Kota- sorry to hear about your negative..BUT give it time and you'll see a

I am sure
Kelly- good news about hubby!!!!!!!!!!! I have to get my referal for a FS as well....just going to wait til after this cycle then call Dr. And stronger lines already....get to

just in case you are O'ing soon!!!
Hows everyone else......
I am having a bad week..always this time of year....weather is great but snow everywhere still..so can't do anythign but walk along dirty snow/sand covered roads.
I think TTc and the stress of waiting for that

is getting to me as well....
I was so miserable during AF..and not hormonal either.....
just feel Blahhhhh....
so.......I may only be on here once in awhile.....to check onmy girls but not really chat too much about TTC....
I've been chatting about it since Feb08........I'm gettign tired.....
I will be checking on you all.........just not as involved in conversations.....
So enjoy your "shaging" as we are almost near a new cycle....
and I know we will be seeing some

very soon..like i said ....percentages are on your side..lol
chat later