Team Jelly Belly!!!

i hope youre right and thanks for the info it helps a lot since my dr is not a big help.
a neat site I stumbled across...may help some of you girls with questions or trying to figure out your cycles a little better, check it out!
I must say I have never heard or read anything my self to say that multiple OPKs could mean you have PCOS in fact more often quite the opposite, since with PCOS more often then not you don't ovulate depending on how badly you have it, but I could be wrong.

Some women with PCOS have elevated levels of LH which causes OPKs to register false positives almost all the time. Not all women with PCOS have this though. It's such a complex syndrome, isn't it?
wow V - thanks for all that looks like you have really helped our girls on here!! It seems a very confusing and complex syndrome, but luckily you can go on to have babies naturally so thats always a plus. Ashley your chart does look very good - when will you test?

Debs - what date is your next IUI?? did u say the 13th?

I have been shattered this week - like totally exhausted, I have had cramps as well - really bad Monday in the middle of the night and at 6.30pm yday and today :( think little bubs is just getting all snug!! I am worrying a little though cos :af: due date still not passed really......I felt a bit sick today and get headcahes but apart from that not much. The one thing I have noticed is my tumy is harder and bigger ALREADY!!! (only noticed this as my tummy is super super flat, always been very lucky so maybe with my uterus swelling thats why?) My boobs are bigger and firmer too - always nice!!

How is everyone else?? If you have not seen it already I have a thread with a prize draw - OPK's preseed etc so if you want somethng put ur name down u might just be lucky!!!

Hope u are all having a good weekend!! - my nickname on my graduation sweatshirt is Jelly Belly :dance: will put up a pic when i get it through :D
Yes I too am loving the bigger firmer bbs Jenna!! They will grow about 2 sizes larger by the end of your pregnancy. 1 size larger by the end of your 1st tri, so something too look forward to! Don't worry about the cramps hun, its all perfectly normal in early pregnancy, I had them a lot with ds, not much of any this time but this baby is strange as I have had not much of anything!! (if the stick didn't have 2 lines than I probably wouldn't think I was preg!) No m/s no sore bbs, nada, all I did was get very that's another reason I think this one may be another boy as your suppose to be very sick if your pregnant with a girl, or so they say! I was much sicker with ds so I don't get it! I love that I have someone to talk about pregnancy stuff with now!!! I can't wait for more of you to join us...who's testing soon...I am getting anxious!!
Aww girls, i wish i were testing soon! i should test on monday if af is still gone since that is the longest my lp has been, but i am too nervous! i am going to wait it out till xmas eve. so wednesday it is if no af. one more week! i hope i am i hope i am! i dont feel it at all nothing what so ever of a incling that i am though. although i have heard some people have no symptoms it is just so hard to believe, i would think there would be something! hmmm o well.
Well No O for me my temp went back down. I am just so sad over this excitement then let down that I don't even know if I want to worry about it right now. Sebastian is not sick yet (knock on wood) and this will be his first x-mas where he is old enough to understand what is going on and hopefully he will not be sick. The weather is real bad out here right now, we have low elevation snow and monsoon rain and it is freezing outside. Sadly we still have to get our tree since we were busy packing before now. I hope the weather clears up enough to let us get it. So yeah, I am too sad this happened again to get excited so for now I will not be saying anything about O unless I am sure I did. I think this just may be anovulatory so no O but when AF comes is another story. I will still be on here though sometimes.
It is normal to have cysts and if they are disappearing on their own, I don't think you have to worry. My mother is currently having to be monitored because of a particularly large cyst that won't go down :(

I'm not a doctor and I can't diagnose you nor say conclusively that you do not have it, but if you're worried about whether or not you ovulated, I think you did. This is the biggest problem most women with PCOS face when TTC - catching ovulation when it is successful. Your BD pattern looks awesome and I think you did! I don't think you could have missed it. If you did not ovulate, your chart would reflect this PCOS or not (ie no sustained temp rise which you have!). Fingers crossed for you hun!
SRM, I commented bout this on your journal, but want to tell you again how sorry I am that you're feeling so down. Have you thought about scheduling something with your doctor?
although i have heard some people have no symptoms it is just so hard to believe, i would think there would be something! hmmm o well.

Hun!! I would never have tested if Daisy didnt tell me to!! I felt nothing pg related at all - still dont have huge symptoms!!! I really thought I was out babe so hang in there its not over until that pesky :witch: lands!! and she wont cos its christmas not halloween!! xxx
No I am currently waiting for new insurance to take effect and am not going to do anything until after the holidays. I am going to be sad today and then tomorrow focus on Sebastian's X-mas. Thank you for being so concerned but I will be ok, I should have known things would not work out. Before I would O every month but it took me 1 year almost to the day to get PG then I would have a MC at 4, 5, or almost 9 weeks so when I met my husband and got pg after 4 months together I thought maybe I had those MCs because I was supposed to be with my husband and have our son. Having these problems makes me think I just got very lucky but things might not work out later on. I am done rambling and feeling sorry for myself, i promise to be in a better mood tomorrow.
so sorry srm for your bad day, i dont know much about your cycles but i still think it looks like you ov, is that possible even with the temp getting lower? i mean some women ov and their temps are still all over the place. i know i am not much help but we are here for you and you can come here anytime! i hope you feel better and hey, i want a drink right now so bad because of the hellish day i had and i have a worse one to come tomorrow, so have one for me! i dont want to risk anything but i know if af shows up, thats the first thing i am doing, and then i am going to the gym! gotta stay pos on the good things we have right now.

