Team Tick Tock~35+ TTC~Racing to Beat the Clock!

Sweet_Alida, First off I would like to say welcome:wave: I can't really offer you any real advice but I can offer a shoulder to lean on and a ear to listen:friends: Men can be complicated when it comes to TTC. :ball:

P.S. Cold and snow up here too...uuuuggggggg !

Thanks! It means a lot to me to know I have ya to talk to. Men are complicated at best! They say we are but at least we know what we want! I just am going to feel bad if and when we get pregnant if the next baby has NEHI, I'm afraid he isn't going to let me live it down. I know we are at a higher risk, but to be honest I also know God will only give us what we can handle. I know with any pregnancy(esp. at our age) that we are at higher risks for other problems, but I am still willing to give it a go. I really want another baby. I don't think I will be able to cope without at least giving it my all this year. I know what will be will be and it's in God's hands and I'm good with that. But I still want to help the good Lord out! LOl! Like Tae said, He can work miracles but you still need to know when you OV or there is no hope in catching the eggy! LOL!! Thanks for the support and I will appologize now for any ranting and raving I do on here! Right now things are good, we are in a good place and we will see how me starting the OPK's back up affects him. FX'd he's on board with it this time and if I'm still in the TTC world come March then we will cross the Clomid bridge when it comes!
Sweet_Alida, Were you ever offered genetic testing ? Is that how they know the chances of you having another child with lung problems ?
I was just wondering how they come up with the %
My husband has a genetic form of bowel cancer in his family, Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) ( he lost his large bowel to cancer at the age of 28) and when we were decideing to have a child together he was afraid of passing this down to his off-spring. We went for genetic testing and also as a chat with his DR who preformed his surgery 14 yrs ago. This type of cancer doesn't start to show it's ugly head till the age of 14 yrs or so ( when palops start to develop) . The option for embro testing was there ( we choose not too ) but also Emily can be tested now with a simple blood test to find out if she is carrying the gene. We again have choosen not to test just yet , maybe when she is about 9 or 10.
We want to have another baby and DH is still so fearful of passing on FAP so he is also dragging his feet. I think he worries that if he ever found out he had passed it on to Emily he wouldn't be able to handle the guilt.
Sweet_Alida--Good morning to, I mean Good afternoon. Your Alida is just adorable. I don't know anything about her lung condition. Is this something that will improve with time? How's Georgia working out for you?

ready4onemore--You're in my prayers. Are you going to be taking a break from TTC, or do you plan on trying again the next cycle? I'm feeling positive for you, as you have proved that you can indeed become pregnant. Didn't you conceive first cycle of trying?

Dyme_Diva40--That's nice that you have the option of working from home on a snow day. Good luck this cycle!

future_numan--I can certainly understand your hubby's fear of passing FAP to a child, but aren't the chances greater that this wouldn't happen? What have the doctors said about the chances?

I myself worry about the chances of having a child with Down Syndrome since the odds go up for us older gals. But the good news is that we are still more likely to have a child who does not have Down Syndrome. And if I was blessed with a Down Syndrome baby, I'd love him or her just the same. But of course, we all want healthy babies. And that's a normal desire. Best wishes to you all for a healthy baby. :flower:

How are the rest of you ladies doing?
I agree TaeBoMama, we felt that we had just as much of a chance having a child with Downs or any other other disorder as we did with FAP.. DR's gave us a 40% chance of passing FAP to our are never guarantee'd a perfect, healthy child when you choose to start a family but I beleive that God will never give you more than you can handle.. the reason why we now have Emily and if at all possible a sibling for her:hugs:
Hey Future- No we haven't done any genetic testing simply because the disease she has is a rare interstitial lung disease and until recently they believed this disease was congenital, meaning it was just chance that she was born with it. Then there were a few ( I mean a handful) of families that ended up having a sibling with the disease. There were only 500-600 known cases of NEHI in the World in 2009. So it's rare. The future is good for Alida and yes it is something she will eventually "grow-out" of. Her lungs will grow and the diseased part will not so eventually the good tissue will outweigh the bad and she will be weaned off the oxygen. She never had the feeding issues so many other kids with her condition had. So she is a mild case. The doctors keep telling us our chances are low but won't give us a number of how low of having another child with this disease. My dh is like yours he blames himself for her problems, but like you ladies have said there is no garuntee we are going to have a healthy baby. I can't imagine Alida without her oxygen and tubes and tanks. That is just part of her now. I love her for being so strong and going thru all the tests and doctors she has to see(most of them are precautionary but she still sees a lot of doctors!). I think God chose us for her because she has taught us so much.
Thanks for the support. Makes me feel less selfish knowing and being reminded that no one is garunteed a perfect healthy child no matter what the circumstances.
Hey Future- No we haven't done any genetic testing simply because the disease she has is a rare interstitial lung disease and until recently they believed this disease was congenital, meaning it was just chance that she was born with it. Then there were a few ( I mean a handful) of families that ended up having a sibling with the disease. There were only 500-600 known cases of NEHI in the World in 2009. So it's rare. The future is good for Alida and yes it is something she will eventually "grow-out" of. Her lungs will grow and the diseased part will not so eventually the good tissue will outweigh the bad and she will be weaned off the oxygen. She never had the feeding issues so many other kids with her condition had. So she is a mild case. The doctors keep telling us our chances are low but won't give us a number of how low of having another child with this disease. My dh is like yours he blames himself for her problems, but like you ladies have said there is no garuntee we are going to have a healthy baby. I can't imagine Alida without her oxygen and tubes and tanks. That is just part of her now. I love her for being so strong and going thru all the tests and doctors she has to see(most of them are precautionary but she still sees a lot of doctors!). I think God chose us for her because she has taught us so much.
Thanks for the support. Makes me feel less selfish knowing and being reminded that no one is garunteed a perfect healthy child no matter what the circumstances.

