Teen mom last night

Well she did take care of her like she was her own for a very long time. When farrah worked and went to school, her mom took care of sophia. Even when farrah was there, she wasn't giving farrah her full attention and care. She would sleep through her baby crying and her mother would come in the middle of the night to feed her.

Farrah's mom might be a little crazy sometimes, but if i had a teenager and i was not only taking care of her but her daughter as well...and she was ungrateful like farrah... I would probably be a little crazy too.

It doesn't matter how long you are gone for, even if it is a second, you don't leave your child in a hallway and close the door. That is just ridiculous and there is no excuse for that.

And sophia was in the sink unattended while farrah was siting down across the room. I would never ever sit down while my child was unattended in the sink. I felt so bad for baby when i saw that.

Farrah's mom may be alot of things, but unloving and uncaring and irresponsible are not one of those things. I would trust her with sophia over farrah any day.

Maybe she is a good grandma, but she was a terrible mother. Farrah is really trying now, and her mom just totally is interested in Sophia and doesn't give a s*** about Farrah. Did you see those pictures of Farrah's face? That isn't what a loving, caring, and responsible person does.

And Farrah's mom allegedly threw a shirt into Sophia's face. It's not the worst thing in the world, but she should have known better. I honestly think Farrah will be able to be more of a mom to Sophia now that she's out of her mother's home.

I wouldn't agree that she is a terrible mother. Farrah is very ungrateful and likes to start drama. Thats probably why no one in the family wants to help her or take cae of her. We see how her other sister is just fine. Even her sister was telling her she needs to grow up.

Farrah doesn't think about whats best for sophia...she thinks about whats best for her first, and that's why i have a huge problem with her.

She says, "i don't want sophia around things that upset me"...regardless about whats good for sophia and what her needs are.

I'm not saying Farrah's mother was right in hitting her like that..there are other ways to handle the situation. But I can understand being pushed to that point when someone just doesn't listen and doesn't appreciate you bending over backwards for them.

I am annoyed by Gary and Amber as well, but i can respect amber more than Farrah because amber sacrificed to take care of the baby. She doesn't have her mom taking care of Leah all the time and she moved out and handled her responsibility.

If Farrah was just a little more grateful, i would sympathize for her more. But she still acts like a spoiled brat to me.I don't recall not one sincere thank you from her to her mom for doing so much to help her and sophia. Her mom could have put her on the streets and never paid for anything, but she did help (alot more than my mother ever would). When Farrah grows up, i think i will like her more. But like someone says, we only see what the television shows us.
Personally no one is going to agree on what is going on between Farrah and her family because we only see what the show wants to show us, we do not know the whole story.

Honestly if I was Farrah, and my mother did what hers did I wouldn't be civilized either. In fact, I am almost certain my mother would not see my child anymore. It is not ok to use violence in any situation. And I hate how Farrah's parents treated her at Sophia's birthday dinner. Farrah, who is Sophia's mother after all, felt it very important to get to read the birthday card to her daughter. That is something she wanted to do with her, and her parents couldn't stop for 2 seconds to honor her wishes? That is rude and disrespectful. You can tell that they do not see Farrah as a good parent, or even capable.

And everyone makes mistakes as parents, and sometimes things should be really obvious but they just are not.

Personally, I can't stand Amber and Gary half the time. Anyone else? Amber needs to get a grip, and I don't agree with them always arguing around Leah. That is not fair to her. As for Catelynn and Tyler, I am not sure what is going to happen there. And Maci may just be the one that is better off, lol.

Amber and Gary totally annoy me :growlmad: All they do is bicker and Amber is crying 75% of the time on the show and it seems like the other 25% she's yelling and swearing. Catelynn and Tyler were a cute couple last season, to me. Maci is really great. She's the only one I really like :)
Personally no one is going to agree on what is going on between Farrah and her family because we only see what the show wants to show us, we do not know the whole story.

