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Team Yellow Buddies ***18 boys / 16 girls

Hey all the newbies. Am adding you to the list!!!
hi im staying team yellow this time round im due july 7th
Hows everyone on team yellow this week??
We've got paint on our room... mouldings and baseboards tomorrow & MOVING IN!!

Then I can start on the nursery!!! :happydance: :yipee: :happydance:
We've got paint on our room... mouldings and baseboards tomorrow & MOVING IN!!

Then I can start on the nursery!!! :happydance: :yipee: :happydance:

Yay! that's so exciting! good luck for the move! :happydance:

I'm feeling soooo tired this week... can hardly keep awake :sleep: I'm really not being productive at work, need to snap out of it! Any tips anyone?

Also, i'm getting to that stage now where everyone round me is finding out the sex (May babies) - can't believe i have to wait until january to get past the 20 week scan.... must....stay.... strong.... :winkwink:

I'm starting to feel excited about Christmas too, once my shopping is done I'm going to throw myself into full festive mode :happydance:

How are you all doing this week?

Ah krockwell I am so jealous. We've had our flat on the market for 22 months now and it feels like we'll never move. We're doing the nursery in January as I want the paint smells to subside before April, but part of me still feels like that's too early, just in case a miracle happens and we eventually sell the place. I can't get my head round being here when the baby is here

Well I am having a pants week. I've got a sore throat so am off work for the second day :happydance:. I feel more positive today though. All weekend and yesterday I've been feeling really low, that something is going to happen to the baby. I had a nightmare last night I started bleeding, but feeling more happier today.

Got a day of daytime tv and cookery programmes planned this afternoon! xx
moongirl - just think it's christmas in just over 2 weeks so that should be a bit of a small break. I love Christmas!!
I've had a bit of an unproductive week too - not at work, but when I get home I just don't feel like doing much of anything. I keep looking at piles of papers that need sorting and CDs all out of their cases that need tidying (OHs fault), but never do anything about it!

I've also been planning to go to this aqua-natal class in the evening once a week, but keep waking up every day with a stuffy nose and sore throat, so I figure I don't want to make myself sicker by getting into a public pool... does anyone esle have that - sort of a cold that doesn't really take hold but won't bloody bugger off?

On the plus side I did just send a bunch of pressies to my family in Oz, spent over half my lunch break in the post office queue :dohh: So that's all done.

Good luck with redecorating and the move Krockwell. We have a bit of decorating to do ourselves. Chele I'm sorry to hear you've not been able to sell, it must be a total nightmare. It took us a year to buy our flat for various reasons, and the feeling of not being properly settled, on the brink of moving for a year, was really quite stressful, even without a baby on the way! So I can empathise with you. Hopefully your luck will be in v. soon. xxx
I've also been planning to go to this aqua-natal class in the evening once a week, but keep waking up every day with a stuffy nose and sore throat, so I figure I don't want to make myself sicker by getting into a public pool... does anyone esle have that - sort of a cold that doesn't really take hold but won't bloody bugger off?

Yes!! I've been stuffy nosed since about 6 weeks pregnant, and my sinuses have been blocked too. my pregnancy book says that hormones are increasing the blood flow and the mucous membranes of the nose start to swell and produce more mucus. yeuch!!

I only got it a couple of weeks ago, and I *think* its easing off now.. we'll see
Thanks greenlady.

Anyone had any nose bleeds since becoming pregnant? I've had 4. They are only small but really quick.

The second one I had I was on holiday and thought I had a runny nose. When I turned on the light there was blood everywhere and all over the white sheets. I felt so guilty that it was everywhere and someone else had to clean the sheets.

The third one strangely enough was about 6 hours after we'd done some nasal clearing exercises at yoga. Scared to practice those now

I am also on team Yellow!!! Due on 20 Feb. This is my second, and we never found out last time either, the waiting was lovely and made me more determined in labour to get the baby out so i could find out. It made it all worth while and gave me a nice supprise after the pain & exhaustion. It was tempting to find out with this one to make it easier buying things, but resisted. I have bought white sleepsuits / vests and wil shop like mad after. THough, if I am totally honest, I love babies in plain white anyway.
Welcome Caz-x! Hope the next sentence doesn't put you off our friendly team :blush:...

Chele- my snot sometimes has blood in it, (sorry bit graphic) but no actual nosebleeds. I guess as moongirl says there's extra blood and mucus there, perhaps it just needs to escape sometimes!
Well ladies...

My Hubby FINALLY got a job! After almost 2 weeks being off - he got something that'll suit us just fine until after Christmas when he can get something more stable. :yipee:

I'm all by my lonesome now though... and then I won't get to see him until Christmas EVE! :( I'm... gonna be so lonely! :( booo.

Hope you all will help keep me company :hugs:
Krockwell - wow, sounds like its all happening for you at once! Sad that you wont see your hubby until Christmas eve, but just think how special Christmas will be!

Also - I'm viable to ladies! :happydance:
Welcome caz-x! It's good to hear someone who's been on team yellow before!!

krockwell - congrats on your hubby's new job! will he be working away, or have you just got used to having him around the house? Me and my hubby will be working until xmas eve, when we're taking our 3 neices to the panto!! should be fun :haha:

greenlady - CONGRATS!!! :happydance: that must feel like a big milestone to reach.... i can't wait!!

The third one strangely enough was about 6 hours after we'd done some nasal clearing exercises at yoga. Scared to practice those now

hmmm, did it work (other than the nosebleed?) how'd you do it? i'll try anything just now.... :haha:

hi ya ladies right first congrats to green lady on being viable today i am as well :happydance: as far as nose bleeds go i have had them befor in previous pregnancys som ehave been quite nasty but i only ever have them whil pregnant have not had one as yet tho this time
krockwell- so pleased your hubby got a job and will be lovely for you to see him at christmas
and welcome to caz-x hope every one is keeping well xx
My hubby is working away from home... he's at least 5 hours away. :( So he's staying in camp...and it might not be so bad, except I leave for my brother's place on the 18th I think, and OH won't be home until at least the 20th, or 21st... and then he flies to my brothers on the 24th...

We're not going to be able to :sex: though, because we'll be staying in a loft in my brothers place, with other people around... :| so...it's gonna be like a month! UGH!
With my lack of sex drive, it's already been a week... now, we have to wait till probably January! Sheesh! :help:
Hi ladies I have missed loads

Welcome Caz!

Nice one krockwell and seeing him Xmas eve will be a nice Xmas present, am sure you'll miss him loads though. And have another nice New Year present next year!!!

Greenlady and Mummy_em :happydance: congratulations!!! I am one week away and can't wait. Baby's movements have drastically reduced if I don't feel anything between now and dinner tomorrow I am phoning the midwife

Moongirl - let me think how to explain the nasal clearing. You hold your forefinger on the bridge of your nose and use your thumb to cover your right nostril and middle finger to cover the left nostril. Keep the right nostril closed, breathe in through the left, out of the right, in through the right, out through the left. And repeat. You'll also notice one side is easier to breathe out of as apparently this is normal and it changes sides every few hours. Weird hey. Let me know if you try it!

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