all have different opinions.
As far as Vertise goes I've read alot of her posts and they yes seem very good...but what she has told me and others is that she is a "research whore", her words not mine! as far as I'm concerned there are sooo many things on the internet they may or may not be true...I mean you could find 10 different points about how to concieve on the internet.....which one do you trust???
I'm not going to start an agrument and I know that WE all on this thread welcome everyone and their opinions...i just dont think we should start a debate!

Please lets all get along and remember...WE are all in this TOGETHER!!!:)

now.....HUGS girls!:)

Well said Gabs!! This thread is for all input and we are greatful BUT no one ever knows what is right not even DR's get it we all just have to keep our PMA up and try the best we can!!! But to have spiteful comments made is just childish and I don't appreciate it from anyone, we are all adults going through a difficult time not high school bitchy girls so if you cant play nice then dont pplay at all ok :D
Gabs ur not trying?? yeh u prob will get PG this month then :D lucky u

Ashley I know exactly how your feeling!! I too have had a few bumps in the road and DF was too tired to :sex: on OV day and now I just feel rubbish about it all :( I am soo annoyed at him :rofl:

How is everyone else doing??

I have the internet but its being rubbish the wireless is not workin so i have to sit on the floor connected to the hub GRRRRRRRRRR!!! better than nothing i guess but still very annoying!!!

How was everyones weekend?? Anyone got there tree yet?? I came home on Friday and it was there :D a wreath on the door and mistletoe hung above our bed!! it was lovely but i turned around and said - if u think that mistletoe will get me to have :sex: with you, you have another thng coming :rofl: (after he was too tired to :sex: I said dont think your having any off me for the next month :rofl:)

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