Team Jelly Belly!!!

I POAS and look at what I got! First try, ever, and I see 2 very good lines! Yay! I'm so happy to have a pos Ov test! Off to BD like mad! :rofl: :hug:

So you were right to buy only two! You sure know yourself well!! But I'm glad it turned out just the right way :)
Gooooood Morning Ladies! :dance: All is well in MT's world! I feel like my body is working! :rofl:

I know for some of you, a pos OPK is nothing special and I must be a goofball to be so excited about it, but I couldn't help (and still can't) but be thrilled to see those 2 lines! I am still really happy as you can tell...:rofl: I am going to use the other one tomorrow and see what I get. I had a temp dip this morning too. So, yes Rhonda you get good dips before and when you're OVing. I took the test yesterday because I had some pinchy ov pains the day before and yesterday I had some more that were a little more significant. I drink lots of fluids so I thought that after work was a good timeframe to stop drinking stuff and after the 4 hours I got my pos test! I know this isn't conclusive on exactly when I'm OVing, but it's a good indicator, and that's what I was looking for! I'll see if the next one is not as dark tomorrow, then I'll sort of know too.

Deb-I'm so happy for you to have some good news and things are getting on a roll! This is exciting! I couldn't give myself a shot either, I completely understand that too! :D Good luck sweets! :hugs:

So, the rest of us who are TTC...what's the plan of action? I'm using PreSeed and BDing like mad. I know Ash is not trying and not preventing (FX that this does the trick, I know it works out great for some!). How about the rest of us??

Sara-I see you got the possibilities with the new insurance-Monday is the day then? Hopefully they can get your Provera filled! You're such a patient lady! :) :hug:

Sarah-So, any news? Where are you in your cycle?

Have a great weekend! I hope you all are well!
Thanks, I have been trying to be patient and i think I qualified for the patient award after about 70 days so yes, i will be getting provera hopefully on Monday and starting it that day. I will also be asking about something that can help me Ovulate or at least regulate my hormones. I think your two lines are fantastic and am glad you are feeling all the signs. Good luck this cycle. FX
R, I know I am a little late with chiming in about the room, but I like the second picture for bedding and I love the ribbons in the shelf for the baby's room. Girls are the best (I could be biased since that's all I have right now)! Brayden already sounds like he is being a good brother.

Debs, Congrats on the good news. I know Feb. is your month.

MT, Congrats on the Pos on the OPK! BD all you can!

Sara, Hopefully your doctor will you what you want and give you the provera.

Vestirse, Saw your signature......Congratulations on your :bfp:

Well ladies just counting down until my appt.......11 days to be exact. It seems so far but at the same time the 3 weeks have gone by quickly since finding out. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
Hope all my Jellies are doing good. Haven't heard from Jai-Jai in a bit or maybe my forgetfulness is catching up with me, now I will go back and check :rofl: Weather is crappy here so I took a long hot bath and enjoyed it until my husband knocked on the door, I locked both my boys out :rofl: and preceded to go to the bathroom ruining my ambiance, at least it did not stink. I vow never to unlock the door again :rofl:
ok so it has only been 4 days since Jai-Jai has been on but it seemed like forever. Jai-Jai we miss you, hope you are doing good.
Hello ladies. Hope your all doing great!!!!

Debs that is awesome news for you! Don't worry I'm praying like crazy for you!

Sara~docs tomorrow? thats great! I am so happy af will be arriving!:)

Sarah~any news yet????

Jenna~How are you feeling?

Rhonda~did you do anymore shopping this weekend for your little angel :) Do you have any names ?????

Lea~Can't wait for your are you feeling?

Lyiana~ Still on bedrest? Did i miss why you were? I knew bleeding...but thats gone right?

Well I am feeling pretty good..:) And by the way my placental bleed is healed! just pelvic rest for the previa!!!!!
We had a good weekend, other then Gavin has double ear infections and hand, foot, mouth!!! But hes finally better.

So funny thing is my mouth was hurting for a few days and i thoughtb/c of all the candy i was sucking on in the the night i came home i was up all night with gavin and then i started was HORRID> burned so bad and i honestly couldnt breathe.....i thought i was going to die! It was so acidic/burning feeling...thought it was the orange juice i had drank. lol

So anyways.....took gavin to the docs and found out what he had...we left and i was in the car and though...hmmmmmmm lets look in my mouth....and voila! Sores all over !! I too have hand, foot, and mouth! How terrible! I've read that the risks are very low to get to baby but i am still going to call ob in the am just to let her know.

