Team Jelly Belly!!!

Debs sorry the witch got you, hope the break helps you have a happy holiday.

Gabs- Sorry you are having a hard time. hope it all clears up for you

I hope to have already Oed but am cautiously waiting it out.
Debs sorry about the stupid witch, I am just curious, how is it possible to get af every cycle and not ov? I dont know much about that, although this month took until cd 26 or so to ov..

I think I ov on Fri as well 1cr8ivegrl, I am now only a few dpo, i have no symptoms yet, i wish i did, i really am hoping for a great xmas gift. I have been around pg women all day and it started to get to me, i was helping a girl with her baby shower as i am supposed to throw it with her mom, her sis is pg, and her sis in law is pg, this sucked. I feel like it was so easy for them, y is it so hard for others. These women are no better than me. If anything it should have been harder for them! I just dont get it.
Jenna, I'm just still over the moon with your news, heheheh, hopefully you'll be able to keep it a secret like you want to! :D

Debs, oh bother, she got you too? It's ok, *high five* here's to another round of hopes and dreams!! :hugs: may we get our :bfp: this time around ey? Unfortunately DH will not be around on FF's forecasted ov day, so I'm going to have to :sex: as much as i can during the days before, hehehe.. plus i've bought myself a bunch of opk just to keep me occupied. not knowing anything last round was kind of getting to me.

Gabby, hope everything clears out for you hun!! take care ok!

Sara, sorry to hear about your past experiences, hopefully the children will turn out ok in the end.

Ashley, i know how you feel!! DH's husband got married 4 months after us and got pg the very same month, my cousin is pg as well, and so are a bunch of my friends who got married AFTER me! It's disheartening, really..

R, i'm all focused on joining you next year!!!
Good morning ladies!! Well I was a half hour late for work this morning because my mother-in-law didn't show up on time. I got a call from day care yesterday afternoon that ds had a 102 temp...yikes! So had to go pick him up, gave him some Tylenol before bed last night and he woke up fine, so far no fever, knock on wood...but day care has a policy that they can not come in the day after they have a fever, grrr!!! And neither dh or I could miss another day of work so luckily mil was off today and offered to come down and stay with him, so I really can't complain too much that she was late...but since its me, I will anyways :rofl: I made dh feel bad and he stopped and bought me a bagel with cream cheese so I am sitting here happy a clam eating it right now :mrgreen:

Debs sorry witch got you hun but you felt she was coming anyway so atleast you were not crushed this time. Hope your fs can work something out while he is away.

Gabby no I didn't have ewcm the month I concieved, just 1 day of wet cm

oh no my bagel is all gone :sad2:
R- Sorry about the baby but glad he is doing ok now, I hate fevers with no other symptom because you have no idea what is going on. Sorry your MIL was late but understand your complaint still, hey you are PG you can complain about anything you want to complain about and anyone who disagrees better watch out :rofl: Glad you satisfied your little girls craving sorry it is already gone hopefully she will willingly take the yogurt now.
hey srm- it looks like your temp went up again! i am sure you did ov now! that is great! i hope you caught the eggy! i wish we could all get our xmas bfps! hopefully my lp is longer this cycle but i am still convinced i ov on fri and not when ff says i did, which only makes me 4 dpo not 7.
crazy thing with the opks though, they are not yet neg, they are a lighter pos like really so close to the control its hard to make a difference between neg and pos but they should have been completely neg by now. i only have one more left so we will see what tomorrow brings.
I hope I did O as for catching the egg if I did O I don't think I did but I will be ok, hey I will be able to drink on new years eve so it's not so bad as long as AF shows in a timely manner I will be ok. As far as your temps go if it was not for the pos OPKs I would say FF looks right but that dip on FFs 3 DPO is fishy. So when are you expecting AF according to your interpretation? I ran out of OPKs but would have liked to see if it was pos today or yesterday. Sounds like yours is trying to get negative though so hopefully tomorrow will be neg but if you are only 4 DPO then it is not really hard to believe they are still positive. Good luck.
Glad to see everyone is still in the running for the Christmas BFP.

Liyanna and I will get ready for an early January BFP. I see we both have challenges what with Liyanna's DH being away and me having to rush back from the coast to have my IUI.

I haven't confirmed this yet. We will only be back on the afternoon of the 27th which will be CD12, so crossing my fingers I can go for IUI on CD13, better to get them in earlier rather than later.