Honestly if I was Farrah, and my mother did what hers did I wouldn't be civilized either. In fact, I am almost certain my mother would not see my child anymore. It is not ok to use violence in any situation. And I hate how Farrah's parents treated her at Sophia's birthday dinner. Farrah, who is Sophia's mother after all, felt it very important to get to read the birthday card to her daughter. That is something she wanted to do with her, and her parents couldn't stop for 2 seconds to honor her wishes? That is rude and disrespectful. You can tell that they do not see Farrah as a good parent, or even capable.

And everyone makes mistakes as parents, and sometimes things should be really obvious but they just are not.

Personally, I can't stand Amber and Gary half the time. Anyone else? Amber needs to get a grip, and I don't agree with them always arguing around Leah. That is not fair to her. As for Catelynn and Tyler, I am not sure what is going to happen there. And Maci may just be the one that is better off, lol.

Amber and Gary totally annoy me :growlmad: All they do is bicker and Amber is crying 75% of the time on the show and it seems like the other 25% she's yelling and swearing. Catelynn and Tyler were a cute couple last season, to me. Maci is really great. She's the only one I really like :)

Lol, I really hate the arguing and bickering. It gets annoying. And does Gary even really want to be with her, or is he just settling? It makes me wonder especially after wanting to throw away their family right after meeting a different girl. I don't get that at all. If he really loved her, you would think it would take a bit more than that to make him consider leaving his family ...
I haveee to put my opinion in on this.

I believe she is handling this very immaturely, being a mom and dealing with her own mother. At first, I was just constantly angry at Farrah because I saw one her just sleeping in her bed and the baby crying in the middle of the night and Farrah's mom comes to get her. Obviously, she could hear her crying, she is right next to the crib. Not only that, but her mom who isn't even in that room hears her granddaughter and goes to her. That immediatly made me hate Farrah, that is your daughter, not your mother's, and how can Farrah's mom respect Farrah as a mother if she has to do everything for Sophia? I am glad that Farrah finally is living on her own with Sophia, to take on some of her own responsibilities and finally realize how much her mother has down for her so far. But at the same time I am worried for Sophia's safety. I'm just getting bad pictures of the baby falling out of the sink and that's so scary. Farrah's mom though had no right to hit her own daughter, Farrah may have messed up a few times and shown she is irresponsible, but her mother isn't giving her a good example of a responsible mom if she is hitting her own child. Farrah needs an example of a good mother to be a good mother.

Amber & Gary-
I like Amber as a mom, she puts her daughter first and you can tell she loves her to death. As for her being a good example to her daughter, she doesn't get my vote. Swearing? Yelling? HITTING? Leah's father infront of her?! That's insane. Leah is gonna think she can hit, yell, and swear at her father or any other man that comes into her life, cause that is what her mom does. But I don't think Gary has given Amber much for her to be able to act sane around him. I think he doesn't try hard enough at all. And yet again, what will Leah learn from that? Amber needs to calm down, which I have seen her do at some points, and Gary needs to quit being a baby himself and grow up. I think Amber is just frustrated with Gary and that's the only way she can let all of her frustrations out.

I like Maci a lot, I think she is an awesome Mom, She loves her son to death and you can tell. I wish Bentley's father could of been more interactive with him but I think he still has a lot of growing up to do before he can accomplish that. I like how they are being civil with each other now. I think she is just very mature for her age and for being such a young mom and is handling it the best she can for her son.

Catelynn & Tyler-
I think Tyler was kind of wrong to Catelynn by getting so upset for the fact she cheated, cause she atleast admitted to him. It's not like he found out some other way. She had admitted it to him. Yes, she was wrong to do it in the first place, but atleast she didn't continue to lie. Until that happened I thought they were a good couple and would of been amazing parents, and I still do, I think Tyler would of been an awesome dad, he loves that little girl even though she's not there. That's amazing. But I just wish he was a little more understanding to Catelynn's honesty.
I haveee to put my opinion in on this.