Well anyways hope everyone is well, and I'll be back soon! Take care my luvs! HUGS
Btw.....its been around 40degrees here!! So awesome! And this week is going to get warmer.....normally in Feb is SUPER cold!:) So glad i am able to get around.
Gabs glad you are feeling better aside from the hand foot and mouth disease. My son had that last year around this time. He got it from his Drs office so I bring sanatizer with me when we go now. I am so excited to see AF, I want a normal cycle more than I want air to breath (a little exaggeration but you know what I mean :rofl: ). Glad you are enjoying the weather. I can not believe you are already 10 weeks, wow time is flying I also can not believe R is half way through. I will be PG before you give birth R.
hi gabby!! owh so glad you've healed (apart from hfm). my nephew got that a few months ago but the dr said it was n othing to worry, he got better withing a week :)

i'm fine already, no more bleeding. i start work tomorrow (tuesday) after two weeks of bedrest. today is a public holiday here, so i'm just lazing about and after staring at myself (way too long) in the mirror, i have come to the conclusion that i have the tiniest bump ever which is not worth showing you girls yet, and that my right boob is bigger than my left :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

what's up with that!! hahahahah!!

anyway, hope all you ladies are doing swell!! here's rooting for :bfp:s for the rest of you jellies!!! :hug:
Gabs- OMG I saw the 10 but not the 6 days part, WOW even more now. and Mrs twiggy is already 8 weeks. :rofl: I think my right boob is bigger than my left so I know how you feel there. :rofl: we will be waiting for some bump pictures gals. I think that R posted last and her next pic is not due yet, correct me if I am wrong R.
Hello girls!
Yeay, there's all sorts of good news on here that I've missed.

Big congrats to V - I'm so very happy for you!

Go MT! get that eggy fertlised! I was just the same, so happy to get two lines last month. POAS yesterday and only got one, so I guess I'm not there yet, hopefully soon. I didn't temp the last couple of days as we were at a friends in london and went to bed late and slept late and well... I forgot! It was really great to be so distracted from TTC - although we had to BD last night, just in case I'd missed it!

I've been having very vivid dreams the last few nights, if I was in the TWW I'd think it was a symptom...but I'm not!

So R is 18 weeks, Gabs is 11 weeks, MsTwiggy is 8 weeks, N is 7 weeks (?), V is 4 weeks how many weeks is Jenna?
Anyway, we seem to have a nice spread, lets hope me and MT get our BFPs in the next couple of weeks and Sara you'll be a couple of weeks behind us right? Debs is going for it this month and Ashley is feeling laid back about it they'll get their BFPs around the same time in 3-4 weeks. I think...

I am trying to do everything I can this month, but I'm not sure if my weekend taking my eye of the ball will have messed things up, I even forgot my B6 tablets (but did remember my folic acid - how dumb is that?) so my cycle might be a mess now. Fingers crossed it's not. Preseed and BD every other day from now on till after I'm sure I've Ovd. Hoping I don't start spotting on 10dpo this month. Fx.

There's a chance for a change of job at work (and a pay rise).
I'm really hoping it happens, but to be honest it's a possible the job won't be created and even if it is I won't get it, but if I do I'll be so pleased, and it will take the edge of TTC as it wouldn't be ideal to go on maternity leave so soon after changing jobs (not that it's going to stop me TTC, but it won't be so bad if it takes a few more months, where as now I'm desperate to get knocked up and go on mat leave!). Wow, that's a long rambling sentence! Trying not to get excited! If I do get to do it though I'll be visiting Harvard in the next few weeks, which'll be nice, I've never been to Boston! So fingers crossed for me.

I'd rather have the BFP but a new job would be a ok alternative for now :)
Hellooooooooooooo!!! I am back!!! sorry I have not been around :cry: I have missed u too Sara!!!

I spoke to R anyway but just wanted to reitterate :wohoo: yay :yipee: we knew it was a little Princess :pink: anymore shoppin??? wat did u do this wkend, not spoke to u!!?!

Gabs - so sorry u have HFM I remember having that as a child and had this horrid cream that went in my mouth eurgh - hope it goes soon!! wat did ur ob say when u told them?

Sara - oooooh glad u are gonna get :af: must be the first time i have ever said that to anyone on here come on :witch: visit sara!!!

Sarah - are you preg? Tat why u quiet?? :D

Lea - Hope ur ok?

Liyana - hope u feel better, bet u cant wait to get back to work hey?

Choc - maybe u r preggo :dance:

Debs - I am sooooo fricking happy for you and excited u r back in the game PMA and loads of :dust:

As for me I have not had access to a computer properly until today, been staying at my parents house and got my laptop yday.....DF has been an areshole all weekend and split up with me on Sat afternoon :cry: he now regrets it and realises he has been an absolute nob to me for the ;ast 4 months and has decided at long last he is gonna change!!! He cried down the phone last night after we were arguing talking and I was crying for over an hr!!! he never ever cries so i think it can only be a gd thing IYKWIM? anyway I am staying at my parents tonight as start back at Uni tomo (school to u americans :rofl:) and I need to finish some work!!! So all in all that is why I have not been around!!

