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Team Yellow Buddies ***18 boys / 16 girls

thanks Jetters. For some reason I couldn't bring up properties yesterday and now it's there.

Is everyone looking forward to Christmas? I finish tomorrow, boooooo and go back the 4th January so not loads of time off but am looking forward to a nice break. We don't have much planned. Xmas dinner at my aunts, 13 of us in total. Then not much else. Go to the cinema, eat lots, relax lots. Although I do want to paint the babys room one day
Hello :D

My names Evangelia (Liyah)
I'm 17 but will be 18 next month...

I'm on team yellow... was quite tempting to find out @ my 22 week scan lol but I love that i'm waiting until little one is born! :D

Baby is due April 13th

Wishing you all the best!

Congrats Liyah and welcome to Team Yellow!!

My mum told me quite harshly that she thought me not finding out the sex was SELFISH yesterday! I was really shocked- it's my decision, how can it be selfish?! She said that she wanted to prepare and buy the right things etc. I told her to quit her whinging and just buy neutral, I'm not a mad fan of smothering girls in pink and boys in blue anyway.
Thank you :D

Congratulations to you too!

Aww.. I can't understand how it can be selfish either? Many people just say to me.. don't you want to know so you can buy everything?

I prefer the neutral colours anyway! Lol

As same as you.. why you need to smother them in pink if girl and blue if boy?!

Congrats Liyah and welcome to Team Yellow!!

My mum told me quite harshly that she thought me not finding out the sex was SELFISH yesterday! I was really shocked- it's my decision, how can it be selfish?! She said that she wanted to prepare and buy the right things etc. I told her to quit her whinging and just buy neutral, I'm not a mad fan of smothering girls in pink and boys in blue anyway.

What>???!!!!!!! Jeez, but some people do react really strongly to us people who just don't want to know.

Welcome Liyah, love your name. Your baby is due one day after mine!!!!

Had an extra scan the other day as was sent to hospital because of my BP, bonus!!! DH swore he could see boy parts, then at another angle he could see girl. So we're still none the wiser. Phew!

Hope you all had a nice xmas and new year
Where is everyone?

How is everyone doing??
Hi all yes I'd noticed this thread had gone a bit quiet..

So, as for me I had my 28 week appointment yesterday and everything is measuring and testing perfect, so the midwife is v happy with me. :happydance: I am starting to have some trouble sleeping, I have a selection of support pillows but am constantly rearranging them at night. It's a bit annoying but if its the worst thing that I get during pregnancy then I think I'm pretty lucky. I'm sure other things will crop up in the last tri.

After my appointment I had the afternoon off, we did some housie stuff, and carpets for the bedrooms is coming tomorrow :happydance: DH made spaghetti and meatballs, yummy, and I made my first snowman ever! (Never saw snow until I was an adult being an aussie, since then just always happen to be working whenever its snows enough to make a snowman in London)

Here is me and my snowman in my back garden
Where is everyone?

Hibernating!!! haha :haha:

I've started (kinda!) looking at moses baskets and nursery furniture etc, but i can't help feeling it's all a bit on the dull side when you're on team yellow?! I mean, i like neutrals but i don't want my baby living in a little white and cream world! maybe i'm just being a bit too picky? :shrug:

Anyway, 20 week scan on Monday, will i resist :winkwink:?

How is everyone else doing?

Where is everyone?

I've started (kinda!) looking at moses baskets and nursery furniture etc, but i can't help feeling it's all a bit on the dull side when you're on team yellow?! I mean, i like neutrals but i don't want my baby living in a little white and cream world! maybe i'm just being a bit too picky? :shrug:

Well I haven't really bought much yet but I'm a fan of brighter colours anyway, you could get orange, purple, green, red stuff and lots of multi-coloured things...? there's not much you can do with the moses basket I guess but maybe the nursery decorations could be bright colours, curtains, lampshade, borders rugs etc? I would probably do that even if I knew what I was having
I cant believe i have not seen this post before :(

Im on Team Yellow... can you please add me?

Bubs due on 23 April 2010.

Thanks so much and 'Hi' Buddies ;)
I've been feeling too sick to come online! Bloody MS coming with a vengance at 9 weeks, wasn't expecting that. And i'm moving house on Monday *sigh*. Hope everyone else is ok xx
Hi ladies, it has been a while since I have posted here, still team yellow even after a scan at nearly 32 weeks the other day, I have another scan in 2 weeks as the baby is measuring small, finger crossed they have a big growth spurt!

