Team Naughties - The Best of the Rest!!

moprning ladies... so im outta whack still and have no testing or temps and what not... i guess im just kinda going with the flow... being that my body hasnt seemed to go back to normal yet from the mc me and oh are freely just bding... lol as we please.. haha hopefully this will just catch an egg soon and we will be on our way back into 1st tri. and hopefully the same for all... we have giving up all the testing and temping and what not...cuz thats wen we got pregnant the first i think i will keep it that way this time to... plus u dont even remember that 2ww half the time.. lol.... that horrible 2ww... lol... good luck ladies..

Hi mjt11907, I had a mc last week and I've got a question for you and Razcox, I've just had a letter from the doctors as they've been trying to phone me on my home phone and I've obviously been at work, anyway the letter says that they need me to go back in for another blood test as the last one I had was still showing as abnormal amounts of I presume hcg hormone, when did yours go back to normal ladies? Should I be worried? thanks. xx
hey pipk... i dont even no for sure wen i miscarried.. but umm i was tested on monday the 18th and my level was like 41 and then retested on wednesday after and my levels were down to 37... and they had me come back in on saturday and my levels were down to 12.5 .... so im hopeing by now my levels are back down to 0 as its been a week since my last blood test... they did the same thing to me.. but sometimes if ur body isnt dropping its holding as part of the baby in ur system... so i was told by the docs... they said that they will monitoor u till they get almost back to 0 .... if they dont go down on there own it may mean there is something left behind in ur body and they may want to do a d&c... but it all depends how far u were and what ur levels were at... and wen they check again it may just be to make sure they are still going down... so they no what needs to be done next... im sorry about ur loss... as i no how hard it is...
hey girls good morning :) well OH and i have been talking we have had a few little problems but after a really good talk we have managed to sort things out which im pleased about i was basically being just so stupid :) but all is good yay well i've added my chart now too my signature so if you guys wanna let me know how its looking i know its only 4 days i've been doing it but hey i need someone too keep me right lol oooo i wanna text buddy lol xxxxx
moprning ladies... so im outta whack still and have no testing or temps and what not... i guess im just kinda going with the flow... being that my body hasnt seemed to go back to normal yet from the mc me and oh are freely just bding... lol as we please.. haha hopefully this will just catch an egg soon and we will be on our way back into 1st tri. and hopefully the same for all... we have giving up all the testing and temping and what not...cuz thats wen we got pregnant the first i think i will keep it that way this time to... plus u dont even remember that 2ww half the time.. lol.... that horrible 2ww... lol... good luck ladies..

Hi mjt11907, I had a mc last week and I've got a question for you and Razcox, I've just had a letter from the doctors as they've been trying to phone me on my home phone and I've obviously been at work, anyway the letter says that they need me to go back in for another blood test as the last one I had was still showing as abnormal amounts of I presume hcg hormone, when did yours go back to normal ladies? Should I be worried? thanks. xx

I had a blood test on the friday when i was admitted to hospital and then another one one sunday after they let me home. No one told me the numbers i just got a call on the monday to say the numbers where going down which was good apprently!! :shock: no one had read my file and it was quite a shock as i thought everything was now ok . . .Anyway i had the MC on the wednesday and a week later only showed a very very faint :bfp: on a HPT two weeks after the MC i did another HPT and it was a :bfn: . No one ever told me my numbers though or took anymore bloods they really didn't give a monkys once they ruled out an Ectopic. They did say it would take a couple of weeks for the levels to get back to normal which was horrid as i was still getting a bit of MS while i was bleeding - Didn't seem fair really :hissy:
hey girls good morning :) well OH and i have been talking we have had a few little problems but after a really good talk we have managed to sort things out which im pleased about i was basically being just so stupid :) but all is good yay well i've added my chart now too my signature so if you guys wanna let me know how its looking i know its only 4 days i've been doing it but hey i need someone too keep me right lol oooo i wanna text buddy lol xxxxx

