Yeah sweet...i just took a look too and it's encouraging. Woohoo.....
Daisy- I'll be 23. I don't think I'll test tomorrow I did today bfn. Kind of losing hope but I guess it is only my first month ttc and I do have endo so I think i'm here for the long haul.

So update for everyone else.. test today bfn. I'm using those ic's I dont really know how good they are or how fast they work I'm pretty sure these ones are 25 miu. I do have 2 first response but i'm trying to save them. i'm stilllll sick of waiting but i'm getting close now 10dpo. i keep thinking that it will show if i am but then i get a negative and i'm thinking no no no its too early. who am i kidding.. haha. i really feel af is near by i have bad back ache and bb's are sore and really bad cramps lastnight but no ib. but i guess not everyone gets ib. ahh so many what if and so many factors to think about one second i'm like theres no way i cant be pregnant and then i'm like well what if i didn't actually ovulate but i had a postive opk so i had to have! ahh! someone SAVE ME!!! Lastnight I had a dream that I took a pregnancy test and then I threw it in the bath tub and all water turned pink and there was little pink chunks and i couldn't tell if I was pregnant or not. then i took another one and It showed up right away and me and my oh went to tell my parents and we went and got tim hortons togeter and i told my mom and my mom and dad got out of the car and started hugging eachother and all of tim hortons were applauding them and my sister got jealous that i was pregnant and tried to ruin it for me. like she does most things.. haha. I always have the weirdest dreams.
ohhh lilysmommy and hopeful, you made my day!!!! I don't trust my chart very much because I keep waking up during the night so it's not very reliable. But I feeling a few things, so HOPEFULLY I'm not going crazy..!!!

livelaughlove, :rofl::rofl::rofl: what a crazy dream!!! Apparently vivid dreams is another symptom of pregnancy! :rofl: So fingers crossed! Just wait a bit longer and try again!
livelaughlaugh - which is my favourtie moniker by the way - i have a white gold charm that says it. I loved your post. I am so in the same boat right second I think OMG! coudl this fianlly be my month and the next I am running to the bathroom cause I think the witch has arrived. This is the worst 2ww I've ever had. I just hate it. I can't sleep, I can't focus at work, I want to strangle DH because he's no idea what goes through my crazy head and I can't tell him in fear he'll have me comitted. LOL. My saving grace is BnB. I can be as crazy as I want here and it's okay.

Thanks for that ladies.
sweetandsour i've just had a gander at your chart too - now I'm no expert but that looks very promising :dance:

livelaughlove what a crazy dream, love it! I had a dream a couple of nights ago where i had a whole pile of positive hpts - i was so happy, it was nice, even though it was a dream :rofl:

hopeful i know exactly how you feel - just had a discussion with hubby about how i wish i knew one way or the other, how one minute i'm up next i'm down etc etc. his response was "well we'll know sooner or later" grr!
evening ladies!! Good to see you've all been busy again today! :happydance:

Sorry to those that think the witch is on her way! But like Daisy says, "it's not over till it's overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"!!

We need to get some more BFP's going in this team!! Irish luck and all that doesn't seem to be doing much for us so far! :dohh:

Daisy I was just reading back through your posts and wanted to double check something.... How long after you actually did the test did you see your BFP result? Did you say it was a couple of hours?? Is there any chance it could have been an evap? I certainly don't doubt you saying your feeling pregnant but if everything is now coming up BFN I'm just worried that you might be upset if it does turn out it was an evap. :hugs: Fingers crossed of course that its a big fat BFP thats just hiding for the time being!!

Today is 10dpo for me and I'm soooo exhausted! I'm sorta in limbo with how I feel, not def 'feeling' preg but not def 'not feeling' preg either! :muaha: Only another 7 days till I officially test!! :happydance:
Well, if vivid dreams are a preg symptom then I must be like 15 years pregnant. haha. I have always had the craziest dreams. like the stuff I dream is unbelievable when i was younger like 16 17 i used to try and sleep as much as I could just to dream. haha.

