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Teen mom last night

can't wait for this season of Teen Mom to start in Australia! :) Loved last season :)
I must be the only one confused. I havent been watching forever but is butch tylers dad? and he is dating Cate's mom? right?
Yep, Butch is Tyler's dad...and he's married to Catelynn's mom!
I hated seeing how Catelynn's mom treated her. It reminds me of how my mother used to act when she was on drugs. Everything was good when she had them, but the minute they were gone life was hell. It was a terrible and really depressing time in my life.

I hate that Amber even mentioned quitting her job to get her GED. Wtf? Some people would kill for a frickin job these days, and you have one your so willing to quit? Grow up! She says she only works part-time anyway ... so its not like its that far of a dang stretch. SO annoying.

I am not sure if Maci should move, I think maybe she is moving just a bit too fast. But I understand her reasoning, she really wants to give Kyle a chance this time around. So I wish them the best. But, she should have known that it wouldn't be easy for Ryan for her to just take his son 2 hours away. Ready to see next weeks episode to see how that unfolds!

Glad Farrah is working hard to catch back up. Couldn't imagine doing it myself to be honest.
Nope I saw it.

My overall impressions...

Maci and Kyle seem to be getting along great. I just hope it lasts and he can handle "daddyhood" It would be so disappointing for her to move all the way out there and realize that they don't really love each other anymore and that he would rather be young than mature for her. I think it will be interesting to see how Maci's parents react to her move to Nashville.

Farrah, she was kind of uneventful this episode. I'm glad she is getting more hours and trying to support herself. I don't know why she would even try speed dating in the first place! Haha! I think when the time is right, her prince charming will come into her life. I sure hope it does for her sake! I saw on the next episode that her and her mother go to counseling together. I hope they are somehow able to fix their dysfunctional relationship.

Amber, she needs to stop putting off her GED and just get the damn thing already. It's been almost 2 years since she dropped out of high school and STILL no GED. There was no reason for her to drop out of high school so early in her pregnancy, but I have no frickin clue what goes on in her mind half the time. She needs to get a tutor in order to pass her GED, but she should have been trying non-stop since she dropped out of high school to get it. It seems like she doesn't really care that much. She is the only girl who STILL doesn't have her high school diploma. I'm sure she still won't have her GED at the reunion. Oh, and she wants to take "vitamins or pills" to make her smart...hun thats called adderall and I wouldn't be surprised if she got her hands on those either.

Caitlynn, so glad things between her and Tyler. But, Butch is going to rehab for cocaine?!?! WTF. Her mom was definitely overreacting and out of line with Caitlynn but it was nice to see Caitlynn step up and be and adult and show that she IS better than her mom and better than the life she has there. I completely agree, her daughter Carly is in a much better place...a place where there is no screaming and fighting, constant smoking and drug use, and family members heading to jail and rehab every other month. I hope she is able to attend a good college so her and Tyler can make a better life for themselves.

Love this show! Just read there will be another season of 16 & Pregnant and another season of Teen Mom.
Personally, I like Teen Mom and the FIRST season of 16 and pregnant. For some reason the last season of 16 pregnant seemed acted out. I just love the girls from the original and I don't really care much about the others.

I AGREE WITH ALL OF THIS!!!!!! It is all soooo true! I hope that Kyle and Maci work out, they are so cute and good together.

Oh and just wondering...did it tell you when the new seasons of 16 and pregnant and teen mom would be starting?

I'm not sure when the new season will be for 16 & pregnant...BUT I'm hoping they do it like they did the first time around. Season finale for teen mom and then a two week break then the first episode of 16 & pregnant
My views for this week...

Maci; I'm glad her and Kyle are doing well and that Bentley likes Kyle but I hope he knows what he's got coming at him if he wants Maci to move out to Nashville. Ah, Ryan's going to be so pissed that Maci wants to move. I just hope Maci and Kyle last, unlike her and Ryan! But Ryan is a straight a duche bag and Kyle is pretty sweet. He seems a little thick sometimes though! :haha:

Amber; I really wish that girl would watch her mouth around Leah. I swear... It's sad that she can't remember anything for her GED but getting it is NOT THAT HARD. The GED is actually academics at an 8th grade level. She really, really, really shouldn't have put it off for that long. And she also doesn't need to quit her job to study for her GED. Eeesh.