Now to lighten the mood:hugs2:

What has everyone planned for the upcoming weekend ??

I ,as a rule, am pretty much a homebody most of the time but a few friends of mine from high school are having a get together:drunk: so looking forward to that !!

Emily has swimming lessons on Saturday morning, which she just loves:shipw: it is something DH does with her.. since I am home all week with her, he wanted something for them to do together.
I'm waiting to see if dh is going to make it home, he is gone right now and I never plan for him to actually make it home on time! We will probably lay low this weekend, I went to the docs today and found I have a sinus and ear infection and pleurisy(inflammation of the lining of my lungs) so I'm not feeling to perky right now. Hoping the anitbiotics kick in soon to start finally feeling better.
I'd LOVE to put Alida in Swim lessons. She loves the water. We let her "swim" in our big spa bathtub almost daily! I should look into swim lessons with her.
We might be going up to meet with a dog trainer. We are trying to get Alida a service dog to carry her oxygen for her. There is a trainer willing to talk with us here in Georgia. So we might be doing that.
Sweet_Alida, I live in Northern Ontario and there is a a family close by that train service dogs. I have been there ( my daughter donated her time there during High School) and it is amazing how these dogs enlighten the lives of people who need them :thumbup:
Does your DH travel alot ? Mine used to be a Long Haul driver ( he only came off the road 7 months ago ) so I know what it's like to never know when they would be home:shrug: and forget ever making plans:growlmad:
It was trying getting used to him being home every night but in the long run, I enjoy it now:happydance:
Yea my dh is a Pilot for the Forest Service so during Fire Season and just before Fire season he is gone a lot! Whereever the fire is he goes. Then before fire season he has all his classes and refresher classes to get him re-qualified for the season. It sucks he is gone so much but there is light at the end...they are hiring a 2nd pilot and after they are both trained they will split the duties. So he should be home a little more! He also has to do a lot of administration flying...flying the bigwigs to meetings and basically being their personal taxi driver only in the air! LOL!! He loves his job and mission so that makes it better and easier for him to be gone. It's sad but Alida will open the computer at night and say "call daddy!" she likes to talk to him on skype! He reads her books.
Awww, that is so sweet.
I had a friend that moved to California many years ago to be a para-firefighter ( they crazy fool who dropped into the centre of the fire) he also owned his own flying school for the off seasons. He often flew back here in his cessna for a visit in his "spare time" as his mother still lived close by.
He would tell us great tales of his life down there !
Wow. Sounds dangerous for sure. My dh does some crazy flying, but I choose not to think about it. Easier for me to deal with the danger of his job. However, this job is better than when he was a Navy Pilot and getting shot at! So I guess I should be thankful! :D
Hey Future- was just reading over the posts and noticed I missed replying to you about your daughter donating her time at the dog trainers. That is so neat. did she like it? Do you think it's something she could do or would ever want to do? Just wondering apparently there is a great need for dog trainers out there, I just don't think they get paid much????
Now to lighten the mood:hugs2:

What has everyone planned for the upcoming weekend ??

I ,as a rule, am pretty much a homebody most of the time but a few friends of mine from high school are having a get together:drunk: so looking forward to that !!

Emily has swimming lessons on Saturday morning, which she just loves:shipw: it is something DH does with her.. since I am home all week with her, he wanted something for them to do together.

Well tonight I get to meet with 2 of my favorite friends for coffee, treats, and conversation. Both of these ladies will be moving out of state soon (one will move to the other side of the country), so we wanted to get together before that happens. :cry:

Saturday will be a lazy day, except for taking my 10 yr old to baseball tryouts. Wish him luck!
Good Luck!! What position does he play? I played fast pitch as a kid. My sister was the pitcher and I was the catcher and my dad was the coach! So I always made the team, but will say didn't always play if I was having an off day!

