Team Tick Tock~35+ TTC~Racing to Beat the Clock!

Oh I know she is jealous and as the hours have passed I feel more angry than upset at her so I will just :ignore:
So from what I read your nursing licence isn't good from state to state ?
So funny because my BFF is a Oncological Nurse and when she finished her degree she was getting offer after offer to pack up and move to the U.S.A to work. One offer ( I beleive was from Florida ) offered to pay all moving cost PLUS one years worth of rent.:wacko:
So you live on a farm ? We live in the country ( we own about an acre of land on the outskirts of town ) but no animals except our dog:haha:
My second youngest is very equestrian. She owns a geldling ( appaloosa ) which we board locally. We have had him about five years now.
The best thing for a teenage girl is a horse !!
We bought him at auction and quickly learned why he was there ! He likes the OTHER side of the fence. He will go over or through, he doesn't care:dohh: and the vet has made regular visits for stitches.
But he has a wonderful temperament and is just perfect with young children and my daughter loves him so he gets to stay !!

Hi flibbrtygibbt.. Welcome back :wave:

I was having problems getting my license here in Georgia because I hadn't "worked" as an RN for a full year and I had only worked as an LPN & RN as a Pediatric Nurse(i've never worked adults) so the Georgia board decided I didn't have enough experience for a license and made me do 150 hour preceptorship(basically work for free!) in Labor and Deliver and an adult ER. So I finished those hours and now the board should give me a license. I don't have to re-test or anything, which I wish they would've had me do instead of the preceptor! LOL! But it's done now, just waiting.
We don't live on a "farm" yet! We are having the barn built so we can board horses here. I don't know anything about farm life or horses so I'm a little nervous. We want to get Alida into horseback riding when she is old enough we figured she'd like that considering she wouldn't have to exert much energy like running sports. That is one reason we bought this house. It has 10 acres and the front 4-5 acres are all pastures already fenced off to 3 different pastures that open into each other if you want(with gates). The stable that is here already is falling apart, I wouldn't put my dog in there much less a horse! :D So this is all new to me, I need to do some studying on how to care for a horse! LOL!!! My dh grew up on a dairy farm with something like 40 acres. So he has always dreamt of living on a small farm with a little land to hunt on. The back 5 acres is all wooded. So he got his "dream". Plus the house is perfect for Alida(and I like it too!) there are no obstacles for her oxygen. Very open floorplan. Pics of it in my journal :D! We have some fixing on some of the fences to do too before we could board any horses here. But the previous owners had 2 horses!
That's great you have one, I believe it will teach Alida some responsibility when she is older, having to help take care of her horse. Grandma and papa said they'd buy her a horse and a goat when we are ready! I asked if they were going to buy the hay/feed for the horse for the next 20 years too! LOL, but they said NO! :dohh:
When Alida and I went for a walk around the property yesterday we found deer tracks all around the house! That deer was no more than 40 feet away from the house! Wish I could've seem it. I love watching deers! So peaceful to me. I hate that my dh likes to hunt them but I know it's good meat and good so they don't get overly populated! I'd hate to hit one on our road!
Hey Dyme, sounds like your a lawyer???? So are you pregnant right now? I hope when I get pregnant again I can stay home longer, but we will see how our finances are by then and if I have my swimming pool yet! That will determine if I go back to work. All the money I make goes for the extras and new stuff. We don't buy on credit(unless we have too) so no movie night or eating out unless we have the money, no vacations or new clothes unless we can buy it outright. so that is why I work so I can have all my extras! But I'd like to stay home if possible!!!!
Ladies, there's so much chatting I don't know if I'll be able to keep up with you all! But I'm enjoying the chatter!

Sweet_Alida--My son plays wherever the coach places him. In the past that has usually been 1st base, which he likes. My daughter (14) plays fast pitch as well, but her tryouts aren't until Feb. My 7 year old will be playing again, too. This can be real fun when there are 3 games scheduled at the same time--not!. My hubby plays slow pitch, but I try to talk him into playing during a different season, as 4 players is just too much. I'd love to play myself, but apparently not many other ladies want to play. It's a man's sport around here (unless you're under 15). And they won't have me on their team. :nope: It's against the rules.

