Team Jelly Belly!!!

ooh it sounds very promising!!! :dance: good luck Ashley!! xx
well feeling better. and thanks girls!:)

Last night we bd and afterwards i have SUPER painful cramps......idk if it means anything but i had those after sex with both i guess well see.
I continued to have tell all night and they were really bad. Either af is coming or im
I usually spot 3 to 4 days before af and there is no sign of blood anywhere. Last month i started spotting at about 9dpo and my lp was only 12days. Im 10dpo today and so thats good. I started my temp a few days ago and it went from 98.4 to if it drops again tomorrow then im probly out. Honestly though i ALWAYS start spotting on the weekend so if i dont by tomorrow i will have SOME hope. Only symptoms is the cramps and boobs alil sore.
good luck gabs i am glad you still have pma! this may be everyones month! i sure hope so, what a wonderful christmas this year! not many symptoms today, i am really tired now though and i am going to take a nap in a minute but wanted to share something dh said today, we were on our way home from picking up lunch and i said randomly "you saw "that symptom" right?" (i dont want to say too much yet) and dh was like "yes babe I saw it, but you dont have to get symptoms every day and you dont have to get every symptom! look at the women who didnt get any symptoms!" i laughed just at the idea that he has been getting very involved in all of this! but its true what he said. I hope my temp stays high tomorrow!
Aww ash it sounds so great for you!!!:)

WEll ........i spoke to not out just yet....but i do have some ewcm around my cervix as well as TMI but i smell like blood when i check my cp.....which only means i will soon start spotting..eek. Its ok that I'm most likely out i didnt give too much into it...but saying that i thought just maybe God would give me my lil bean. Oh well ...if your pg ash I will be soooooooooo HAPPY for you!
One thing girls....ok if i had a postive opk on wednesday, super pos on thursday and negative on friday you would say i o'd thursday correct?....well ok if that is the case and say af comes tomorrow....then my lp will only be 10days, is that not really short???
that is short, but long enough to still have a chance to get pg. my dr keeps telling me that even with a shorter lp if i was pg before then its not a prob for me. just like you have gotten pg i am sure it is not a prob for you. the dr i saw said that lp really only matters in the cases of m/c, now she could be wrong as well but she said as long as you arent having m/c after m/c then your progesterone levels are fine. they prefer the lp to be somewhere between 12 to 14 days but 10 still works. in fact i once asked on here if anyone has gotten pg with a short one and people replied they were pg with only a 9 day lp. so i stopped worrying about it.
Okay....dont want to jinx myself. (knock on wood.) but my temp went from 98.0 to 98.3....and STILL no spottting!:) I'm getting just a tad excited but not too much just yet! I prayed all weekend saying PLEASE let there be spotting if af is and no spotting!!!
On the bad note..haha....i think im passing my stone..which is good but PAINFUL!!!!:(

Ashley.....whats the verdict!!! I'm waiting unpatiently! hehe....its only 7am!
ok girls my temp went down a little but its still higher than normal at this point. i hope it goes back up tomorrow or something or else i will worry. i think i am 10 dpo and af would come tomorrow if this is true. i will test again wed if no af. i didnt sleep hardly at all last night i could not fall asleep it was horrible. finally crashed at like 3 then woke up at 6 then again at 7 to take temp and get up for work. i am going to lay down in a min for a nap. i am not having symptoms today which makes me sad. on a better note at least my lp is making it this far.
Ooohhh Ashley....right before I got my :bfp: I had a lot of trouble sleeping at night, for like 3-4 nights in a row... :happydance: I have a good feeling about you this you have any cm?? Testing on Christmas day, what a present that would be!!!!!! Keeping my fx for you hun!

