Team Jelly Belly!!!

Jai! Congrats on your :bfp: I'm so happy for you!

Gabs, sorry to hear about your kidney infection, but do what you have to, to feel better. Get better soon and hopefully there is some good news at the end.

Rhonda, I can't believe you will in 2nd tri in 2 days. Boy as the time flown.

Take care ladies.
HEY lea.........what are you? how are you? Did you test yet? is af due tomorrow??????
yeah i will have a better idea tomorrow on what is going on, if it goes lower af is on her way it tends to just get lower and lower until the witch arrives, ff says af is due tomorrow so wont know anything until then. fx though that my temp goes up but that has not happened yet for me so doubt it will now, no pma here, wish i had some.
Hi Lea, Great to hear from you :)

Gabby you poor darling, what is going on. This just shouldn't be happening to you.
Why are you going to work? Surely you should be being pampered by your DH until you are 100% better. Imagine though if through all of this you get your Christmas :bfp: on Monday, that might make it all worth it!!!

I am seeing my FS tomorrow, so he can check my lining and the current state of my follicles, it will be CD5 so AF has just about packed up her bags. I am praying she has left the building by the time I see him at 4pm. He does an internal scan so it has be a bit messy in the past, I am glad I don't have his job.

I am on Gonal-F injections (FSH) and I am going to be taking Clomid from CD5-CD9 so should have lots (hopefully not too many) of healthy mature follicles.

I will then have an HCG trigger shot (this hormone acts like LH and kick starts ovulation so you are guarenteed to ovulate) and then 48 hours of the HCG trigger I will have the IUI. The dates for all this will be confirmed tomorrow but at this stage it would seem like it is going to be HCG trigger next Friday and IUI on Sunday which means I will be testing on Sunday 11th January 2009.

PMA girls, we must find it. Perhaps we can all find a bit just knowing that Jenna got a :bfp: and there could still be a couple more otherwise next month there is going to be a whole hurd of them what with all the holiday bding :dust:
well i am not getting my hopes up just yet, but my temp went up a very large amount today, i put in ff that i was sleep deprived and it made it an open circle, but its not that i didnt sleep, i just woke up about 4 times at random times. i got enough sleep though. so i dont know if this temp counts or not. o well. we will just have to keep on waiting, o how i love this never ending waiting game. funny i always make dh read the thermometer because i wear contacts and i cant see without them very well, so i hand it to him and this morning he said, "teeheeteehee, isnt it a good thing when it goes up" i was like aww how cute that he knows this stuff. i want to test tomorrow morning, i am such a chicken though i feel like i would be crushed if it was a neg.
Well Ashley.....IM getting excited for you:) I really really hope this is it for you. Yes i think that the temp is fine to use, honestly i have taken my temp when i wake up and then i will go do a few things lay back down and take it again...and its the same temp! All i can say is it didnt go down and you are 10dpo, which is great! Your testing tomorrow so anxious! I may be admitted at 11am today to the hospital for my infection so i might now be around.....soooo Good luck and I will pray you get a BFP!!!!!!:) Hugs
thank you so much Gabs! I really hope this is it for me as well, i would love to give my nieces and nephews a cousin! I dont know yet about tomorrow though because i am so nervous, i know you can relate to that. I may wait until xmas eve if no af still. FF says i am 10 dpo i still think i am only 7 today, no way to really know though. I was supposed to go in for blood work today again, but i decided that was a waste of money.

So I really hope you get better! Thanks so much for the pma, but i feel so bad for you, i wish you could just take meds and everything go away, how easy would life be then. At least with the hospitals help you should get better fast. :) I will be praying for you as well.
YAY Ashley!! If I were you I wouldn't test just yet as this dip you had yesterday could have been implantation and it isn't until then that your body starts producing the HCG hormone so I would give it 3-4 days to build up then take a FRER!! Good luck hun, I'm getting excited!!!

Gabby good luck hun I hope everything goes good for you today and you can start to feel normal again, sorry your having such a tough time right now! :hugs:
thanks, yeah i was thinking that too, plus i am too nervous! hey just a question for those that have gotten pg, i dont remember anything when i was in july as i was not paying attention, but did you have like a pulling feeling in the tww, or like a weird feeling in the lower tummy when you turned or moved a lot. idk, my body is playing tricks on me and then i have odd twinges down there every now and then. maybe af is just going to be really heavy and mean this month since its been so long without. i think i am just getting anxious now as yesterday i was deff out and now there is hope a little. i dont want to get jynxed though. hmm please god o please.
I didn't but I have heard of other girls getting something like that. All I got was mild period like cramps during implantation, Jenna did too.
yeah i had those too in july when i was pg. i dont have that, but i didnt get that till 14 dpo then. thats when my bbs were sore too. thats why i tested on 15 dpo because those signs were so clear. i think its in my head though because i only feel something every now and again. like the past few hours i have felt nothing. this stupid tww is so long. but i have a good plan if i am not pg this time at least i get to drink new years eve! although i would much rather be pg. :)
Im so upset .....girls you have to read my post about the infection..thanks
Hi Gabby, I left you a little message in your thread.