We are going to meet with a dog trainer tomorrow at 230 at our house...better get the carpets cleaned! aaggghhhh! Doc called and I have a small spot on my Left lung that she believes might be a small pneumonia, so I guess I'm suppose to take it easy. She offered me pain meds again given that finding but I said "no" I am hoping all this pain pays off and I'm pregnant! If not I'll wish I took the dang pills! LOL!!! Hubby on his way home(flying) so will get some help with the kiddo soon! yay! She will be so happy t5o see her daddy.
the dog trainer suggested to us a Goldendoodle...have any of you heard of that breed? Looks like what we need! That dog doesn't shed is hypoallergenic and big enough to carry her oxygen bottles.
Golden-doodles are great dogs..don't shed and are hypo-allergenic !!
Here in Ontario High School students have to donate 40 hrs of their time in the community to get their high school degree so that's why my daughter worked on the training farm. She has no interest in that feild for her future ( she is in university now majoring in Accounting with a minor in mathamatic's ) but her work there was a great experience.

TaeBoMama.. it's so funny for me to see someone going to play baseball in Jan. when we must have 5 feet of snow :cold: but that is a refreashing thought of summer !!
Best of luck to him and I hope he gets the position he wants:thumbup:

Do anyone of you work outside the home ?

I am a newly SAHM ( we decided before I had Emily that I would stay home with her ) it is a big change since I have worked most of my life and at times I kinda feel bad for putting all the responsiblity on my DH. I had a friend make a kinda nasty comment to me today and I don't know why but it has made me feel bad about being home.
Just checking in
I haven't had a chance to read back yet but I see we have some new members
Hi to you!!!
I have been away for a bit and am just now back.
WB Ready :hugs:
I am soooo incredibly sorry and you are in my prayers!
God Bless you Hunny!
Every one else please have patience with me while I try to catch up!
Future - I agree about it being a big change to be a SAHM when your used to working. I thought I wanted to be a SAHM and I did it for the first 7 months with my daughter then I went back to work only 2 days a week (nurses work 12-14 hour shifts so 2 days a week was part time) then we moved to Georgia in April and I've been a SAHM again since. I'm still waiting on my Georgia nursing license(long story will tell if you really want to hear). I love staying at home, but the fact is we need to do so much to the farm to get it in working order that we could use the extra money and Alida could use time with other people so we hired a Nanny(Alida can't go to daycare because of her oxygen and all the germs there, she is suseptible to catching colds and resp. stuff). We used her while I was doing my preceptorship to get my Ga License and now I'm just waiting to be issued my lic. and we will use her again when I get a job(which I have one if the board hurries it up!). I will only work PRN but it will be about the same 2 days a week but like I said LONG days. My husband is feeling the pressure with the extra bills coming in. We are having a barn built next month so we can start housing some horses. Anyway back on topic....Yes and I felt guilty the whole time not bringing in money, but I spent extra time clipping coupons and I truly believe my daughter is so ahead for her age becasue I did stay home with her. We do that "your baby can read" program and signing time and many other learning type activities throughout the day and she has mastered all of them. The doctors all tell me how ahead she is. She is so happy too and her tantrums are less than many kids I see in the stores and I think a lot of it is because I'm able to spend so much time with her. I don't know what your friend said to you but don't let it bother you, she is probably just jealous! :D
Oh I know she is jealous and as the hours have passed I feel more angry than upset at her so I will just :ignore:
So from what I read your nursing licence isn't good from state to state ?
So funny because my BFF is a Oncological Nurse and when she finished her degree she was getting offer after offer to pack up and move to the U.S.A to work. One offer ( I beleive was from Florida ) offered to pay all moving cost PLUS one years worth of rent.:wacko:
She turned all offers down as she is an only child of "late in life " parents.. I think they were in their mid 40's when they had her...something that was rare back in the 70's.
I also worked very long hours ( one of the major reasons we decided for me to stay home ) I worked for a Major Chocolate Bar company:munch: in the logistic department. Meaning I dealt with the Canadian / U.S. food and drug administration at our boarders. Ever since 911 and the mad cow scares it can be tricky transporting food products.
I worked a continental shift meaning I worked two 12 1/2 hr days then two 12 1/2 hr night with four days off. I loved it but since we live about an hours drive away from my company. That would mean I would be away from home about 15hrs a day. Unfair to a child. My company doesn't offer part-time work.
So we planned and tightened our belts so we could afford for me to stay home.
We are very lucky that DH was able to find a high paying position which also helped in affording my staying home.
So you live on a farm ? We live in the country ( we own about an acre of land on the outskirts of town ) but no animals except our dog:haha:
My second youngest is very equestrian. She owns a geldling ( appaloosa ) which we board locally. We have had him about five years now.
The best thing for a teenage girl is a horse !!
We bought him at auction and quickly learned why he was there ! He likes the OTHER side of the fence. He will go over or through, he doesn't care:dohh: and the vet has made regular visits for stitches.
But he has a wonderful temperament and is just perfect with young children and my daughter loves him so he gets to stay !!

Hi flibbrtygibbt.. Welcome back :wave:
I work outside of the home but have the flexibility to work from home due to illness, weather etc. I stayed home with my son for 6 months when he was first born excpet for the first few weeks. I had a trial I was preparing for when he decided to arrive and I went back for a few weeks after he was born to wrap that up. After the trial started I went out on leave and stayed with him for 6 months before re-entering the job force. Best 6 months of my life but I think this time I will only stay home 3 months and go back to work.

Don't let someone's comments cause you turmoil, you have to do what is best for your family!

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