Catelynn; First of all, yes. Butch is Tyler's dad and married Catelynn's mom April. Haha. Gross. But Catelynn and Tyler were together first and neither Catelynn's mom or Tyler's dad adopted the other so I think they're okay? It's still weird. But holy hell... Catelynn's mom April needs to chill the eff out. I can't believe she talks to her daughter like that. It's disgusting. If I ever talked to MY daughter like that? I could never forgive myself. Good for Butch going to rehab instead of jail, hope that works out for him! :thumbup: Tyler really needs to talk to his dad about all his balled up anger towards him though... :nope:

Farrah; Sweet Lord, she is dumb, dumb, dumb. She has a really good friend looking out for her though, even if she isn't on the brightest side. Ahaha, it was funny watching Farrah try and speed date though. I do think she should go and try and talk to her mom, even if she is slightly psychotic. :p
I agree last episode was a bit on the calm side. Although IMO, Amber and Gary always seem so hostile towards each other and very unsupportive.

I'm surprised that the state is cutting off Farrah's free child care, and that she is also unable to get any other support from the state - not even food stamps or welfare assistance? What, is the income limit $20 a week over there? She works as a cook, how much can she make?

As for next week, I'm interested in watching Maci and Ryan duke it out. I'm sure that MTV's footage of his and her relationship will give Maci an advantage in court, and I feel Ryan is being spiteful because Maci has moved on and is taking Bentley with her...

Amber; It's sad that she can't remember anything for her GED but getting it is NOT THAT HARD. The GED is actually academics at an 8th grade level.

Have you taken the GED, how do you figure an exam that is the Equivelence to a High School Deploma is an 8th grade exam. I think your making a gross statment that is offencive to the people who couldnt get a High School Deploma for whatever reason and better themselves by getting a GED, which is actually the Equivlent to a Deploma.

You can get into almost any college and obtain any job a person with a High School Deploma can. Obviously it is not peer class's, you have to go for upgrading to get those courses added on, but alot of people who do graduate High School graduate with the minimum requirements to pass. And alot of those people do have to go to college to get their upgrading courses...
The GED does test at a 12th grade level, if it was any lower there would be no motivation for people to even finish high school, lol, I guess its just easier for some people and harder for others, though I think Amber is taking it a BIT too far when she says she needs to quit her job to get it.
If your comments were towards me, I wasnt at all saying Amber isnt taking it to far, I didnt work while i took my courses/exam, because my situation with my OH is such that i dont have to work, but i did attend classes, take care of my son ect, while doing so. My OH worked out of town so i had to pay for a babysitter for my son on my own (without his help, since i needed to do it independetly) go to classes 5 days a week for 4 hours, complete 2-3 hours of homework a night, clean my house take care of my son and run arrends when needed. I walked 30 min to and from class's.

I do think in her situation she should continue to work, since she has gary there to watch Leah, she can drive and has her bf to take her where she needs to go, and he can help her with the housework, the driving running around ect.

I am not personally a fan of Amber or Gary, they definatly need to figure out their issues or break up its an unhealthy situation for Leah. I also think Amber needs to grow up and stop using "I had a baby young poor me" as an excuse. I know plently of girls who work go to school live on their own and take care of their children.

But i also think people need to stop putting the GED down, the GED was set in place originally for foregin people and people who quit school to go to wars ect. The test is not overly difficult if you just study and do the work in the book, but It is also not easy, I studied very hard to get mine, And i/and my family(and OH) am very proud to say i have it. I have heard more than one girl on this site dis the GED, when really i doubt any of them have taken it, and I can almost garentee their is more than a few girls on here without a Deploma or GED. I just want people to understand their putting down alot of people who worked hard to get their GED and im sure like me those girls are very proud to say they did it.
you cant get into the military any more with a ged ;) and I have mine so Im not bashing it.

different states have different difficulty levels, I took mine in alaska but I hear the one in alabama is much easier.

now, enough arguing about GEDs ladies and back to how funny it was to watch amber crying her eyes out because she failed the practice test after saying out easy it was gonna be :)
Oh no, I was never bashing GED's whatsoever in MY post...
However, I have NO sympathy for Amber.
If you saw her in 16 & pregnant she dropped out of high school when she was 4/5 months pregnant because people started staring and talking about her.
IMO, thats just stupid. If she could have enrolled in an advanced high school (like Maci did) for the rest of her pregnancy, then she wouldn't be in this pickle.
Also, someone explain to me why it has been 2 years and she STILL hasn't even attempting taking the GED, just contemplated it.
It probably would have been alot easier to get the GED right after she dropped out so things were still fresh in her mind.
She doesn't seem like she cares too much about her education because if she did she would have worked her butt off and studied and received her GED MUCH earlier.
I have nothing against GEDs, but I do think Amber is being lazy and has too many excuses for everything she does.
As much as she focuses on get her High School Diploma I think that may be the underlying issue. She doesn't want the GED, although it is more realistic for her situation. In my opinion, if she wanted her High School Diploma she should have stayed in school while she was still pregnant, and worked hard. Its just annoying to me.
If your comments were towards me, I wasnt at all saying Amber isnt taking it to far, I didnt work while i took my courses/exam, because my situation with my OH is such that i dont have to work, but i did attend classes, take care of my son ect, while doing so. My OH worked out of town so i had to pay for a babysitter for my son on my own (without his help, since i needed to do it independetly) go to classes 5 days a week for 4 hours, complete 2-3 hours of homework a night, clean my house take care of my son and run arrends when needed. I walked 30 min to and from class's.