I Googled Goldendoodle and saw some pretty cute looking dogs! Sounds like they're very loyal and dedicated. Let us know if you get one! Sorry to hear that you're under the weather. Get better, soon!

They have sports just about every season here, but we do have a lot of games that get rained out. In the Spring season we've sat through some mighty C O L D games. And in the Summer we've been subjected on 3 digit degrees. Not fun! To answer your question regarding staying at home; yes, I'm a SAHM. And I always have been. I've done various things to bring in money. I've done daycare and I did own my own business for about 5 years, but I always enjoy just being a mom. My hubby makes enough that I can stay at home. But we don't live high on the hog or anything.:haha: I homeschool my kids and have from the beginning. I'm the organizer for our homeschool support group and keep pretty busy with that. Don't worry about the nasty comment from your friend. If she wants to work, she can. And you and your hubby get to decide what you want to do.

There's more to say, but time says I must go! Talk to you ladies, soon!
Does anyone here ever but off of E-Bay ?? I just bought some OPK and preganacy tests, I think 50 of each for $10. I don't how they will work but they were cheap.
I only just started looking on e-bay and I have to confess I LOVE it. I have sold a couple of things on there too. I used that sur-plus money to buy other's kinda like a hobby now !
Hey Dyme, sounds like your a lawyer???? So are you pregnant right now? I hope when I get pregnant again I can stay home longer, but we will see how our finances are by then and if I have my swimming pool yet! That will determine if I go back to work. All the money I make goes for the extras and new stuff. We don't buy on credit(unless we have too) so no movie night or eating out unless we have the money, no vacations or new clothes unless we can buy it outright. so that is why I work so I can have all my extras! But I'd like to stay home if possible!!!!

No not a lawyer just at the time was a very overworked and highly demanded Paralegal. Good at what I did and was in high demand. This of course was before I had my son, so 60-70 hour work weeks were the norm. I even did that while pregnant with him but of course I was younger! :winkwink: I went to Law School for 2 years but decided to switch to get my Masters in Acqusition and Contract Management instead which is what I am currently doing. Less hours, more pay and flexibility plus I can draw on my 20 plus years of Legal background and training when needed.

I am a homebody by choice so a good date night is dvd movie, pizza and popcorn. When it's adult date night we send our son to my Parents...:blush:
I do not like having too many bills to pay monthly so I try to pay cash for everything. I have a Coach Bag habit that I refuse to seek treatment for but that is my only vice...:haha:

I am not pregnant right now but I am hopeful that next weekend which is supposed to be adult date night, we can change that and catch that egg.:happydance: I will be off for 3 months if we are successful and I get pregnant and carry to term. We should be ok because I would get Short Term Disability for the time off and I work from home doing contract work.

I have a whole bunch of opk and a few pregnancy tests free to a good home. I don't use them as I have an Ovacue and don't have the patience for POAS....:haha: I've offered them free to a good home to anyone who wants them. Send me a PM and I'll send them out! I ordered them from Baby
I am pretty much the same as you ,Dyme_Diva40. I am pretty much a homebody ( I have only been out without LO maybe a handful of times in the last year) When I was working and with all the long hours away from home anyways. It was a treat to stay home and watch T.V.
SO just a small rant because its driving me crazy
Sorry to change subject girls
After doing the clomid and putting myself thru hot flashes and mood swings, an emergency came up and I had to leave right at O time
so I missed it completely!!!!
its really bothering me
Today I have really wanted to cry over it
SO just a small rant because its driving me crazy
Sorry to change subject girls
After doing the clomid and putting myself thru hot flashes and mood swings, an emergency came up and I had to leave right at O time
so I missed it completely!!!!
its really bothering me
Today I have really wanted to cry over it

Oh hun, that really stinks! :hugs: Vent all you want!
SO just a small rant because its driving me crazy
Sorry to change subject girls
After doing the clomid and putting myself thru hot flashes and mood swings, an emergency came up and I had to leave right at O time
so I missed it completely!!!!
its really bothering me
Today I have really wanted to cry over it

I don't blame you I'd want to cry too! Wow that stinks...okay let's get real that really SUCKS! I hope everything is alright. I mean something had to be wrong to tear you away from your OH at O time! :hugs:
Tae - do they not have any co-ed softball teams out there that you and dh could join together? Just a thought I played co-ed softball in Texas and Washington.

