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Team Yellow Buddies ***18 boys / 16 girls

Wow krockwell, i'd be soo over excited too! I'm in the baby's room just now but it's still my office! :haha: I have a mountain of files and papers to sort out before i even start thinking about it being a nursery :wacko:

Welcome Cat - nice to have a new team yellower on board! :thumbup:

Well i only seem to post on this thread on a Thursday for some reason, because it's swimming night again tonight! :haha: Quite enjoying it now, since i'm obviously pregnant in a swimsuit, rather than possibly just chubby :haha:

Anyway, enough ramblings! How are you all getting on? Anything exciting happening?

Hi Cat
Added you to the list

So am venturing off to Yoga tonight- ooo we are good aren't we moongirl?

All good here, got 6 more working days after today. Have lost all motivation, got not a lot to do as handed most stuff over already, so might lose the plot by next Friday. Eugh!
That's funny I went swimming this afternoon as well! I had the afternoon off for a delivery and after it came I forced myself to go and very glad I did, I feel so good for it.

krockwell - we just got carpet the other day in our two bedrooms (we have be slowly doing our place up over 2 years). It's amazing how cosy it feels isn't it! We have my mum and dad coming from Australia for the first 6 weeks so they will be in what will eventually be the nursery, but we will have the baby with us for a while so I haven't bothered to do much except the carpet and get a new chest of drawers.

Hope everyone is feeling well. I think I pulled or muscle or something around my groin area, its not that painful just in certain positions. And I'm not walking so fast anymore because I keep getting this annoying stitch in the right side of my bump. Anyone getting little things like this?

Also, is there a UK version of that baby game thing krockwell? - or would I just use that one? I'd llike to set one up as well for friends and family, looks like fun!

Welcome to cat!
Also, is there a UK version of that baby game thing krockwell? - or would I just use that one? I'd llike to set one up as well for friends and family, looks like fun!

Just use that one. :) it's good for everyone, no matter where you are!

I thought it was the coolest thing! :D :happydance:
Thanks everyone!
All this exercise talk is making me feel guilty! Its just SO hot over here right now! Can't be bothered moving :)

Hahaha my exercise was hardly assertive. But have found out that there is an antenatal swimming class on a friday afternoon which I will be going to when my maternity leave starts NEXT WEEK!!!!
Hahaha my exercise was hardly assertive. But have found out that there is an antenatal swimming class on a friday afternoon which I will be going to when my maternity leave starts NEXT WEEK!!!!

Oh i can't wait to go on maternity leave - May seems so far away though!! Have been using any spare work time i have sorting out files and tidying up office so most of it can be packed away (i work from home and my office will eventually be the baby's room!). Ho hum, i must be bored! :haha:

Just had a thought when i saw your post Chele, about antenatal classes. Have/are any of you signing up for some? not exercise ones specifically but the general classes they run? Just wondering if it's worth it or not?

Have a great weekend fellow yellowers!
Thanks everyone!
All this exercise talk is making me feel guilty! Its just SO hot over here right now! Can't be bothered moving :)


I heard the weather is something else just now over there - how do you cope?!?!! We're all lucky that our babies are gonna be born well before the summer arrives (if it does lol). I wouldn't be exercising either, just lying with the air con on full and eating ice lollies :haha:

Thanks everyone!
All this exercise talk is making me feel guilty! Its just SO hot over here right now! Can't be bothered moving :)


Where are you from? My mum just rang me from Sydney and said that it was 33 degrees at 8:30 in the morning, expecting it to go up to about 39... I really miss that heat but that is just too hot, when you can't do anything! Looking forward to having maternity leave over spring and summer - and hoping for a bit less rain this year!!

Moongirl - not sure if it's what you mean but we're signed up to do an NCT antenatal weekend course in February, I'll be 33 weeks I think. I'm doing it obviously for all the info but also because I've heard you meet lots of people in your area and we're a bit thin on the ground with other expentant parents that we know.
My nursery is DONE! :happydance: :cloud9:

Here's a link to my journo! :) Pics are there

I'm in Sydney- 43 degrees yesterday- yuck! SO glad I'm having this baby in June when the temperature will be a little easier to bear!

Hi all!

Thanks green lady, that is what i meant. I've not looked at those ones yet, just the NHS courses so will have an investigate and see what seems best.

Krockwell, How you feeling today? I saw your posts saying you were getting cramping - did you get it checked out? I absolutely love your nursery, it is sooo cute! and so colourful!! I'm struggling to find nice bright bedding like that (for yellow babies!) here in the UK. Can i ask where you got it? maybe they deliver...:shrug: Or any suggestions from others would be great!

As much as I am jealous of your sunshine Cat, i do feel for you - it must be just toooo hot at the moment! Hope it eases off for you soon!

Well we've been car shopping all weekend which is a pain! Really feels like one too many things to think about :haha: I'm rubbish at decisions! :dohh:

Anyway, hope you all have a great week!

Oh wow krockwell look at your nursery!!! It looks great
Is that a head support I see in the cot? I've never seen those before but think I might now do some investigating.

I am signed up for Parentcraft with DH on february 20th. Have no idea what it's going to be like but is just for one saturday afternoon so we'll go along and see if we can learn anything.

Ah Cat I hope the temps ease up soon. At least you're not 9 months gone trying to cope in it!!! Aaaargh.