jai jai- so really, no symptoms at all? nothing, not tons of c cm, no sore bbs, no metallic taste, no lower pains, no nose bleeds, no veins, no tiredness? none of these? well then in that case maybe i am still in! i just dont think so, i swear i didnt have any symptoms when i got pg until the day i tested so this is possible for me, but i was not looking then because it was an accident so i may have had them and not known. are you going to post anything in the big thread of symptoms? how many dpo did you test?

thanks v- i know we bd a lot right, thats cause i have no clue when i am going to ov, and i would like to think how on earth would we have missed that eggy, but we bd like this every month and still have not caught it. we are newly weds haha, i just stop putting bd on the charts after i ov or else you guys would really wonder haha.
Hi everyone, just to let you know that AF is packing up and leaving today. Here's to a whole new cycle of adventure!! LOL!!
thats great! my temp dropped today even though i took it an hour earlier it still dropped a large amount, i expect af either today or tomorrow now. o well i will be starting a whole new cycle as well.
I am sorry for your temp drop 1st baby, it could still rise tomorrow. your temps look ok still, I hope it jumps back up tomorrow. My temp could not even be counted because it was so clod in my house again that my temp was 96.9 because my husband stole me blankets. :rofl: Doesn't he know that is a big no no when I am trying to figure out what is going on? Well I feel better today, I think a lot of it had to do with the weather being crappy so today I refuse to be sad. My body will fix itself and I will get my BFP
LOVE your PMA today Sara! :friends: It is cold as ever here was 9 degrees when I went outside to start my car this morning, brrr!! I have drank some hot chocolate and nothing will warm me today. Gotta love this time of year....grr :) I am taking a long lunch today to try and finish up my Christmas shopping as we have not yet bought for dh's family and our Christmas with them is this weekend...eee....nothing like waiting to the last minute :dohh: Everyone else is pretty much set, I will be glad when all this craziness is over with unfortunately it wont be until mid-Jan for me. But that's ok it will make the next month fly by and I want Feb 5th to come fast!! :happydance:

Mstwiggy glad :af: is leaving yay for the next cycle!!

I too did not have any symptoms to tell me I was pregnant...just the blue veins on my bbs which I don't remember getting at all with my last pregnancy so thought it was weird but knew that it might be a don't give up, I never got sore bbs either...they are definately growing :yipee: so I guess I am just not going to have them this time...and I'm ok with that!!
Oohh just noticed...only 2 more days till I start my 2nd trimester, woo hoo!!!! :happydance:
Yeah R 2nd tri already. At least we gave you Jai Jai while you were still in first. I can not believe how fast the time has gone already, I will be PG with you I don't care if it is only 2 days we are PG together it will happen mark my words. I decided to have PMA because a sad attitude will not fix anything and my son deserves better than that. It took me a long time to get him and while I pray I do not have to go through any more MCs he was worth it so I know my next child will be worth this wait and confusion too. I am so excited for your next scan, they will be able to tell that you are having a girl by then right? I graduate Feb 1st and my husbands B-day is Feb 3rd Oh and super bowl plus and this is a little secret so don't tell anyone, I plan on being PG by then. :rofl: I know everyone says that but I still plan it so I don't care, if it does not happen we will cross that bridge when it comes. I still have a little bit of shopping to do too but thankfully I can go this weekend. Good luck do not freeze while shopping 9 degrees is awfully chilly we are still above 50 and I am complaining. :rofl:
Loving the PMA sara! You WILL be preggo in FEB.:)

Ash~dont give up yet..your temp didnt go SUPER low.....fingers crosed it goes back up!

Rhonda~ omg....2nd tri already??? EEK almost time to find out the sex...i think its a girl though!:) ;)

Debs~ how are you doing hun? Any new plans for this cycle?

Lyieana ~ glad af is out the door! what are you doing this cycle?

Lea~where are you??????????? We miss you!

Jenna~hows the pregnancy going?? eek! Any new symptoms?

Well as far as i bladder infection is now a kidney infection..i have the chills, vomiting and back pain...on my second antibotic and nothings beeter...they may be admitting me tomrrow..:(......and i have to work tonight!!!!:(
Other then symptoms are .........sore boobs, pain under my armpits(never had before.) and cramps but thats it. Also had almost positive opks the last couple of days...idk what that is all about...well testing monday most likely....but we'll see! i DOUBT this is it..but going to keep praying.

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