cd21 Blood Work faxed to me today:
Progesterone: 15.50 ng/ml
FSH: 2.52 mIU/ml
Prolactin: 7.67 ng/ml
Testeosterone, serum: 43 NG/DL
TSH: .83 mg/dl
I got:
Progesterone: 54.7 nmo1/L (10 + is good)
FSH - not tested for me 'cos its only useful pre-ov
Prolactin: 134 mU/L (350 is normal - less is good - normal range = 59-619)
Testosterone 1.1 (normal range = 0.5-2.5)
TSH - not mentioned on my test.
So guess this isn't v useful really... the units of measurement are different.
Except the progesterone.
If those measurements are the same then although you're over 10 - its not much over 10.
What do you think?