So no real news from me, except just to remind you all I finish work on Friday. Yes this Friday and I can't wait. We had a pretty normal boring weekend, although we did buy a camcorder - totally skint now
Thanks green lady, that is what i meant. I've not looked at those ones yet, just the NHS courses so will have an investigate and see what seems best.
Just to warn you that the NCT classes are a bit pricy... we decided we could afford them and weren't sure if the NHS ones in our area would be up to scratch, although I was maybe going to check them out as well.

Well we've been car shopping all weekend which is a pain! Really feels like one too many things to think about :haha: I'm rubbish at decisions! :dohh:

We've just bought a car this week it was quite stressful! But the old car was really bit of an old banger and I wanted something safer for the baby, and also that i felt more comfortable driving (it had no power steering and clunky accelerator and gears..) and am still an inexperienced driver so.. I'm kind of shitting myself about driving with the baby. I've never really been out on my own, mainly just drive OH home when he's had too many! Anyone got driving confidence tips? :blush:
We've just bought a car this week it was quite stressful! But the old car was really bit of an old banger and I wanted something safer for the baby, and also that i felt more comfortable driving (it had no power steering and clunky accelerator and gears..) and am still an inexperienced driver so.. I'm kind of shitting myself about driving with the baby. I've never really been out on my own, mainly just drive OH home when he's had too many! Anyone got driving confidence tips? :blush:

ohhh what type did you go for? we're looking at the VW golf but it's a bit pricey, so not sure!

Re confidence, if i were you i'd start practising now, before you have the distraction of a baby in the back! Choose a time when the roads are quiet, and a route that you are comfortable with and just go for a little drive on your own. Then try building it up to be a bit further/routes you don't know/busier times. Don't worry about it though it will come in time - i still get flustered when i don't know where i'm going and i've been driving for years!

let us know how you get on!!!

We've just bought a car this week it was quite stressful! But the old car was really bit of an old banger and I wanted something safer for the baby, and also that i felt more comfortable driving (it had no power steering and clunky accelerator and gears..) and am still an inexperienced driver so.. I'm kind of shitting myself about driving with the baby. I've never really been out on my own, mainly just drive OH home when he's had too many! Anyone got driving confidence tips? :blush:

ohhh what type did you go for? we're looking at the VW golf but it's a bit pricey, so not sure!

Re confidence, if i were you i'd start practising now, before you have the distraction of a baby in the back! Choose a time when the roads are quiet, and a route that you are comfortable with and just go for a little drive on your own. Then try building it up to be a bit further/routes you don't know/busier times. Don't worry about it though it will come in time - i still get flustered when i don't know where i'm going and i've been driving for years!

let us know how you get on!!!


Thanks moongirl, I know that's exactly what I should do. When the roads are quiet in London... hmm that'll be the day! Plus working full time - don't really get home and want to distress myself trying to drive iykwim. My OH drives to work on the weekends so it's just hard to force myself into it. I'll let you know.

BTW, we got a golf :thumbup: they are a bit more expensive but apparently hold their value really well and are very reliable. They are not too big but had a good amount of room.
BTW, we got a golf :thumbup: they are a bit more expensive but apparently hold their value really well and are very reliable. They are not too big but had a good amount of room.

Yayy! We test drove it on Saturday, it's loverly! hope we can get it - will keep you posted!!

Good point about quiet roads in London :dohh: you'll need to get a lift outside the M25 and then have a good old practice, haha!! Don't think i'd ever have learned to drive if i live there!

good luck anyway! :thumbup:

Krockwell, How you feeling today? I saw your posts saying you were getting cramping - did you get it checked out? I absolutely love your nursery, it is sooo cute! and so colourful!! I'm struggling to find nice bright bedding like that (for yellow babies!) here in the UK. Can i ask where you got it? maybe they deliver...:shrug: Or any suggestions from others would be great!

Actually, I'm feeling fairly decent... I've been getting the cramps again, but... I dunno if it's anything to get excited about? :shrug: TBH, I'm not sure how women can tell if they've gone into labor or not... :haha: I've got my Dr appointment on Wednesday, so will hopefully get checked to see if anything's starting.

As for the bedding, I found it on Amazon.com, and Ebay I believe has it... I just looked for some baby bedding, and went through PAGES upon pages of stuff... and finally found that one that I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE! :happydance:
And, my MIL, GIL and AIL (g=gramma, a=aunt) bought it for us out of the states :happydance: so... it's possible to get it I'm pretty sure anywhere..>

It's called "Arctic Heros" - by "Fisher Price" It's fab! :) I'm soooo totally excited that we got it... I love the bright colors the most I think! :)

Oh wow krockwell look at your nursery!!! It looks great
Is that a head support I see in the cot? I've never seen those before but think I might now do some investigating.

It's a "Sleep positioner" I think, and we got it at "Babies R Us"

https://www.toysrus.ca/product/index.jsp?productId=2689244&kw=sleep positioner&origkw=sleep positioner&parentPage=search&f=Taxonomy/TRUSCA/2567270


I've put up my bump pic in my journo... but figured I'd add it here as well, I feel like I'm freaking HUGE right now! :help:


Glad to hear you're feeling better KRockwell - tho a new baby would have been much more dramatic :winkwink: Thanks for the info on the bedding - will check it out!! I think i just really need to get my bum in gear and start some serious shopping :haha: Oh and cute bump!!

What kind of temperature will it be in Sydney in June then Cat? Hopefully it'll be nice here in the UK this summer - I want to get the most out of maternity leave! :winkwink:

Ah can you imagine, a lovely British summer and me in the park with the pram. Ah I can't wait!!

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