Gabby hope you pass the stone soon and good luck, gosh I've heard its more painful than child birth (sorry not trying to scare you), I wish you all the luck in the world. A good friend of mine had lots of kidney stones while she was pregnant with her son, while its not a sign of pregnancy (lol) maybe it is for you? You mentioned having kidney problems with your boys goodness wouldn't it be something if you and Ashley got your :bfp: along with Jenna this month!! Well after all we do have to make up for last month!! Hope you feel better soon sweetie!!!
Thanks Rhonda......YES it is just about as bad as giving birth! I had them with gavin...but they had to put stents in my kidneys to help pass them. I was on morphine in the hospital with those ones. Thanks....and I am just resting and drinking TONS to help it pass.......I'm suppose to work tonight..eek! That would be soooooo GREAT if we both got our bfps!!!!!

I think this is it for ash i really do!!:)
Btw are you feeling? has the tiredness passed? Morning sickness? are you getting a belly...can we see it?????? :)
most of the tiredness has passed, no morning sickness really with this one, I was very lucky!!! I just felt really tired and depressed and angry at the world (it was weird) but after I hit 10 weeks it all started to go away. I still go to bed early at night but I'm not napping during the day anymore so yay for the 2nd it!!!! I don't really think my belly has changed much at all from the last pic I posted but will be taking a new one next week and will post it then for you all to see. I still just feel really fat and frumpy! :blush:

Gabby when do you think you will test if your going to??
oh no...I'm getting a headache :( I hope it doesn't get to bad as I don't like to take anything when I'm pregnant. I try to ride it out best as possible. I know there are a few things I could take but I don't like the thought of putting stuff like that near my baby, safe or not, I was so good when I was pregnant with Brayden, I didn't take a thing! So trying to be good with this :baby: too...but gosh it sucks!
Awww Rhonda..sorry you had that depression feeling....i had that with Gavin in the second trimester...i swear i cried all day long...and when i could i would just drive in the car and cry to I think it was more b/c the risks i was having and the scare of losing baby and my life. I had so much going on ...but then again it went away 3rd tri. SO glad your feeling better! EEK cant wait to see your belly! I really realy THINK its a girl.

My plan is to test on xmas eve morning. long as i dont spot a speckle of brown or red...hehe. I'll be 13dpo. silly can take me it's safe! goodness i had surgeries with my babies, ct scans, and all kinds of Class D drugs. I totally understand what you mean..but you dont need to suffer with a headache...:) ;) Such a good mommie!
i know what you mean about not taking anything. i didnt want to take anything last night and i dont even know if i am or not, but i had the worst headache ever so i took tylenol. it helped but the headache keep coming back and just never really went away. so i am getting really depressed now, i have c cm. last month i had c cm every day until af showed. the past few days i have not had any really like just watery stuff not creamy like usual. on sat though i had yellow cm. now i know a lot of people say this was a symptom so i got excited and i even showed dh and he was like why is that yellow because last month i showed him when it was creamy and loads of it. but now i am thinking it was nothing since i have c cm today and if my temp goes down tomorrow i will know the witch is coming and i will be crushed! :( i hope i didnt jinx myself. i thought this was it for sure. i got too excited and someone is playing a really mean trick on me.
awww ashley hunnie..dont read into everything. Just try and relax. I know its sooooo hard. I've checked my cp like 50times today and there is no sign of anything yet..but i did have ewcm yesterday which i ALWAYS get with af that got my hopes down! Dont worry hun.....we will get through this and always like i said.....your lp is getting longer which is awesome!.....Your temps look great too!
i know i just really thought this was it and now i am not feeling anything, i am getting so down like its not going to happen and i am loosing patience. its all i can do each day to wonder what my temp will be the next day. this is the longest cycle ever for me. i am getting very frustrated. i just want to know, like af just come today if i am not pg. i have had symptoms through the roof though this time and not the kind that can be made up! at least not 3 very solid symptoms! like i said if i am not pg someone played a mean mean joke on me this month and i dont like it.
HUGS>..and PMA....only time will tell! I know i keep just come now if im not pg!!!
Ok so I'm very curious Ashley...can you share your symptoms?? Do you have any blue viens on your chest??? This was a dead give away for me this time, didn't have them with Brayden but still have them now for this baby!

I know I am being paranoid...maybe its just low blood sugar, I am starving, going to go eat my lunch now and see if that helps!

oh btw Gabby what makes you think this one will be my girl??

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