I believe she is handling this very immaturely, being a mom and dealing with her own mother. At first, I was just constantly angry at Farrah because I saw one her just sleeping in her bed and the baby crying in the middle of the night and Farrah's mom comes to get her. Obviously, she could hear her crying, she is right next to the crib. Not only that, but her mom who isn't even in that room hears her granddaughter and goes to her. That immediatly made me hate Farrah, that is your daughter, not your mother's, and how can Farrah's mom respect Farrah as a mother if she has to do everything for Sophia? I am glad that Farrah finally is living on her own with Sophia, to take on some of her own responsibilities and finally realize how much her mother has down for her so far. But at the same time I am worried for Sophia's safety. I'm just getting bad pictures of the baby falling out of the sink and that's so scary. Farrah's mom though had no right to hit her own daughter, Farrah may have messed up a few times and shown she is irresponsible, but her mother isn't giving her a good example of a responsible mom if she is hitting her own child. Farrah needs an example of a good mother to be a good mother.

Amber & Gary-
I like Amber as a mom, she puts her daughter first and you can tell she loves her to death. As for her being a good example to her daughter, she doesn't get my vote. Swearing? Yelling? HITTING? Leah's father infront of her?! That's insane. Leah is gonna think she can hit, yell, and swear at her father or any other man that comes into her life, cause that is what her mom does. But I don't think Gary has given Amber much for her to be able to act sane around him. I think he doesn't try hard enough at all. And yet again, what will Leah learn from that? Amber needs to calm down, which I have seen her do at some points, and Gary needs to quit being a baby himself and grow up. I think Amber is just frustrated with Gary and that's the only way she can let all of her frustrations out.

I like Maci a lot, I think she is an awesome Mom, She loves her son to death and you can tell. I wish Bentley's father could of been more interactive with him but I think he still has a lot of growing up to do before he can accomplish that. I like how they are being civil with each other now. I think she is just very mature for her age and for being such a young mom and is handling it the best she can for her son.

Catelynn & Tyler-
I think Tyler was kind of wrong to Catelynn by getting so upset for the fact she cheated, cause she atleast admitted to him. It's not like he found out some other way. She had admitted it to him. Yes, she was wrong to do it in the first place, but atleast she didn't continue to lie. Until that happened I thought they were a good couple and would of been amazing parents, and I still do, I think Tyler would of been an awesome dad, he loves that little girl even though she's not there. That's amazing. But I just wish he was a little more understanding to Catelynn's honesty.

Cheating hurts! It violates trust and I could understand him being so upset at her. It was good that she admitted it to him, but I can totally understand him being so upset about it.
I haveee to put my opinion in on this.

I believe she is handling this very immaturely, being a mom and dealing with her own mother. At first, I was just constantly angry at Farrah because I saw one her just sleeping in her bed and the baby crying in the middle of the night and Farrah's mom comes to get her. Obviously, she could hear her crying, she is right next to the crib. Not only that, but her mom who isn't even in that room hears her granddaughter and goes to her.

Amber & Gary-
I like Amber as a mom, she puts her daughter first and you can tell she loves her to death. As for her being a good example to her daughter, she doesn't get my vote. Swearing? Yelling? HITTING? Leah's father infront of her?! That's insane. Leah is gonna think she can hit, yell, and swear at her father or any other man that comes into her life, cause that is what her mom does. But I don't think Gary has given Amber much for her to be able to act sane around him. I think he doesn't try hard enough at all. And yet again, what will Leah learn from that? Amber needs to calm down, which I have seen her do at some points, and Gary needs to quit being a baby himself and grow up. I think Amber is just frustrated with Gary and that's the only way she can let all of her frustrations out.

Catelynn & Tyler-
I think Tyler was kind of wrong to Catelynn by getting so upset for the fact she cheated, cause she atleast admitted to him. It's not like he found out some other way. She had admitted it to him. Yes, she was wrong to do it in the first place, but atleast she didn't continue to lie. Until that happened I thought they were a good couple and would of been amazing parents, and I still do, I think Tyler would of been an awesome dad, he loves that little girl even though she's not there. That's amazing. But I just wish he was a little more understanding to Catelynn's honesty.

