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Team Yellow Buddies ***18 boys / 16 girls

nursery is looking good...:)
And how exciting krockwell, can't believe that baby is almost here!
As for me, I'm thinking I'm having a girl.

Love the colour too! we've got the same colour tiles in our kitchen. The bedrooms are sort of sandy coloured though.

Umm so we've haven't done a nursery as such. We figured the baby will be in our room for a while anyway, and mum and dad will be staying so they will be in the spare room (only have 2 bedrooms). Everyone's posting pics of their nurseries on the 3rd tri board but I'm just not going to bother until after mum and dad have gone and the baby's a bit older... I mean we've got most of the stuff for it, all the main furniture and its decorated and carpeted... and I've got a nursing chair and spot for the moses basket in my bedroom. Am I really slack?

Just checking I'm not missing a trick girls!

Krockwell why do you have to try to deliver early? Hope you're OK x

No it sounds like a good plan to me. We're doing it all now as the baby is going in it's own room from 4-6 weeks old and plus I want to do all the feeding and changing in the nursery. So you're not slack at all. Plus when the baby is here it means other people will have to do it!!! Great get out!
The dr doesn't want me to go past 39 weeks because of hypertension... so, I dunno. :shrug:

It's not super high, but... it's up there I guess - although the last 2 times I had it checked it was right on the money, so who knows :shrug:

Not that I mind the little stinker coming early! :haha: I'm ready for the baby! :) AND don't want anything to go awal... so, it might be a good idea to induce. Who knows.

Hope you're all doing fab today! :)


What was your last measurement? I'm intrigued as I've left work early to keep my BP down. I was sent to hospital over new year as it rocketed and had bloods, BP checks and a scan before I was sent home. I am seeing a consultant at 36 weeks and so wonder what they might do if it goes higher again.
nursery is looking good...:)
And how exciting krockwell, can't believe that baby is almost here!
As for me, I'm thinking I'm having a girl.


OOOO a girl. Do you have any more scans planned? How definite do you think you might be? I couldn't tell a bloody thing from my scans at 20, 21 and 25. Not a clue!:wacko:
No it sounds like a good plan to me. We're doing it all now as the baby is going in it's own room from 4-6 weeks old and plus I want to do all the feeding and changing in the nursery. So you're not slack at all. Plus when the baby is here it means other people will have to do it!!! Great get out!

HAHA never thought of that but that DOES sound like a good plan! :thumbup:
I'm not having another scan- I don't need one, and baby hated it, the movements became really frantic and we had to chase it around my stomach!
I'm hoping my DH will do the nursery for me- it sounds like such a pain! He's much more creative than me anyhow, it will look better if he ends up doing it!

my last BP yesterday was.... 164/88 or something? :shrug: I don't remember exactly. Nothing SUPER high anyway....

So, I didn't get my sweep yesterday - because she was running super late (an hour!) :dohh: BUT we did kind of yap about induction, and next week... unless things change throughout this week... we're going to set an actual date that I'm not allowed to go past.... I'm hoping that things change this week, so that I can be induced next weekend, because it would work perfectly for us as far as time off wise for OH! (he's off 4 days next weekend) so... Thursday next week would be fabulous. :thumbup:
BUT we'll see...

I'm bagged today... how are you all doing?

Cat - that's quite funny, imagining your LO trying to hide from the scanner! I went to the hairdresser today, and OMG my LO was just about to kick its way out of my tummy while she was drying my hair! I figure it must've been the consistent harsh noise that it didn't like. It's so weird to think they're so sensitive to outside noises/sensations

Krockwell, wow, it mut be so weird to think you might have your baby next week! Good luck with everything and keep us posted. Does bagged mean tired?

I'm feeling good today, my haircut was like 6 months overdue so I feel like a different person. I'm going to watch that gender disappointment thing tonight (8 boys and wanting a girl) (UK telly) while OH is at work, I just can't imagine having that many kids and ALL boys. I ordered my carseat and its getting delivered tomorrow.. there's still a few more things we need to get but I'm feeling sort on top of it a bit now.