I do think in her situation she should continue to work, since she has gary there to watch Leah, she can drive and has her bf to take her where she needs to go, and he can help her with the housework, the driving running around ect.

I am not personally a fan of Amber or Gary, they definatly need to figure out their issues or break up its an unhealthy situation for Leah. I also think Amber needs to grow up and stop using "I had a baby young poor me" as an excuse. I know plently of girls who work go to school live on their own and take care of their children.

But i also think people need to stop putting the GED down, the GED was set in place originally for foregin people and people who quit school to go to wars ect. The test is not overly difficult if you just study and do the work in the book, but It is also not easy, I studied very hard to get mine, And i/and my family(and OH) am very proud to say i have it. I have heard more than one girl on this site dis the GED, when really i doubt any of them have taken it, and I can almost garentee their is more than a few girls on here without a Deploma or GED. I just want people to understand their putting down alot of people who worked hard to get their GED and im sure like me those girls are very proud to say they did it.

That comment was not towards you, my Fiance has a GED as does my brother, so I've got no problem with people who have them, in my eyes its the same thing as a HS diploma, I personally just think Amber is being kinda lazy about it, no one needs to quit their job to take classes or whatever she is doing to get prepared for her test.

Sorry if you felt people were being negative about the GED. :hugs:
you cant get into the military any more with a ged ;) and I have mine so Im not bashing it.

different states have different difficulty levels, I took mine in alaska but I hear the one in alabama is much easier.

now, enough arguing about GEDs ladies and back to how funny it was to watch amber crying her eyes out because she failed the practice test after saying out easy it was gonna be :)

Actually you CAN get into the military with a GED. You just have to make a 50+ on your ASVAB where as with a high school diploma its a 32. My OH is in the Navy and he was home schooled and they looked at it like a GED. (very proud of his 70 though). =))

I don't think that Ambers the brightest girl on the block anyways so she will have to study hard.
But it was kinda funny watching her have a break down over it.
But i also think people need to stop putting the GED down, the GED was set in place originally for foregin people and people who quit school to go to wars ect. The test is not overly difficult if you just study and do the work in the book, but It is also not easy, I studied very hard to get mine, And i/and my family(and OH) am very proud to say i have it. I have heard more than one girl on this site dis the GED, when really i doubt any of them have taken it, and I can almost garentee their is more than a few girls on here without a Deploma or GED. I just want people to understand their putting down alot of people who worked hard to get their GED and im sure like me those girls are very proud to say they did it.

Alright, sorry, but this has been driving me insane since you're talking about how the GED is accurate to a high school education and all. It's diploma, not deploma, and it's not a proper noun.
Have you taken the GED, how do you figure an exam that is the Equivelence to a High School Deploma is an 8th grade exam. I think your making a gross statment that is offencive to the people who couldnt get a High School Deploma for whatever reason and better themselves by getting a GED, which is actually the Equivlent to a Deploma.

You can get into almost any college and obtain any job a person with a High School Deploma can. Obviously it is not peer class's, you have to go for upgrading to get those courses added on, but alot of people who do graduate High School graduate with the minimum requirements to pass. And alot of those people do have to go to college to get their upgrading courses...

I HAVE taken the GED actually. I wasn't putting anyone down about the GED at all. I KNOW that the GED is the equivalent to a high school diploma. So let me rephrase. The GED is an academic test between the levels of 8th through 12th grade. You must score better than 60% of seniors to achieve the GED. Then again, the GED varies by each and every state by level and how to obtain it. I'm sorry that you took this the wrong way? I'm not putting it down at all nor am I going to start a fight about a GED because I think that's ridiculous? I wasn't trying to start anything or say crap about the GED. Sorry.
Lol it was 3 am here, and i was on my OH's Iphone which changes my words, and i wasnt really to concerned with spelling.

And there was a few other girls that were saying negitive comments towards the GED, and how people who are lazy get it.

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