Ooh cool, a girlie! congrats to Caz-x. I think she was quite overdue as well so that's good news for her.
Yep I have the pads and the disposable nickers. SEXY indeed. I've decided there are some things I can't pack until the last minute so I'm going to do a hospital bag list and so when I go into labour I remember all the last minute things. I do this when going on holiday as well (the 'morning' list, usually says toiletries, toothbrush, pyjamas etc). I am also going to start a 'things to do when I go on leave' list. I feel like I've done something just by writing these sodding lists, how sad.
Just met up this afternoon with ladies from my NCT class and 2 of them have already had their babies (early) by C-seciton. two boys! And in March lambs there are 14 boys and only 4 girls. perhaps there's a tendency for girls to come late? Anyway but it seems it can all happen quite suddenly which makes me think I should finalise a few things soon...
In other news, DH has given up smoking, finally (well for the 3rd or 4th time lol) but he's being really good and I'm so proud of him (only been a few days though ...). The best thing about it is he needs distraction so as not to smoke, so I'm like 'do you feel like mopping the floors today..?' get home and all the floors are mopped AND all the windows are cleaned. what are star!
And in other news again, just noticed that I have entered the LAST TICKER BOX!!!
Sorry for long post just feeling quite buzzed today! It's amazing what a little bit of sunshine can do for you on this side of the world!!