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Team Yellow Buddies ***18 boys / 16 girls

nevermind... apparently it's a scam? :(

I feel stupid now. ugh....
Confused? Thoughts for your sister.

Thanks for your inputs to my little game ladies!!! Am really intrigued to see who will be the winner!

Congrats on moving up a box greenlady!!
I'm bowing out of this thread, the FOB has begged me to find out so we've booked a private sexing scan! Bye bye, Team Yellow buddies!! xxx
I've got my scan on tuesday- I'll admit that the temptation to find out is definitely there! I'm not going to do it- but I'm tempted!
I've also been asked to decide when I want to take maternity leave, and sort that out soon- it is getting so real now.

Also- hit the halfway point!

I'm bowing out of this thread, the FOB has begged me to find out so we've booked a private sexing scan! Bye bye, Team Yellow buddies!! xxx

Ah shame, but let us know what you're having!!
Don't give in Cat. Be strong!!!!!!
Scan tomorrow!! Woohooo!!!
And I'll stay strong. Hubby very definitely does NOT want to know!

Awww, good luck Jetters, hope the LO co-operates at your scan! Do let us know when you find out! :thumbup:

And congrats on half-way Cat!! And good luck for tomorrow :happydance: - wish i had another scan!

How is everyone else on team yellow getting on this week?

Hi All
Just at work and in the post-lunch hour energy dip... I feel like I am going to fall asleep at my desk right in front of everyone!
Meh! Plus I shouldn't be checking this site really, naughty me...
Good luck tomorrow cat, post your pictures after your scan so we can see your little darling xx
haha I used to sneak on all the time at week

Am pooped. I've been painting the nursery with my mum all day. Hopefully it won't need a second coat. Actually, pleeeeeease god make sure it doesn't need a second coat. I'm too tired. Bless my mum, she's such a good painter. I'm just slow and crap
Morning everyone
I'm exhausted today...
Must be the lack of sleep last night and the amount of energy I exerted yesterday scrubbing the floors... I know my knees and fingers are feeling the hard work I did :dohh:
Hoping to get some more accomplished today, because It's now down to 21 days left! :happydance: 21 days!

Hope everyone's doing fab today. :flower:
Here he/she is!

The scan was incredible, I am still officially on Team Yellow. I stayed strong- when he asked if I wanted to find out, I said no! Also, baby wants us on Team Yellow, kept its legs closed nearly the entire time!
I must admit though, when we were looking at its feet, I think I saw what gender my baby is...
Had a great day! Wish we could have scans everyday!



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hi all!

Well done Cat for staying on team yellow - am loving the scan pics, especially the wee feet ones, how adorable!!!!

And well done Chele and KRockwell for being so productive yesterday (OMG 20 days to go krockwell, it's soooooo close :happydance:). 'fraid i'm with you greenlady, on here when i should be working! A well, not to worry! :)

have a good day all!
Yay the nursery doesn't need a second coat!!!
Here are some photos of the room, excuse the ladders and exercise stuff.

We painted it a slightly lighter green than it was before. Basically to try and avoid doing a second coat. And this morning it doesn't need one so am really happy. Just need to get the bookcase in next, which needs emptying and sorting from the other room and then the nursery furniture can be put up. I'll do that when we get back from holiday.


Well done Cat for not finding out? So you think you know what it is hey. Are you going to tell us, do you think you really know?

Wow Krockwell you're baked! Do you think s/he will be early or late?
Well my OB doesn't want me going past the 39 week mark... so this baby will be early I suppose.

I've been trying to bounce myself crazy on the exercise ball...to try and get things moving. I'm going to ask her for a membrane sweep tomorrow at my appointment as well, just so that I don't have to be induced with any kind of medication,and will give it a go on my own. :shrug:

So who knows!

Your nursery looks fab! LOVE the color :)
Love the colour too! we've got the same colour tiles in our kitchen. The bedrooms are sort of sandy coloured though.

Umm so we've haven't done a nursery as such. We figured the baby will be in our room for a while anyway, and mum and dad will be staying so they will be in the spare room (only have 2 bedrooms). Everyone's posting pics of their nurseries on the 3rd tri board but I'm just not going to bother until after mum and dad have gone and the baby's a bit older... I mean we've got most of the stuff for it, all the main furniture and its decorated and carpeted... and I've got a nursing chair and spot for the moses basket in my bedroom. Am I really slack?

Just checking I'm not missing a trick girls!

Krockwell why do you have to try to deliver early? Hope you're OK x
The dr doesn't want me to go past 39 weeks because of hypertension... so, I dunno. :shrug:

It's not super high, but... it's up there I guess - although the last 2 times I had it checked it was right on the money, so who knows :shrug:

Not that I mind the little stinker coming early! :haha: I'm ready for the baby! :) AND don't want anything to go awal... so, it might be a good idea to induce. Who knows.

Hope you're all doing fab today! :)


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