Farrah didnt bother getting up because she KNEW her mom would grab her, she figured why not get the extra sleep. and as much as i agree with everything you guys are saying about Farrah, i think their is alot more their then we all know; I'm the same way with my real mom and its because of the things she has done to me. I will never be civil towards her. And also shes a STM, forever the dad is dead. And you can tell when she talks about him how much she truley loved him. how hard it was on her. I think she has alot of things to work threw imo

Gary is a lazy fat ass, he does nothing but sit there and bitch and walk out when shit gets hard, maybe if he tryed bringing her flowers once in a while, or taking HER (not leah) out for dinner and a movie? i dont think he is trying hard enough and i think this seriously frustrates Amber, rightly so. I do not agree with the way she yells and cuses infront of leah, but until Gary makes a change this is the reaility i think she needs to leave him.

and as far as Catelynn and Tyler, they need to deal with the guilt and regret they have for giving up carly.
Also Catelynn didnt cheat on Tyler, she was dating the other boy when she lived in Florida, the thing she lied about was Tyler thought he was her first and he wasnt.
i agree.. i cant stand watching gary and amber.. i usually ff through there part..
and amber is just laying in bed while her baby is just wondering around the dirty apartment. but i do give her this, she is actually trying with a job and gary doesnt want one at all..

and she is always yelling.. ill be surprised if leah doesnt skip talking and go straight to cussing and yelling. that poor baby..

im with you maci is deffinatly the best mom. too bad her fob is such a dick.
Coming from someone whose parents fault awful when I was little, I can't stand Amber or Gary. They are really ridiculous. I think it's awful that they fight ALL the time in front of Leah, that's awful for her, not to mention scary. Plus, It makes me really mad that she keeps putting her GED off and then blaming it on work or whatever. The program is designed so you can get it. It's an 8th grade education test. If you actually try (they help you develop a schedule based on your needs anyways) you can get it in as little as 2 weeks. So there really is no reason for her saying she can't get it "because she picked up a new job at a tanning salon" I used to tan A LOT and I have never been to a tanning salon that is always packed or packed even for 2 hours straight, to the point where you have no time to pick up and study. I swear, it just makes me angry.
Now, I love Maci. I feel really bad for her and Bentley though because Ryan is such an asshole.
Tyler and Catelynn I feel would have been the actual best parents and I really respect them for thinking about their daughter before thinking about themselves.
^^^ I disagree with the GED, first its an equivalence to your HIGHSCHOOL deploma, it is not a grade 8 test. I took the GED and its a grade 12 test. Second the book is facking huge, and i did mine in a month, i studied for 4 hours every night, for a month. I think that is pretty rude to say concidering i know how hard i worked to get a 90% and i was a 90's + student in school, it was not an easy exam. No way in hell i could have worked, went to school and taken care of my son. I had enough problems without working.
^^^ I disagree with the GED, first its an equivalence to your HIGHSCHOOL deploma, it is not a grade 8 test. I took the GED and its a grade 12 test. Second the book is facking huge, and i did mine in a month, i studied for 4 hours every night, for a month. I think that is pretty rude to say concidering i know how hard i worked to get a 90% and i was a 90's + student in school, it was not an easy exam. No way in hell i could have worked, went to school and taken care of my son. I had enough problems without working.

I was not trying to be offensive. I was saying how it is here. I know that our programs the woman who taught the class said the reading portion was 8th grade level and they worked with my boyfriend specifically to fit his work schedule and with picking me up from school. I wasn't trying to be rude at all I was speaking from experience. Sorry :blush:
^^^ I disagree with the GED, first its an equivalence to your HIGHSCHOOL deploma, it is not a grade 8 test. I took the GED and its a grade 12 test. Second the book is facking huge, and i did mine in a month, i studied for 4 hours every night, for a month. I think that is pretty rude to say concidering i know how hard i worked to get a 90% and i was a 90's + student in school, it was not an easy exam. No way in hell i could have worked, went to school and taken care of my son. I had enough problems without working.