Glad things are sorted now, me an my OH had a similar chat last month, this TTC can put stress on everyone cant it? I am also on CD 4 but i forgot to take my temp this morning, oppps! 10 days to go until OV . . .
hey girls good morning :) well OH and i have been talking we have had a few little problems but after a really good talk we have managed to sort things out which im pleased about i was basically being just so stupid :) but all is good yay well i've added my chart now too my signature so if you guys wanna let me know how its looking i know its only 4 days i've been doing it but hey i need someone too keep me right lol oooo i wanna text buddy lol xxxxx

Glad things are sorted now, me an my OH had a similar chat last month, this TTC can put stress on everyone cant it? I am also on CD 4 but i forgot to take my temp this morning, oppps! 10 days to go until OV . . .

yeah hun it can take alot of strain soon love making turns from being loving an fun to a baby making game i know that can happen for alot of couple im hoping that doesnt come that way between us:)
you seem to have had a rough time hun my heart goes out too you when did you have a m/c? me and OH had one in march i still find it hard and dont really talk about it to be honest thats just the way that i am xxxx
Hi guys, hope your all well and enjoying the sunshine.

Thanks very much for the information mjt and razcox, I've booked in for another blood test on Monday so that will of been a week and half since mc so hopefully things will start looking normal.

Jenny, glad you and your OH are ok now.
Lovely day again today so we are having a family BBQ which involves a trip to ASDA on a sunday - which i hate! Going to get a paddling pool though for the dog as she is hot and in season so we can't take her to the lake to cool off. If she likes it then i will post some piccys.

Jenny25 - I had my MC in march as well at 6 weeks, we don't talk a huge amount about it either. Its not my fault it happened but i feel i a failure when we talk about it . . .

Pip - Good luck monday, hope it shows all the levels getting back to normal xx
Evening all.
I have had a lovely weekend away with OH and friends. The weather has been fantastic and now don't want to go to work tomorrow. Oh well, roll on Monday:grr:

I am getting near the end of the dreaded 2ww. Ever hopeful, but only time will tell. Please keep your fingers and toes crossed for me.

Jenny, my OH and I had a BIG chat last month about things. I can highly recommend it. It cleared the air and this month I have been super chilled with the ttc. Before I was a wee bit intense which was taking all the fun out of baby making. Hoe it sorted everything out your end too.

Pinkintyler-Good luck tomorrow.

Razcox-please post some pics of your dogs in the paddling pool. How cute.

Mumtobwaiting-not too many nights to go now. Can't be long until your fertile period, good luck catching that eggy.

:hugs: to all I have missed.
No probs msmith here they are in the pool . . . .Well sort of!

'I'm not sure about this, its looks a lot like a bath to me'

Cassie looking on

I'm still not sure mummy

Cassie came over to have a look as well!

'hummmmmmmmmmm i do want the ball an i don't want the lurcher to have it'

'I guess i could give it a try'

'hey its not bad this paddling lark!'

'Mummy it too hot to keep taking pictures'

'This is my best side'

And the last one of her looking pretty in the sunshine
Hi Girls just though id pop in and say hi. i couldn't find you for a while but Freyasmum pointed me in the right direction.

pipkin - hope your blood test gives you the result you want. i think its good that your doctor wants to do this. when i had a m/c once they saw my numbers were going down they didn't test me again, just left me to it.

i'm sure there will be lots of :bfp: for "the best of the rest" very soon

good luck to all in the ttw.

as for me i'm fine. had a little bit of brownish discharge on and off but i'm not worried about it now, i've just been told to ring the hospital if it turns red. i've just got white cm at the moment. Feeling very sick all the time which must be good.

got another scan on 17th June at 9 weeks which i'm looking forward to and will have another one at 12 weeks. time is just flying at the moment, i will be 7 weeks on tuesday!

speak soon girls xxx
No probs msmith here they are in the pool . . . .Well sort of!

'I'm not sure about this, its looks a lot like a bath to me'

Cassie looking on

I'm still not sure mummy

Cassie came over to have a look as well!

'hummmmmmmmmmm i do want the ball an i don't want the lurcher to have it'

'I guess i could give it a try'

'hey its not bad this paddling lark!'

