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Team Yellow Buddies ***18 boys / 16 girls


the pics were pretty rubbish because s/he wouldn't stay still, but here's a head shot!!!

I've been trying to do a little exercise - walking for a couple of hours once a week (well ok i haven't been out in the snow much coz i'm scared i'll fall) and swimming once a week (well ok i only started that last week!). But i'm really gonna try and keep to that for at least the rest of the 2nd tri - not making any promises for 3rd haha!

I can't believe i'm halfway through, think i'll freak when i hit 3rd tri! :haha: I keep having little waves of panic too greenlady, i haven't bought a thing! but then, what do they really need in the first few weeks? a pram, crib/moses basket, some clothes, some nappies and that's about! i'm sure we'll all be over prepared by the time they actually arrive (well hopefully anyway!)

Wish i was finishing work soon chele, that'll be so lovely to have time to relax before the big arrival!!



  • 20wkscan_b&b.jpg
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Not much exercise for me either, feel a bit bad about it really.

Not sure when I will be going on mat leave but soon I hope, due in 8 weeks so not much longer. I am really starting to get nervous about the birth and the realisation that my baby will be here soon, I can't wait!
Oh god, no exercise for me. Am hitting the gym after my 6 week check up and will be toned and buff as soon as possible, :rofl: at the minute I just don't care!

:rofl: Me too I'm going to be skinnier than pre-preg! Yeah right. Well in fact I just want to exercise for any benefits that it will give me for labour, but also I think swimming is supposed to be good for relaxing all your muscles etc and I think it might help me sleep. Mind you going swimming involves getting legs and bits smooth so maybe I will end up not bothering.. :blush:

Well, whether you're ready or not, that baby will be here in a few months. I don't think you can actually be ever truely prepared!

Too bloody true it's just really starting to hit home isn't it! We'll work it out it's what we're made for.

Moongirl - love the pic! :thumbup:
It's a great pic Moongirl. I am guessing a colour, but won't say.

Emskins - do you not have to give notice to your employer of your intended leaving date?

Greenlady- I thought about swimming but the thought of having wet hair in this weather is not appealing. I forgot to mention that I do pregnancy yoga though so does that count?
hey girlies i'm team yellow for the 2nd time altho was very tempted to find out with this one unlike my first. I'm due 26th feb!!! getting so excited any way just wanted to say hi xxx
hey chokkonana and welcome to team yellow.
Greenlady- I thought about swimming but the thought of having wet hair in this weather is not appealing. I forgot to mention that I do pregnancy yoga though so does that count?

Yes that counts! Well done! Do you go after work? I think that's my main problem, working 9-5 and then not really feeling like going to a class. I should really go on the weekend.

I'm going to work on motivating myself very soon... unfortnately this last week (prob since back at work) I've come over all PREGNANT feeling, sounds stupid but I've been breezing through it so far, and hit 28 weeks and started getting various aches and pains.. maybe I'm not as invincible as i thought! dammit!

Welcome to you chokkonana!
It's a great pic Moongirl. I am guessing a colour, but won't say.

Aw thanks. And go on, do guess! I think it looks like a girl face (ha ha, no idea why!) but my hubby thinks it's a boy. :shrug: I love guessing, that's half the fun of staying on team yellow! :happydance: And well done you for going to yoga classes. I think that's probably what i need - i'm sooo inflexible. But can't help thinking it would hurt!

I'm planning on going swimming again tonight after work, even with the snow. I'll take the car so just have to dash out and into the warm house, not too bad!

Wow Emskins, that is soon. Are you hoping to work quite close to your due date? How are you feeling? I don't know when i'll finish. I'm thinking about 4 weeks before due date, but have no idea if i'll feel ok or if it'll all be too much by then :haha:

have a good day all

I've been totally neglecting team yellow - sorry girls! But I had my 20 week scan on Tuesday and I'm very happy to say I managed to stay firmly on the side :D Although she did a 'toilet shot' to show me the legs, and I'm almost certain I saw boy bits down there :haha:

So anyways, how are you all?? Day off for me today, don't know what to do with myself! Moongirl - wish I was able to get swimming, bloody local baths have been shut for ages now, and it's a pain getting anywhere else without a car. So I'm sitting here munching a Mars bar instead....healthy!!!!