I was not trying to be offensive. I was saying how it is here. I know that our programs the woman who taught the class said the reading portion was 8th grade level and they worked with my boyfriend specifically to fit his work schedule and with picking me up from school. I wasn't trying to be rude at all I was speaking from experience. Sorry :blush:

I agree, both my brother and boyfriend didn't even study for theirs and they both passed it the first time they took it, the test might be different here than in canada. but they will work with you and your schedule so you can study if you need to.
I do think Amber makes a lot of excuses when it comes to her GED. I am 21 years old and I am a full-time college student. Granted, I don't have a job right now. But I did have my son in the middle of my classes, and I was not even allowed time off of school after having him. I just had to do it all. I managed that, so why can't she manage atleast a little studying between everything else? And you see her laying around a lot, why isn't she studying then?

I mean I get it, sometimes the last thing I want to do after running around all day is sit down and do 2 hours of homework. But I do it anyway, because that is what I have to do. So, she is making a lot of excuses for herself.

For example - compare Maci and Amber. Their lives a very similar in some ways - but who is better off right now?
I'm from the UK does anyone know where I could watch this online? :)
I do think Amber makes a lot of excuses when it comes to her GED. I am 21 years old and I am a full-time college student. Granted, I don't have a job right now. But I did have my son in the middle of my classes, and I was not even allowed time off of school after having him. I just had to do it all. I managed that, so why can't she manage atleast a little studying between everything else? And you see her laying around a lot, why isn't she studying then?

I mean I get it, sometimes the last thing I want to do after running around all day is sit down and do 2 hours of homework. But I do it anyway, because that is what I have to do. So, she is making a lot of excuses for herself.

For example - compare Maci and Amber. Their lives a very similar in some ways - but who is better off right now?

I think that's a great point. Maci goes to school, works, is looking for apartment, and raises Bentley
HAHA sorry i just re read that i typed in quick before i left with the OH, sorry i sounded like a total bitch. The test i took here was freaking hard, you can pass easily, since you need 450 pnt score, but i got 600+ on all mine.

its the same as highschool you can pass with a 60, but you want to get 90's just makes you look better.
So I haven't heard anything about Gary's schooling? He started school around the same time as Amber - so is he still going or not, anyone know? I mean he doesn't have a job now, so it would be easier ...
HAHA sorry i just re read that i typed in quick before i left with the OH, sorry i sounded like a total bitch. The test i took here was freaking hard, you can pass easily, since you need 450 pnt score, but i got 600+ on all mine.

its the same as highschool you can pass with a 60, but you want to get 90's just makes you look better.

It's okay, I just felt super bad I offended someone haha
awh i swear i wasnt offended my mind was just all over, i come off bitchy alot on the comp for no reason, just the way i talk i guess. If you hear me say it IRL, you would laugh cause i sound so harmless,
Just a note about Farrah....
I live in Omaha, NE.
Farrah lives in Council Bluffs, IA which is practically the same city as Omaha.
All of the skylines they show in the show are of Omaha and she is actually in Omaha the majority of the time in the show.
Well getting to the point, I know MANY people who know her.
Ever notice how come she doesn't have many friends on the show? (Unlike Maci, who seems like she has dozens & dozens of friends)
Farrah has always mostly been concerned about herself and partying.
There are some people I know who say she got pregnant on purpose in order to be on the show...however, I'm not sure how valid that is.
I think Farrah acts a certain way on television to make things more dramatic and juicy.
In real life, she is actually reserved & pretty shy.
I think after she saw the way she acted on the 1st season she is trying to make herself look a little better.
But like I said, I know many people who know her personally and said all she cares about is herself.

As for Gary & Amber, the only thing that annoys me about them is how Amber is always like....
"Gaaaaaaaaaryyyyyy" in that annoying voice.
Can't they get along for more than a week?!
And does anyone else think Amber has lost some weight?

One last comment, Amber & Caitlyn's eyebrows drive me absolutely CRAZY.
That has always been a pet peeve.
Too thin or weird shaped eye brows. Haha.

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