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Team Yellow Buddies ***18 boys / 16 girls

Ah can you imagine, a lovely British summer and me in the park with the pram. Ah I can't wait!!

yeah - some good planning there from us all :winkwink: Although knowing my luck we'll have a heatwave in May when i'm 9 months and then it'll rain for the rest of the summer :haha:

fingers crossed...
as long as we don't get that awful june again with all the flooding. Eeeek!
Yeah it only occurred to me recently how perfect the timing is - springtime baby, mat leave all through the summer, prob back at work during the winter! Well done us!

And then this is my plan: work for about 9 months or so, through the British summer 2011 (with a holiday in France or something). Leave UK to head back to Oz in Autumn (UK)/Spring(Oz) and get ANOTHER summer striaght away. Oh and might throw in a trip home at Christmas time if we can afford it.

Thinking WAY ahead but I have been living here 10 years and as much as I love the UK (And I do!) I really want to be closer to my family with the LO(s?) growing up... does everyone else have family close by??
Yeah I am really lucky I suppose.
My mum and dad live 9 minutes drive away, my inlaws about 25 minutes away so we're lucky to have them around to help.

Do you have any family in the UK? Is your OH from the UK? Is he ok with moving? Bringing up your kids in Oz must be the best way I'd presume.

My intention is to emigrate whenever possible. I'm not a particular fan of the UK. It's my home country and it has it's positives, but I've lived in Spain, Germany and the Czech Republic and just love being abroad. Something to do with less chavs around
Doubt it will happen though but it's a nice idea. Just need to convince DH.
Yeah DH is a Londoner but his family is a lot less family-ish iykwim? His mum lives in France and his Dad has a second wife with three more children.. his older sisters are... not the most maternal/helpful for various reasons I wont go into!.. so we have family but its not the same as it will be in OZ.

It's been on the cards for us for a LONG time but its still going to be tough. He's OK with it actually, for a few years he wasn't sure but I feel like I've given a good proportion of my life so far to being here and he knows that, we have bought a place here that we will keep hold of as well so there's always the option to come back, which I know makes him feel better about going.

So where would you want to go if you emigrated?
All sounds good to me. Has he spent various holidays over there? I presume you'd move back to your hometown and near your family. It'll be a change for him but like you say you've done 10 years here which is a really long time and knowing you still have a place here makes it a lot easier for the mind.

My preference would be Italy or Germany (I speak Italian and German but DH doesn't so would be hard), but I am thinking more about Canada now. Who knows if it will ever happen now. When we were struggling ttc we thought about it seriously then but things have changed now.
Canada is ace :thumbup: :)
Lived here all my life... though haven't gone anywhere else besides the states and Mexico...:haha: So,don't have anything really to compare to...

But it's beautiful here! :) British Columbia is my fav! :)
Yeah we were there in April and each time we go (which isn't often!) it gets easier. He is so very BRITISH and a real character, so everyone loves him over there, and a chef so work shouldn't be a problem.

Yeah once the babies start, moving is def going to be much harder, especially if you both have all your family here... you could do it just for a few years when the baby is little? And Europe is close enought that you can come home for visit really easily. The language barrier I suppose could be tough for getting work.

And Canada..? You and krockwell could meet up in really llife and your babies could besties! HAHA. How funny would that be!
Canada is ace :thumbup: :)
Lived here all my life... though haven't gone anywhere else besides the states and Mexico...:haha: So,don't have anything really to compare to...

But it's beautiful here! :) British Columbia is my fav! :)

Ah you're biased then krockwell!! I've never actually visited. Not yet anyway
Yeah we were there in April and each time we go (which isn't often!) it gets easier. He is so very BRITISH and a real character, so everyone loves him over there, and a chef so work shouldn't be a problem.

Yeah once the babies start, moving is def going to be much harder, especially if you both have all your family here... you could do it just for a few years when the baby is little? And Europe is close enought that you can come home for visit really easily. The language barrier I suppose could be tough for getting work.

And Canada..? You and krockwell could meet up in really llife and your babies could besties! HAHA. How funny would that be!

I think the language thing is the main barrier. I can get by in most of western europe (my degree is german and spanish, but I also speak french and italian and can understand dutch and read portuguese) where as my poor DH hasn't got a clue. He's open to learning though but he'd have to get a job in an english company.

hehe yeah Krockwell can have us over for dinner any time!!! :rofl:
hehe yeah Krockwell can have us over for dinner any time!!! :rofl:

oooo YES! Come over for dinner! :haha:

Although...depends which province you decide to pick... :haha:
But more then welcome! :) :thumbup: :flower:
thanks chick!!

So it's my last day at work tomorrow and my colleague is off tomorrow has bought me two jumpsuits, some socks and a blanket. All white and absolutely gorgeous. It all feels so surreal!
So it's my last day at work tomorrow and my colleague is off tomorrow has bought me two jumpsuits, some socks and a blanket. All white and absolutely gorgeous. It all feels so surreal!

OMG that seems to have come round so quick!!!! :happydance: i can't wait to finish :thumbup: What nice plans have you got to fill the time until baby arrives?? Have a great last day tomorrow!!

Me and my hubby were looking at moving to Canada a couple of years ago. We have some family near toronto so were considering that. We went to check it out and it does seem like a lovely place to live, but i couldn't cope with the extremes - too hot for me in summer and way too cold in winter :haha: But then a) i'm sure other areas have less extreme climates and b) i'm a woos!

Looks like we'll all be knocking on Krockwells door!

I know hasn't it come round so quick. I have so much stuff planned. Got all the nursery to do, still got to buy loads more things like monitor, sheets, more clothes, bottles etc. I also want to give the whole flat a spring clean and sort out all the crap I've collected the last 5 years.
I reckon I'll have it all done by March though and will put my feet up and relax.
Sorry Krockwell, I stole your idea

Here is the link to my baby guessing game.
Would love you to all enter your guesses xx

I've got 6 sodding weeks left at work! But it's good I've got a lot on, and want to help get things sorted as much as I can before I leave. Plus I'm the kind of person I'll get bored at home and probably waste my time off... the less time I have to do something the more efficient I am. When I DO go off, one of the first things I'm going to do is some online shopping so I can actually be here for the delivery!!! (It really annoys me taking time off work just for a delivery that you wait in for all day then it arrives at 5 minutes to 5!!)

Krockwell and Chele - I added my guesses to your game. I might go set one up as well. :winkwink:
Oooh just noticed my ticker cranked up a box! :happydance:
Alright ladies...

I know this is kind of OT - but... it'd be really appreciated.

My SIL has had surgery on Tuesday, and is now having complications. She's in the ICU, but is probably being transferred to a hospital with better care...
They can't wake her up from the Sedation, because she's having these complications... and she has a little boy who's 8 months old.

Her poor OH (my BIL) is a wreck, and doesn't know what to do or where to turn. We've offered to watch their little one for them while she'd closer to us here in the City, so that he can focus on her, and getting her better and being with her, instead of being worried about their son.

So please, prayers, thoughts anything positive that you all could send would be greatly appreciated...

As well, because I'm so close to having this baby - if this baby would just hold off for a week or so, until things hopefully settle down for them and she can be sent back home - that would be awesome.

I'm not religious krockwell, but I hope the universe looks after your SIL, yourself and the rest of your family, and will be sending positive thoughts your way! Modern medicine is quite incredible, I'm sure she is in the best hands and they will do everything they can for her.

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