Good luck girls, I hope we have a couple more BFPs by the time I get back.

Unfortunately I went to see my FS yesterday CD5 for my Linining & Follicle scan.
The scan showed that I didn't ovulate last month and that the large follicle I had left over from last month has now grown to 6cm. Damn PCOS.

I have been put on a strong BCP for one month to aggressively shrink the follicle since the progesterone last month didn't do the job.
Hopefully it will just be one month of BCP to shrink it and then I can do my IUI next month as planned.
FX this stupid body of mine responds to the meds and this silly follicle shrinks so we can try next month. I have already sat last month out because of it.

I am off on holiday to the beach tomorrow so won't be around for a while either.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Big hugs,
I hope you have a wonderful holiday debs sounds like you need a vacation! i hope the bcp work as well! have loads of fun for me! i wish i could go to the beach!

Ok so update, i am still not sure if i will test tomorrow now. my temp went down, only slightly but still it makes me so nervous that it will keep dropping so why test if i think it will be neg. i dont have any cramps or anything so i think i am out. i think everyone says that have had af like cramps and i dont. :(
Sorry about the bad news Debs i hope the BCPs do their job and you are able to try the next month. Hope you have great weather and a great Holiday.
grrrrrr i wrote a massive long popst to everyone and then my comp goes and crashes!!!:grr:

So how is everyone feeling??

Sorry Debs that ur feeling sooo sad with the bad news, things will look better in the new yr, i kow it sucks but at least t is getting sorted!!

Lea where have u been?? busy at work?? Thanks for congrats!! sorry :witch: got you but i am sure this cycle will prove more positive!!!

Ashley I have a feeling that this could be it for you!! I had a few twinges on 7dpo but nothing else and not :af: cramps i have only just got these over the last few days and mine are worse than when i get :af: which is unusual but normal for me unfortunately!!

Gabs - pleased u got to ur dr and have got better treatment i do hope that the stones come out naturally and that this is all because your gonna get your :bfp:

Me? I am ok, been to DR again as my cramps were soo bad and he has told me to rest all day today so i didnt get out of bed until 2pm and i am already :sleep: :rofl: started to feel a bit :sick: today bless my little :baby: really wants to make sure i know s/he is there!!!

Rhonda - how r u my love?? when did u have ur first scan?? I have to wait until I am 12 weeks - :grr: not happy :cry:
thanks Jai jai, I really hope this is it, if it is not then god sure knows how to play a mean mean joke, i have had symptoms today i am not going to discuss just yet i dont want to jynx myself, but i have high hopes now, please oh please dont play with me, let this be it!
so Ashley :af: is due anytime from now then?? wats ur norm LP?? xxx
Jenna I had my first scan when I was 8w5d, but only because I wasn't sure of my due date because i had told them I ovulated late so they did a dating scan. Normally the 1st scan isn't until 12 weeks, so no worries...I know its a long time to wait but it will be sooo worth it!!

ashley don't worry if you don't get :af: cramps I didn't with ds, just this time...not everyone does, fx for you hun!!!

Debs so sorry to hear your bad news hun :-( I will pray that the bcp help to shrink your 2008 wasn't your year, 2009 is going to be for sure!!! Go enjoy your vacation, soak up the sun and think of me while your laying there, as I am about to get snowed in...blizzard warning here...should be starting anytime now...ugh..I would gladly trade your beach weather for my snow!!!

Gabby praying that you get you kidney iinfection all taken care of soon so you can enjoy Christmas with your family. :hugs:

Sara any sign of ovulation for you yet? Oh I just looked at your chart looks like your on 6dpo now?? Any symptoms??
ok so i took my temp this morning, it went up again, this is very unusual for me as my temp only gets high once and then starts plumiting down day by day until af shows up. i got a wild hair and tested and got a bfn... i am not too down about it as i dont have any symptoms today so maybe they were in my head, but dh saw one so i know it was there :) i guess i still have hope though because i am only 12 dpo and i really think i am only 9 dpo my lp is only 10 days so if i make it to wednesday with no af i will test again. remember when i was pg before i got a neg every day starting from 10 dpo till 15 dpo when i got my pos. so i will just have to wait.

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