Does anyone use or plan to use a sling/carrier/wrap, and can recommend one? I want to get a material one and not sure how to choose one... I was thinking either a moby/ellaroo wrap or a mei tei/close baby carrier thingy (pouch style). Any thoughts?
I've got a sling! Its an infantino slingrider- hasn't had a baby in it yet, so not sure how good it is! My SIL gave me a pouchy kind of one too, but she said babies grow out of it real fast.
You have so reminded me of how much I need a hair cut! I am feeling a little bit frumpy!

And Krockwell- next week! I can't imagine baby being so close, i feel a little bit jealous! You must be so excited (and impatient!)

I am getting a sling and a carrier as well. I live on the top floor of my block, so it;s 50 steps up and I want something to carry the baby in so I have both hands free to carry other stuff up from the car. Can't recommend one yet as I am letting DH choose as he really wants to be one of those daddies with their babies in the sling thing. Bless him

Wow krockwell, we can't wait to hear your good news soon

Pinkclaire has had her baby so we're all just waiting to see what colour she got so I can update the first page!!!

Just spent the morning sorting my bathroom out. We have a shower room and bathroom and for the past two years me and DH have shared but I shouted at him so much the other week he's moved out. :happydance: I get my bathroom back to just me and don't have to worry about toothpaste being splattered down the walls and the toilet seat being up and a mess. He got a new electric toothbrush the other week and who knows what he does to clean his teeth. It's everywhere.

Am pooped now. Or bagged ;-) so going to watch that 8 boys and wanting a girl now on the laptop.

Am going on holiday tomorrow so will check in on my iPhone, but lurk more than post. Have a great week girls!
Just spent the morning sorting my bathroom out. We have a shower room and bathroom and for the past two years me and DH have shared but I shouted at him so much the other week he's moved out. :happydance: I get my bathroom back to just me and don't have to worry about toothpaste being splattered down the walls and the toilet seat being up and a mess. He got a new electric toothbrush the other week and who knows what he does to clean his teeth. It's everywhere.

Am going on holiday tomorrow so will check in on my iPhone, but lurk more than post. Have a great week girls!

haha that made me laugh!! my hubby does the exact same when brushing his teeth - i don't know how it's humanly possible to get toothpaste where it ends up :haha:

wow krockwell, that's so exciting! looking forward to hearing your good news soon :happydance:

oh and Have a lovely holiday Chele!
Thanks Moongirl!

I think he opens his mouth wide and because it's electric it flies everywhere. I should have taken a picture this morning of the walls to show you all. I have an electric toothbrush but manage to keep it neat so it's not hard!!!
How's everyone on team yellow today??

Krockwell - any news?

Nothing new from me - car seat arrived the other day. Hmm, have NCT classes this weekend, and looking forward to a special dinner cooked by my hubby on valentine's day.

Chele - if you're reading, hoping you're having a nice holiday (read: jealous!)
My hubby gets shaving gel everywhere and is obsessed with vitamins and cod liver oil and things - leaving the lids of every pot every time he has one. You're lucky to have a second bathroom - I wish!!

sorry double post and didn't even notice!
No news.....

No changes! :( Depressing. lol
Having a sweep on Wednesday, so...we'll see how things go after that!
It will happen soon Krockwell, look at your ticker, you are so close to meeting your LO. I can't blame you for feeling impatient though!
Got everything crossed that wednesday will work- I'm excited to hear news!

So guys I feel like crap today, threw up in the middle of the night after an hour of painful heartburn and reflux... went to work but came home early still feeling a bit sicky, and since I've been home I've started having pain in my bump and insides, and every movement (they are pretty much constant) is poking something tender. Now my lower back is starting to hurt as well. I don't feel as sicky but still won't be eating much tonight

I have felt pretty good throughout my pregnancy so far and had no problems... is this just the usual sort of stuff for my stage, possibly combined with a bit of a tummy bug? I haven't got any labour signs or anything so I'm sure its nothing to worry about, but it's just getting me down. If my organs are getting so squished now how am I going to feel in 7 weeks time??
not sure, just sending you some hugs :hugs::hugs:
Hopefully someone further along can help.

Hi there!!

Krockwell - good luck for the sweep today - keep us updated :happydance:

Greenlady - sorry you've been feeling yucky, that's rubbish. Hope you had a good night's sleep last night and are feeling a bit better :hugs:

Cat - how are things with you? Basking in that 2nd tri glow yet? :winkwink:


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