'Mummy it too hot to keep taking pictures'

'This is my best side'

And the last one of her looking pretty in the sunshine

raz they are awesome pics i sooooooooo wanna dog lol but we cant have one yet as we are still living with Oh's mum so i need to wait :(:(:(:(
Hi All. How are you all? It's been a holiday here today - Queen's Birthday!! I've often wondered why we celebrate it now (or at all!) but there you go. I'm not going to argue about an extra day off, am I?
OH and I were supposed to go away yesterday, but decided the money could be better spent on the house - we invested in thermal-backed curtains for the lounge to try to keep some warm in. They seem to be doing the trick so far.
It was nice spending time as a family today. Freya and I had a go at sorting out her toys (honestly, where do they all come from?) and then helped OH hang the new curtains. Dunno what we'll do tomorrow... But I DO know we WON'T be playing in the paddling pool in the backyard!!! Lovely pics, Razcox. I am SO jealous of you Northern Hemisphere ladies, coming into summer. It's so cold here now.

I'm just waiting for AF now... due today... I have no symptoms at all that could be interpreted as either AF or preggers so am just patiently waiting. I'm going to go hard at it again this month (maca, multi-vits, grapefruit juice, loads of :sex: ) and see what happens. If nothing, that will have been 6 months which means time to go see the doctor about it.

Hope you are all well. Sorry no personal messages today - what can I say, I'm lazy!
Enjoy your day. Have lots of fun in the sun and think of me, shivering my way thru another southerly gale!
Good Morning, ladies! Just wanted to pop in and say hi and see how you all are doing.

Raz, your dogs are just gorgeous, what fab pics!

Freyasmum, sounds so strange to hear you talking about cold and winter...Brrrr!

Flower, come join us in Knocked-up naughties on pregnancy buddies! Glad you're doing well, hunni.

:hug: to all of you ladies, can't wait to see all those :bfp:'s this month!

I'm doing fine, by the way, am now 15 weeks and just waiting to feel the seahorse swimming around in there!:happydance:
Lovely day again today so we are having a family BBQ which involves a trip to ASDA on a sunday - which i hate! Going to get a paddling pool though for the dog as she is hot and in season so we can't take her to the lake to cool off. If she likes it then i will post some piccys.

Jenny25 - I had my MC in march as well at 6 weeks, we don't talk a huge amount about it either. Its not my fault it happened but i feel i a failure when we talk about it . . .

Pip - Good luck monday, hope it shows all the levels getting back to normal xx

Ha ha... I know what you mean Razcox... I was in the Donnington one on Sunday - do you go to the Donnington one or the Telford town centre? We could have walked right past each other!!

I hate the 2ww. As much as I dont want to wish my life away I wish there was a fast forward button to just to get through it!!!
Lovely day again today so we are having a family BBQ which involves a trip to ASDA on a sunday - which i hate! Going to get a paddling pool though for the dog as she is hot and in season so we can't take her to the lake to cool off. If she likes it then i will post some piccys.

Jenny25 - I had my MC in march as well at 6 weeks, we don't talk a huge amount about it either. Its not my fault it happened but i feel i a failure when we talk about it . . .

Pip - Good luck monday, hope it shows all the levels getting back to normal xx

Ha ha... I know what you mean Razcox... I was in the Donnington one on Sunday - do you go to the Donnington one or the Telford town centre? We could have walked right past each other!!

I hate the 2ww. As much as I dont want to wish my life away I wish there was a fast forward button to just to get through it!!!

We were at the Donnington wood one, we went at 11am had brekkie and then got the shopping. It was mad and rammed full in there ( i am sure there is level of hell that is ASDA!) so we didn't get out of the place until 12:45!!! Maybe we did walk right past each other! :dohh:
Yay, fab photos Razcox. It looks like you need to get in it too to tempt them to go for a paddle!
Freyasmum-are you going to test? Were you on the pill before the 6 months prior to ttc?
Thatgirl-we are all here with you. Bring on the BFPs
Flowerot-hello and so pleased all is going well your end.
Caitlenc-good to hear from you. Glad all is going well with Seahorse.
Mamawannabe-I so agree with you, where is that fast forward button!
A few more days to go for me until either the :witch: comes or I can test. Keeping everything crossed.

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