My nursery is coming along slowly, mainly due to the fact that baby shoppping is limited here in Switzerland as there are hardly any baby shops and the ones that are out there sell the ugliest stuff I don't want to buy! It is getting me down a bit (silly I know) but I see all the lovely stuff from the UK and US that I want but can't have. I have ordered some bits from the UK but shipping and import duty can add quiet a bit on teh the price. Sorry to moan!

Hope everyone is dealing with the snow OK!
Hey everyone!

I'm still team yellow, but received a call from my Dr's office yesterday that they want me to have yet ANOTHER u/s... which will be the 15th - tempted to find out, but... being so close it seems kind of silly at the same time to have waited THIS long, and then cave just over 5 weeks to the DD!

PLUS OH would flip if I found out. :haha:
:) So...team :yellow: I'll stay I'm sure.

Had my possible VSD echo yesterday (friday the 8th) and everythings PERFECT with baby! Such a relief.

Hope you've all had a great Christmas and New Years!
I cant believe i have not seen this post before :(

Im on Team Yellow... can you please add me?

Bubs due on 23 April 2010.

Thanks so much and 'Hi' Buddies ;)

Hey Sadie! Added to the list xx
I've been feeling too sick to come online! Bloody MS coming with a vengance at 9 weeks, wasn't expecting that. And i'm moving house on Monday *sigh*. Hope everyone else is ok xx

Oh no honey, I hope it doesn't get too bad. I had nausea only and not actually sick but sometimes think I would have felt better if I'd been physically sick. I could hardly eat a thing. Hope the move goes ok x
Sorry you don't have a good choice Emskins. Hope the baby has a lovely growth spurt.

Krockwell - keep strong, not long now til we have the first team yellow grad!

Well my news - I saw MW on Dec 30th and had mega high BP and + protein so was sent to day centre for tests. BP went down and they scanned me. Baby is doing well, is average size. I could see DH staring and scrutinising the screen. He said he was saw boy parts, but then girl parts too so is none the wiser. Lol. I was sent home and back to MW this week. No protein, yipppeeeeee and BP is more or less ok, just under the limit, so will continue weekly monitoring for it.

Bonus side though, I changed my leaving date at work from February 26th to January 29th. I am soooooooooooooooooooooo excited!
hi everyone :wave:

Chele - that's good to hear the protein is gone and your BP is back down a bit, and even better that you get off work at the end of the month!!! very jealous :haha:

well i had my 20 week scan yesterday. It was amazing, i couldn't believe the detail you can see at it - the heart chambers and organs as well as all the little fingers and toes. But, our little one is super active (maybe i shouldn't have had my breakfast first, lol) so i don't think we could have found out the sex even if we'd wanted to - so YEA!!! we're still on team yellow :happydance:

have a good week!
Glad you've all remained strong! Well I can't believe I'm in third trimester - you too Chele. It's freaking me out a bit. Most of the postings are about baby's being born or people being overdue! And all the bits and bobs you need ready for labour and first few weeks. I don't feel ready yet... don't even have any baby clothes! :nope:

Is anyone doing regular exercise? I feel a bit slack on this side. My plan was to do a weekly prenatal swimming class, and get a home preggo fitness DVD or something but since the cold I haven't really felt the urge to go swimming, and I've been a bit busy round the houe so I haven't even bought a DVD in the first place! Any motivation tips from anyone? Preggo fitness DVD recommendations?

Also I'm working until 37 weeks so I get the feeling It's just going to fly by without me feeling prepared at all... So yeah basically I'm entering the 'holy sh**!' stage and hopefully by the end of third tri I will be totally ready... :thumbup:
yeah moongirl for sticking to team yellow. Post some piccies I'm dying to see!

Haha greenlady, you and me both in that case. It's scary but 2 days in am feeling a bit more settled, it's crazy to see all these babies being born and people talking about labour etc.

Oh god, no exercise for me. Am hitting the gym after my 6 week check up and will be toned and buff as soon as possible, :rofl: at the minute I just don't care!

Well, whether you're ready or not, that baby will be here in a few months. I don't think you can actually be ever truely prepared!

Work have agreed to letting me go January 29th so it's all about the handovers now. I am so excited and think once I get to my last day it's going to feel soooooooooo weird knowing that I am leaving to HAVE A BABY. Still so much to do. it'll get done at some point. I hope :)

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