Team Rainbow Mummies - Gay Surrogates, Lesbian, Transgender and BiSexual TTC Group

Nice to find a group like this & talk to people in the same situation :)

You are very right! My wife and I have really enjoyed this, as although we have the support of family and friends, it isn't the same as talking to, sharing and hearing new from people actually DOING and GOING THRU the same! Any and everyone is more than welcome to message me, chat with me on here. We are about to start a pregnancy journal next week to give more insight and have something for those ladies that are still little timid to write, some thing to read.:thumbup:
congrats on your :bfp: btw :) :)
I'd read your pregnancy journal - send me the link when you do it?

We bought our home insemination kit today :) EXCITED!!

Just waiting for me to ovulate now!! :)
Congrats MrsMM24! My partner and I are on our second attempt of TTC. The first one (via IUI) resulted in a BFP but ended in MC at 5 weeks. We go in tomorrow for our second IUI. So we'll see how this one turns out.
Congrats MrsMM24! My partner and I are on our second attempt of TTC. The first one (via IUI) resulted in a BFP but ended in MC at 5 weeks. We go in tomorrow for our second IUI. So we'll see how this one turns out.

Thank you!!!

GL and my FXD that this one is the one. We know how the process can be on emotions. This is suuuuch a blessing, so hang in there and it will happen. I will be happy to follow you on your journey. I will be on here quite often now that we are keeping a journal.... :thumbup:
Sending :dust::dust::dust:
Hi everyone,

Im hoping for advice. me & my GF have had a chat and decided that we would like to be Mummies. We would love to hear other peoples experiences. We have decided to go for insemination - Im undecided whether to use a clinic or go through a known donor. What Are your experiences of searching for a donor online? It seems to be a minefield out there and we really dont know where to start. I dont really want to be pregnant for another 12 months yet - but do you think we should make our plans now or are we too early?

Any advice or shared experiences would be lovely !


K & N
Hey everyone, I haven't been on the boards in what seems like forever!! I have missed so much...

Luna- I see that you got your BFP Congrats!!

I haven't read over the posts yet because that will take days I'm sure but I just wanted to say hello to everyone. Good luck to those of you still ttc and a huge congrats to those of you who have been successful in this sometimes stressful journey...
Welcome Wantadonor... I would suggest reading some forums on here because everyone has listed information that WILL be valuable to you, trust me! There are a few links in my journal so just check that first page. GL and :dust: to you as your journey begins! We will be here to chat, tremendously! :flower:

Welcome back RAINBOW! :flower:

I am not sure where to post this really but my sister in law and her wife have been TTC through IVF and sperm donor but unsuccessfully.

I haven't suggested anything yet as i wanted to have my 2nd child first to complete my family i don't plan on having any more children, anyways for the last couple of years i have been seriously considering becoming an egg donor for them, my question for you ladies is how would you feel about it, if a close family member suggested it?

Do you think it would be a good idea? I know they are desperate for children and would make such amazing parents. I really want to help them if i can, but i don't want to suggest this and them be offended?

Any advice would be great, i realise counselling etc would have to take place and its not a decision to take lightly, but DH and i have talked about it and he is ok with it.

Sorry if this Q is in the wrong place i just want some advice before i speak to them.

First, welcome... Next, I think that is a wonderful self-less act. I think that it is something that you can bring up, it does not seem offensive and infact sounds genuine. It will allow them to reveal if this is something that could possibly help because being unsuccessful thus far could be luck or an egg/sperm issue. I think the fact that you are donating an egg, is less offensive, because you are still suggesting to allow them to carry. I think that when you are comfortable, you should speak with them.

I commend you on this as well. I hope that the outcome is that your egg donation will be helpful and successful for them. Good Luck and keep us posted! They willbe great additions to our boards! :flower: :dust:
MrsMM24 thank you for replying.

I really would be honoured to donate an egg to them, i couldn't carry it though. I don't think i could mentally or physically cope with another pregnancy. Plus i know how much she wants to experience pregnancy, she is very maternal and an amazing auntie.

I just wonder how you might feel if it was someone you would see regularly, at family gatherings etc. Would you want the rest of the family to know or for them to believe it was an anonymous donor?

I will keep you posted for when i speak to them. :flower:

If this were ME, I would not want everyone to know, there is already enough stress in the entire process. I think that I would eventually in years when the child could understand, tell family. Likely, you, your husband, my wife, myself, and doc, would be all that I would let in on this. However, everyone is different. You never know how the 2 may react, they may want a different relationship. That is something that would no doubt be discussed when you suggest your egg. At that time too, like I mentioned, they may open up to what if anything is hampering their conception thus far. It could not be her eggs at all.... Still this is the most unselfih thing you could do and I still think you should definitely suggest, and list all that you did here.... Looking forward to hearing their story :flower:
Just a little update, I have spoken with them both and they have been talking things through and are very keen, we are all 4 of us getting together soon to chat. I have asked my doctor to send a letter of referral and then we have to start with some counselling first, me and my DH - her and her wife and then all together.