I've got the worst cramps ever!! :hissy: af WHERE THE HELL ARE YOUUUU?
yeah kota i did chk one few hours later....BUTTTT we did a couple more and was they all have been :bfn: and its not just me saying it ,,DH says he couldnt see it either.....i even testd today after dentist with IC that just arrived...:bfn: anyhow....i know what i saw :bfp: and i have back eyes as well ...yeah it was very light but still it was there.....of course im gonna recheck tomorrow as well....but that would be very :blush: embarassing if it was all evaps and im not preggeers especially cus i posted it everywhere.:blush: i would really look like an idiot!!! oooh well thats life and life goes on.....:hugs:
yeah kota i did chk one few hours later....BUTTTT we did a couple more and was they all have been :bfn: and its not just me saying it ,,DH says he couldnt see it either.....i even testd today after dentist with IC that just arrived...:bfn: anyhow....i know what i saw :bfp: and i have back eyes as well ...yeah it was very light but still it was there.....of course im gonna recheck tomorrow as well....but that would be very :blush: embarassing if it was all evaps and im not preggeers especially cus i posted it everywhere.:blush: i would really look like an idiot!!! oooh well thats life and life goes on.....:hugs:

Oh Daisy I really really really hope you are!! You've been keeping all us girls in such a PMA mind!! when would your AF be due? Guess you can only test again with FMU and hope to see that :bfp: again! :hugs:
Hey guys, got the witch this morning :( So it's official... and on to next month and a Christmas baby! Question, I just did my first temp today but as I am brand new at this I set the alarm but when it went off I climbed out of bed for 2 seconds then realized I have to not get out of bed so I got back in then took my temp... lol, how much can this affect the temp read? I mean no biggie it's CD 1 for me know but still like to know... also how do I link my FF chart to BnB?

I dream big too so I know how you guys feel.. morning I took my test before I got up I kept having a repeat dream that I did my POAS test and it came back BFP... must have had that dream 4 times in the one morning!
I also can't get the numbers to show up on my ticker :(
kelly, really sorry about AF...... oh, it's rubbish isn't it? Well, at least you are ready for next cycle and fingers crossed for a Christmas baby for you!! about the temperature, try to move as little as possible. It really varies, each woman is different... for me it makes a huge difference even the smallest of the movements I make. I keep the thermometer under my pillow so it's easy to reach and usually do it half asleep! :) To put the link here, just click on home page setup on the top of your chart (or sharing on the menu and then home page setup) and get the address from the top of the page. Then paste it on your signature. Not sure about your ticker though! Is it from fertility friend as well? If so it should work fine when you paste the link on your signature. Maybe it's a temporary problem with the website???

Ok will try, yes it is from FF as well. I tried pasting things in different orders and such but nothing brought the numbers up... oh well it's good where it is for now. Under my edit sig button at the bottom of the page it say html access NO do you know how to change that? I think it might be the reason. Good to know about the temps... this is first month so nothing to base it on yet!
Good night shamrockians!!!!! cant wait to wake up and hear about all your crazy dreams and hear about some new symptoms!!!! :bfp::bfp:
:rofl::rofl: I'm here Daisydo :happydance::rofl::rofl:

Sorry couldn't come on much tonight cause hubby watching crappy footy on the laptop ........................grrrrr men eh!!! :hissy: How selfish of him don't you think. How are you hun? I hope you're ok :hugs:

I'm bored with this part of the cycle and aint it typical that DH wants some jiggy at the wrong time of the month.....He's just not into this "got to do it now honey cause the eggs there" luvin............might have to slip some horney goat weed into his coffee when he's not looking.............:rofl: anyone know where I can get some?

Hey daisy u figured out how to do the live chat thing yet - we should all go on one night and have a good gab girls - what do you think? :happydance:
honeybuns what is this live chat thing? I saw it somewhere here in the forum, but couldn't find a chat room!

kelly, mine also says html off. That's not the problem. If the image is appearing the rest should as well. Maybe try doing it again. Creating a new ticker. That's really weird!

Ohhh girls... I don't know ,I'm so confused.... been having cramps all day today.. feel like AF pain and sometimes I get a stabbing pain around the ovaries area... It feels so much like AF!!! Oh god, please don't! It still hurting now... and my stomach feels bloated, like it feel just before AF... very irritable today as well... I know AF is only due in 7 days, but I'm so worried!! Please stay away ugly :witch: [-o<[-o<[-o<

Sweet dreams everyone. I hope you all dream of :bfp:s and get one very soon!!!
Hello Lovely Ladies!

Sorry to have been MIA lately, parents are visiting :) I went to the Dr today and the pregnancy is officially confirmed! :happydance:

I can't wait to see more :bfp: from those of you who are SUPER PATIENT with waiting to take your tests! :thumpup:

Sorry to those of you who have had the :witch: come or are feeling like she is.

Just remember, it's not over til it's over! :hug:

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