Ashley, it is all really complicated. I have mild PCOS (polysitic ovarian sydrome), which in short means I don't ovulate every month, but this doesn't mean I don't get the visit from the witch. Some people get it really bad and they have extremely long cycles, struggle with weight issues and a whole bunch of other things.
I am lucky that I only have a mild case and the only positive thing to come out of losing my son was that the pregnancy helped to sort my PCOS out about 80%.
The way we know this is that when the FS used to look at my ovaries they used to look like a string of pearls and now they are all scattered which is wonderful, however it is still uncertain just how often I am ovulating.

How are you feeling Jenna, any new symptoms?

R, how long do we have until the next bump picture?

Gabby, how are you feeling today? What CD are you now?

Sara, you poor thing this is such a long cycle of you sweetie. I hope it has a BFP ending!
Well Debs I hope you get back in time to get your IUD and do not have to wait another cycle. Good luck. I know this is all because of coming off BCPs but it still makes me sad that things are not getting back to normal since august, last cycle was 77 days AF brought on by Provera but this time around I do not want to use provera, I want my body to do it on its own if that makes sense.
R- I was wondering the same thing, when do we get another Baby bump picture?
not for another week and a half or so, I take them every 4 weeks and want to take the at the same time I took all mine with ds so I can compare, so at 14 weeks you'll get to see the next....I woke up this morning so bloated, I look like I'm 6 months, eeekks!! I'm starting to scare myself, I can't wait till I get further along, I'm so afraid for someone to ask me how far along I am, if I say 12 weeks I know the look I am going to get :blush:

Yay Sara you finally ovulated!! And if you get your :bfp: this cycle you'll only have to wait another 10 days or so to find out! Anything they can do to shorten your cycle length? I would go mad not knowing when things were going to happen!
Well since the means of these two long cycles is coming off BCPs I need to let nature take its course and allow my body time to get the hormones out of my system. I hope that by letting my body bring AF on with out the help of porvera then things will go back to normal. My usual cycle is O around CD 18-22 and AF or BFP 11-12 days after. So if my LP is still the same then I can test on x-mas morning but may get a false negative or test on the 27th or wait for AF. ALl of this depends on my temp staying up though so I do not know. Looking forward to seeing a new picture. Don't worry about your size, it is only different because you are having a girl this time.
Wow it sure is snowing here! It looks so pretty from my window, Teddy and I are looking at it haha, DH just went to work *teddy is my shar pai-pug mix* and i have to go to work later but i dont feel like it. Its going to be a fun day though, I get to take a client to eat and to a movie so that is easy work i have to say. then i can come home and get all snug for the night.

Well Debs thanks for the info, i didnt know there were differnet levels of pcos, my friend must have a more severe kind, she only gets af every 90 days or so, yet she got on provera and she is 6 months pg now, she is also on thyroid meds and had IBS and is very over weight. They are testing her for preclamsia and gestational diabetes now, which makes me so mad because i am very healthy, have normal cycles usually, and i am not pg. Anyway.....

So this tww is going so slow, i want it to be this weekend at least, and then i will have an idea whether af is coming or not. I think that dip sara, is way odd as well. I mean what is that, it could not be implatantion dip that is way too early, so i think i ov that day because it dipped. i usually only get 4 or 5 pos opks though, so i am just confused now. i dont feel pg, then again that could be ok right, I just feel like i would have more symptoms.
:rofl: at Sara....I'm bigger this time because its a girl, hahaha!! I'm bigger this time because I'm still carrying extra weight from my last pregnancy, :dohh:

Ashley you are getting the snow I'm getting tomorrow...I hope we get enough so I can take ds out to make a snowman, he loves being outside and this is the first year he can go out and play in it since he wasn't walking last winter. He was very lazy and didn't walk till he was 15 months old!!
Just to add to Debs' comment, there are so many different levels of severity in PCOS because it is not just caused by just one thing. There is no one gene or any kind of mutation. It is actually many genes that work in combination to bring this about. My mother also has a mild case of PCOS like Debs. What we should always keep in mind is that PCOS is by no means a diagnosis of infertility and I'm sure you know this. My mom had all of us naturally and Debs is right, many women with PCOS who go through pregnancy once find it is helped their PCOS. I don't believe doctors know why this is though (Debs please correct me if I'm wrong).
Ok another question about PCOS, and if youre wondering why all the questions, I am just trying to rule out that i may have it. I dont think i do, but just curious i guess and wanting to make sure. I have read that multiple pos opks could mean pcos and as we see i have had 8 now pos in a row. i didnt know it was possible to have pcos if you get af regularly as i do. af always shows up every month, this month just later than usual but she is not here yet. if af shows up every month how would i know if i have pcos or how would my dr know to test for it?
You sound like me Ashely, i was asking V if i have PCOS too. I think mine is just because of BCPs and getting the hormones out of my system but I had 3 in a row and if I still had more OPKs I would have been taking them too, she gave me a list of possible signs of PCOS and I did not have them but if you are really worried I think you should ask your Dr for tests.
Yes, multiple pos OPKs can signal PCOS, however, ovulation should not be associated with it and you should probably see a positive for most of your cycle, not just a certain period in it.