I am really excited - i really really hope this works for them. Also I am a weeny bit nervous about the injections etc but its only for a very short period.

I am feeling soo positive about this fingers crossed. x
WHISPER, this is GREAT news, quite AWESOME if you ask me!!! :happydance: you are such a blessing!!! You are definitely a great sister, but great person all around! FXD that all things go well in the next few months and there will be some happy and exciting news coming from you. Please please, keep me updated. Tell your sisters, I said GL, and that I am praying for them during this journey. :hugs: to you, and your lovely family!
:dust: :dust: :dust:

I am here to chat whenver.

just joined and wanted to know if anyone has any advice. me and my wife have been trying to concieve for 6 long month using home insemination.. we just completed our 6th cylce so keep a finger crossed :) for us plz if u will!!! good luck to everyone ttc!!!
just joined and wanted to know if anyone has any advice. me and my wife have been trying to concieve for 6 long month using home insemination.. we just completed our 6th cylce so keep a finger crossed :) for us plz if u will!!! good luck to everyone ttc!!!

There is PLENTY of advice on this thread! :wave: Welcome!!!
If you click on my journal in my siggy, there are links to other threads with DIY and Home Insem!! GL, can't wait to hear some exciting successful updates from you and your wife!! FXD!! :dust:
Hi all.

i'm on CD6 today and on the 4th IUI cycle. We (my partner) have been using donor sperm from a cryobank.

Have any of you had any success this way? how many darn times will it take?

I'm on NO meds but will be taking the trigger when OPK is positive, just to make sure and time it right.

Any Advice?:flower:
Welcome ADROPLET :wave: Hate to read and run, but here is a link that is sooo informative!

Also, there are some links in my Journal. TTYL
I'm brand new to BandB, but am a veteran at fertility friend. this is the first thread i've responded to, i hope you all don't mind!

i'll give you some background info on me (it's a lot)

my wife and i are both 23 years old, we've been together for nearly 4 years, been married for two and a half now. we've been ttc since october of last year, have been pregnant twice in that time, both were very early losses (4 weeks 2 days and 4 weeks 3 days) and i've had two previous losses, one in 2008 at 8ish weeks (I wasn't seeing a doctor, so I'm not sure how far along), and one in July of 2007 which was a stillbirth at 27 weeks. His name was Bailey.

Since we started ttc, I've had one surgery on my ovaries to remove two ovarian cysts, one on each side. One was blood filled, 9cm, and one was filled with hair, fat and teeth, surrounded by skin, which was 5.5cm. Those were removed in March, and it's august now...and they're back! 10cm on my left side, filled with blood. 6cm on my right, segmented, looks like fat is starting to show up in it. My obgyn told me to take birth control to suppress ovulation, and I declined, so she told me I need to see an RE, not her.

My sweetie has severe PCOS and has told me she doesn't want to carry, but will if i can't. We're looking into adoption while still ttc. I'm currently 8DPO

sorry for the rambling! I look forward to getting to know you all.
thank you MrsMM for the invite to this thread, I wasn't sure if I qualified because I am bi-sexual and many in the lesbian community are not real inviting of those of us who have been with men..

Currently I am TTC my 8th child and using donor sperm because at the moment I am unpartnered.

I have continued my search for a woman to be with, but most either do not enjoy that I have 7 kids, or don't consider me available since I have been married in the past!

I look forward to being here, and being able to share with you ladies!
I'm brand new to BandB, but am a veteran at fertility friend. this is the first thread i've responded to, i hope you all don't mind!

i'll give you some background info on me (it's a lot)

my wife and i are both 23 years old, we've been together for nearly 4 years, been married for two and a half now. we've been ttc since october of last year, have been pregnant twice in that time, both were very early losses (4 weeks 2 days and 4 weeks 3 days) and i've had two previous losses, one in 2008 at 8ish weeks (I wasn't seeing a doctor, so I'm not sure how far along), and one in July of 2007 which was a stillbirth at 27 weeks. His name was Bailey.

Since we started ttc, I've had one surgery on my ovaries to remove two ovarian cysts, one on each side. One was blood filled, 9cm, and one was filled with hair, fat and teeth, surrounded by skin, which was 5.5cm. Those were removed in March, and it's august now...and they're back! 10cm on my left side, filled with blood. 6cm on my right, segmented, looks like fat is starting to show up in it. My obgyn told me to take birth control to suppress ovulation, and I declined, so she told me I need to see an RE, not her.

My sweetie has severe PCOS and has told me she doesn't want to carry, but will if i can't. We're looking into adoption while still ttc. I'm currently 8DPO

sorry for the rambling! I look forward to getting to know you all.

Turtle are you sure these were not teratomas? My friend had those teeth, hair and tissue filled ones.. I sure hope you are able to be "done" with these.. My last partner had these and ended up with 3 different surgeries to remove them.. painful for you I am sure.. I hope you get well soon!

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