Well the problem for me and mat leave is that my HR is dicking me around! I work remotely from home for a global company but the do not have any HR people here, my HR person is actaully based in Spain so knows nothing about Swiss laws (nor do I as I have only lived her 10 months and don't speak much German), as a result they have employed a lawer to deal with my mat leave but I only had my first communication from them last week even though I told my HR months ago that I was pregnant, anyway, big pain in the bum as I want to leave ASAP but it turns out mat leave only starts the day I give birth so any time I want off before has to be unpaid or holiday..need to sort it out as I am desperate to leave!
Greenlady- I thought about swimming but the thought of having wet hair in this weather is not appealing. I forgot to mention that I do pregnancy yoga though so does that count?

Yes that counts! Well done! Do you go after work? I think that's my main problem, working 9-5 and then not really feeling like going to a class. I should really go on the weekend.

I'm going to work on motivating myself very soon... unfortnately this last week (prob since back at work) I've come over all PREGNANT feeling, sounds stupid but I've been breezing through it so far, and hit 28 weeks and started getting various aches and pains.. maybe I'm not as invincible as i thought! dammit!

Welcome to you chokkonana!

It's at 7.45 so I do have to pick my lazy arse up off the sofa which is tricky, but you get a good snooze at the end followed by biccies and tea (decaf of course) to chat with the other ladies.

Oh yeah, tell me about the pains. Been told I have sciatica - feel about 80
I've been totally neglecting team yellow - sorry girls! But I had my 20 week scan on Tuesday and I'm very happy to say I managed to stay firmly on the side :D Although she did a 'toilet shot' to show me the legs, and I'm almost certain I saw boy bits down there :haha:

So anyways, how are you all?? Day off for me today, don't know what to do with myself! Moongirl - wish I was able to get swimming, bloody local baths have been shut for ages now, and it's a pain getting anywhere else without a car. So I'm sitting here munching a Mars bar instead....healthy!!!!


well done for sticking. We'll soon see if they were boy bits or not!!!
It's a great pic Moongirl. I am guessing a colour, but won't say.

Aw thanks. And go on, do guess! I think it looks like a girl face (ha ha, no idea why!) but my hubby thinks it's a boy. :shrug: I love guessing, that's half the fun of staying on team yellow! :happydance: And well done you for going to yoga classes. I think that's probably what i need - i'm sooo inflexible. But can't help thinking it would hurt!

I'm planning on going swimming again tonight after work, even with the snow. I'll take the car so just have to dash out and into the warm house, not too bad!

Wow Emskins, that is soon. Are you hoping to work quite close to your due date? How are you feeling? I don't know when i'll finish. I'm thinking about 4 weeks before due date, but have no idea if i'll feel ok or if it'll all be too much by then :haha:

have a good day all


I was guessing blue, but what do I know :rofl:
Well the problem for me and mat leave is that my HR is dicking me around! I work remotely from home for a global company but the do not have any HR people here, my HR person is actaully based in Spain so knows nothing about Swiss laws (nor do I as I have only lived her 10 months and don't speak much German), as a result they have employed a lawer to deal with my mat leave but I only had my first communication from them last week even though I told my HR months ago that I was pregnant, anyway, big pain in the bum as I want to leave ASAP but it turns out mat leave only starts the day I give birth so any time I want off before has to be unpaid or holiday..need to sort it out as I am desperate to leave!

Jeez that does sound like a total pain in the ar5e. Is your company Swiss then or just has to go by Swiss law.Oh I hope they get it sorted soon, surely that can't be right xx
I have been signed off sick now until LO arrives due to bubs being small, so my focus now is resting!
Good, glad you get some time now to relax and look after yourself and the baby! so do you have family out there with you etc? x
Well ladies...
After much fuss and time spent wondering what the heck is going on and if things would ever come together...

So now, I just have to paint the baby's room, install new baseboards, set up the organizer and we can PUT THE BABY FURNITURE In the room!! :wohoo: :happydance:
I'm soooooooooo overly excited!!!

I've been waiting to do this for a long time, and now... I have just 4 1/2 weeks left to get the baby's room exactly where I want it! :) :wohoo:

EEEEP! So excited!!! :)

sorry...totally random post, but excited to share it! :) lol
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay OMG I would be panic central now if I were you! We want to see pictures of it all when it's done. Oh and post your baby guess poll - I want to have a go and can't find yours xx
My baby pool is


and then babyrockwell2

ooh, just noticed this! Mind if I join?
I'm due June 22nd. Originally I wanted to find out the sex, but the closer I get to the 20 week scan, the more I want the surprise. I feel so bonded to this baby already, and honestly don't have a preference one way or the other.
20 week scan is on 2nd of Feb :)


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