Can I ask what brand you are using? It could be a problem with the sensitivity level, or just a crappy brand. Lots of women have complained about the Answer brand and false positives.

The literature I have read says that more than three days of positives probably means your egg is having a little trouble popping off, but I took a look at your chart, and I see a sustained temp rise there. However, I'm wondering if a cyst could be the problem. NOTE: THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE PCOS.

Cysts are actually very common. During the follicular phase, many follicles develop on your ovary. Think of it as a competition if you will. Anyway, only one should pop off and the others should shrink back down. However, when a follicle doesn't shrink back down is when you get a cyst. Most cysts are nothing to worry about and usually disintegrate on their own in a cycle or two. Most women will have a cyst at one time or another. It's when they stick around that the problem occurs - and this is exactly what happens in women with PCOS - they get multiple cysts that stick around and this complicates things... a lot, especially when the follicles just all become cysts.

You can ovulate and have PCOS though! My mother had three children naturally. She was actually scheduled to go on clomid, but told her doctor she wanted to wait a couple more cycles and then she got pregnant with me.

Anyway, here are the questions I asked SRM:
- Are you hairy in places females would not normally have hair or anywhere unusual?
- Are you overweight, especially in tummy area?
- Do you get skin tags?
- Any family history of diabetes?
- Is it normal for you to have irregular periods?

These are some commonalities many women with PCOS share, but you do not have to have all of these signs to have PCOS. Women with PCOS are often insulin resistant (thus why I ask about the family history of diabetes). You can also have PCO without having PCOS!
Can I ask what brand you are using?
- Are you hairy in places females would not normally have hair or anywhere unusual?
- Are you overweight, especially in tummy area?
- Do you get skin tags?
- Any family history of diabetes?
- Is it normal for you to have irregular periods?
I am using the Answer brand, so that may be an issue, maybe i will try the more expensive brand next time, its just that my ov days vary so wide that i need a lot of strips.

No not hairy in unusual places, i am overweight a little but by no means obesse, my uncle has skin tags and my mom may have had one, i have one small one on my inner thigh i had it removed though and i have never seen another, my grandma has diabetes but my parents dont, and i have very normal periods. I hope maybe you can go from there with these answers, but i have to tell you it is normal for me to have cyst on my ovaries. I have had a few in the past 6 year I would say, but as far as i know they went away because i had an xray done to check and make sure. that was like 2 years ago though and it is possible i have another now.

Anyway my temp went up again so no af today, i still have no symptoms and i am feeling very out today, i dont think i will be getting a xmas gift from the stork.
I think Vestirse actually summed it up quite well.

Only one point to add would be that when you go for your scan your follicles should be all spread out and of a particular size (not sure my self what that is) but they should not look like a string o pearls. A string of pearls is what happens when the majority or all of your follicles turn to cyctes indicating that you aren't ovulating. (just to be cautious, I am not a doctor but this is how it has been explained to me!!!!)

I had this but as I say they have started to spread out, expcept for last month after the clomid I got left with an extremely large cyst which is why my FS couldn't risk stimulating my body to ovulate.

I must say I have never heard or read anything my self to say that multiple OPKs could mean you have PCOS in fact more often quite the opposite, since with PCOS more often then not you don't ovulate depending on how badly you have it, but I could be wrong.

Vestirse is also quite right in saying a women with PCOS can definitely go on to have a baby with out help, but you need to catch the month when you are ovulating.
My little boy was concieved only with the help of IUI (Inter Uterine Incemination or Assisted Inception as it is often called). My best friend has very sever PCOS and she also concieved her little boy with just the help of IUI and in both cases obviously ovulation had to be confirmed first by our FS.

Ashley I am sure your body is just fine, see how this cycle goes, from looking at your chart I would guess you are already preggas.

Sara, I agree with ledding your body find its own rythym. When I came off the pill the first time when I was 22, AF dissappeared for 4 months. I then came off the pill for a second time when I was 23 and AF dissappeard for 8 months.

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