I'm a home body too. It's nice to go out to a movie with dh once in awhile but that is our big night out when we get a sitter! If we go to dinner we take Alida she loves to eat out. But mostly we stay home and play outside or with the dogs or with the many many many toys and books and movies she has! She is just a little spoiled! LOL.

So this is the pack the service dog would wear. We are meeting with another trainer on the 12th just to make sure this lady is who we want to go with. Did I mention she came to the house and she was 6 months pregnant!!!! Everyone is pregnant but me, even the potential dog trainer! LOL!! That might not work in her favor either because we want the dog sooner than later and she is 6 months pregnant and first time mom. She doesn't have a clue what is in store for her with a new born and she thinks it's only going to take 8 months to train a dog for us.....maybe without a new born! So we are interviewing some other trainers.
Hi everyone! I'm 35 and my husband and I will be trying for baby #1 this coming spring. He's been ready for awhile but I'm in the middle of school so I've put him off a little while. I just wanted to wait until I was at least halfway through so I'm not going into labor during graduation. I just found out I'll be graduating 2 months early, so I've finally agreed we can start in March.
Hi everyone! I'm 35 and my husband and I will be trying for baby #1 this coming spring. He's been ready for awhile but I'm in the middle of school so I've put him off a little while. I just wanted to wait until I was at least halfway through so I'm not going into labor during graduation. I just found out I'll be graduating 2 months early, so I've finally agreed we can start in March.

flibbrtygibbt..:hugs: How upset you must be. I was also on Clomid when TTC Emily and for you to go through all that :cry: Did you try to :sex: before you left ? Remember there is a five day window for:spermy: !

nursebetty..:hi: Welcome and lots of:dust: to you when you start to TTC.

Sweet_Alida.. Will that pack carry two bottles ? Did you so any service dogs while you were there ?
future_numan - No we didn't get to see any dogs. She told us about a rescue center for Goldendoodles and right now they have 2 males both 6 month old(perfect age to start training) up for adoption, and if we decide to use this dog trainer(see my journal for details!) then we will go look at these dogs with her to see if the temperment is right or not. We are also going to go check out her training grounds! Pretty excited. Hopefully this time next month we will be picking out dogs!

Welcome Nursebetty:hi:
Where in Georgia do you live? What are you going to school for? Good Luck TTC. I conceived my dd when I was 35 and she was my first! :dust:

Good Morning ladies! :wave: and lots of :dust: to everyone! :witch: is due for me on Wed. FX'd she is late by 8 months!
Morning ladies:hi:

I am so frustrated today:grr: DH has been in a funny mood lately and two days ago he picked a fight over a very silly thing ( date nights, of all things) anyways he has been aloaf with me and slept on the sofa for the last two nights:sleep: I can't get out of him what the real issue is:shrug: what's making me panic even more is I got a postive OPK this morning so guess I am going to miss this month ( I was trying soya for the first time):cry:
There is no way he will come around in order to :sex: anytime soon. He can be funny that way. The last time we :sex: was Thursday night, well past my five day window.
Wow! There is nothing you can do? I mean a nice romantic meal? Tell him your sorry even though your not sure what you've done? Is the TTC getting to him? Is he having second thoughts about TTC? HHHMMMM????? I am not sure what to suggest?
Just don't panic yet, you know you have 24-48 hours before you O after you get a + OPK. Maybe you will still meet the eggy!
I don't know weither it's pressure with work or what :shrug: My pride or my heart wouldn't allow my to say sorry for something I don't feel I have done wrong. All I mentioned is that it would be kinda nice to go out just him and I for a little adult time. ( we were just chit chatting while doing the dishes ) He flew off the handle saying that I accuse him of never doing anything..where the heck did that come from ?!?! I didn't think I was putting pressure on him to TTC. I haven't even told him about the soya experiment this month. I know from before that he didn't like the whole TTC process ( meaning temps, timed sex ect.) so this time I am doing it allot less demanding, in other words I don't say to much about it. Last time almost everything we talked about was trying to conceive related. So I don't think it's that.. UGGGGGG.:wacko:

Oh well, how is everyone else doing in their cycle ?

Sweet_Alida, when do you plan on testing ?

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