BUT good news!!! I am 12 weeks toms :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo:
Caroline, When you put down who all is left it actually did not seem like an impossible task for all of us to get out BFPs and have every member of team Jelly bellies PG at the same time, even if for just a little while. Good luck this cycle I don't think missing a few days of vitamins will mess up your cycle.

Jai_Jai- Sorry DF is being an ass. Men are known to do that from time to time. My husband has a headache and had the nerve to ask me if I can reschedule my Drs Apt. I told him hell no. Why is it that men are such babies with things we get a lot more than they do. I had a migraine the other day so bad that I was going to be :sick: and I could not even walk without my head hurting but I did not lie in bed crying and moaning and I had to get up with the baby still and get my own medicine. Dang men. Glad he has realized the there are things he needs to change and is willing to try, that's a big thing for men. Hope it works out and OMG 12 weeks already? Are you gonna spread the news? Let us know how people take it.
Wow Jenna, 12 weeks tomorrow. That is unbelievable, gosh how your time has flown by.:happydance:
Have you spoken to your doctor about moving your appointment sooner?

Gabby you sweet thing :hugs: I am so sorry that you know have this hand food and mouth thingy. Enough, tell the big man upstairs this is enough, only good things from now on :)
So glad your placenta has healed, get all the rest you need for your previa. How far do you think you will have to be before it is no longer a concern? I remember you told us a while ago but I am to lazy to go and hunt for the answer!

Sara, sooooo have you been to the doctor. I am biting my nails here sweetie. I hope your doctor gives you all the necessary meds. I also wanted to mention that my doctor is making me take Oestrogen from CD2-CD9 and the Clomid from CD5-CD9.
He feels very strongly about taking oestrogen with clomid because it makes some receptor thingy more sensitive so one responds better to the clomid. FX AF arrives and shortly after that you get your BFP.

Liyana, so glad to hear you are well enough to go back to work. :yipee:

Lea, I am sure you must be so excited for your first scan :cloud9:. I will hopefully getting my BFP around the same time.

R, what fun to go shopping for a girl. Girlie things are quite a lot cuter then the little boys things in my opinion. In answer to your question about want a boy or a girl.....hmm either, a happy, healthy baby is all I want.
I love the order in which you have had your kids. I have an older brother and I adore him, but remember this time I am on a million fertility drugs and being super monitored so my chances of having twins is really high -yikes! So perhaps I will get a :blue: and a :pink: at the same time!!!

MT and Caroline I am just two weeks behind you so not far at all.
If all goes as planned I should be testing on the 4th March but will probably test a few days before then because I won't be able to help my self I already went out and bought 6 HPT :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

My PMA song at the moment is: Just Dance by LadyLea
(I think that is how it is spelt!)
:grr: Men!!! I know I was like that the other day and DF was just thinking I was moaning!! Glad ur off to DR soon :wohoo: it is a breakthrough for Jos to admit he is wrong so that a step in the right direction!!

:wohoo: I know telling everyone tonight :yipee: although most of my friends and my immediate family know :rofl: its Just my Nan that I worry about and my stoooopid Uncle on Mums side there so judgemental - telling nanny tonight but doing it when my Dad gets back so if she says soemthing bad I will jst pass him the phone I am happy and a dnt give a shit wat other ppl think and I sound like I am a teenager being so worried so now I jst dont care me and Bubs are all that matters right now!! and Jos when he sorts his head out!!
Jos is telling his parents tonight - bit scary but he says he doesnt care wata they think now :dance: I know his Mum will flip - he is 22 but common we are engaged and living together so whats the biggy???

As for my scan :wohoo: I got it moved ladie :yipee: we can see piccys of our lil bubs NEXT WEEK thats right!!!!!! Its my Birthday on Tuesday and we get to get pics and see bubs on the Wed what a fricking amazing bday pressie :D 1 wk and 1 day :wohoo:

Debs I am the same - :pink: or :blue: i dont care I love bubs sooooooo much now!!!! and the though of u having twins omg soooooo amazing :dance:
Debs in about an hour and a half I have my apt. I will ask her what she thinks, I might just try the clomid first month just to see if I can get my body to O at all. I will be a few weeks behind you but hopefully I can O and at least be in the running.

Jai-Jai- I am glad that you are just so happy about bubs that you won't let anyone get you down (easier said than done I know) maybe that was jos problem, the fear of having his fmaily gripe about something that is a beautiful thing and worried about you getting upset, glad he cried maybe he realized he could really loose you.
no.....he has been like this before we got preg, dunno wat it is tbh alot of history behind us. I think he is just immature and didnt realise that perhaps he just needs to grow up and grow some balls :rofl: yeh i am so thrilled no one can take this away from me :D

FX for u at the Dr's - let us kow yeh xxx

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