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Teen mom last night

Lol it was 3 am here, and i was on my OH's Iphone which changes my words, and i wasnt really to concerned with spelling.

And there was a few other girls that were saying negitive comments towards the GED, and how people who are lazy get it.

Well, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to be negative at all! Forgive me? :flower: :)
I wasnt mad for the record, Im just hormonal forgive me?

And there was a few other girls that were saying negitive comments towards the GED, and how people who are lazy get it.

Honestly not trying to start anything here.

In my area, it is generally the lazy people who decide high school is "boring" or "stupid" who drop out and then get the GED. They also tend to be druggies. Obviously, not everyone who get their GED has this attitude, but I think a good majority of them do and it explains why girls here would think that it's an easy way out, if you know what I mean?

Regarding Amber, I think it's ridiculous that she still hasn't gotten it yet. Didn't she drop out of school while she was still pregnant? She really should have prioritized and gotten her GED then, or arranged with Gary that when he gets home he's completely in charge of Leah for an hour or two so Amber can study. Amber clearly doesn't care enough, or doesn't realize how much having a GED will help her.

I actually did my middle school years online, and it's definitely feasible that she'd be able to that, and then gain the high school diploma. However, it would take a lot longer since you have to put x amount school "days" into it (a "day" for me was about 3 hours of work) to equal to the amount of schooling in person she would have (so if she dropped out in 10th grade, she'd have two years worth of work to do, but if she was able to do more than her assigned day's work load a day, and do work on weekends and through the summer she'd graduate a lot earlier).

I'm also not sure what she meant that she could get her GED and then go back for her high school diploma though. You're only eligible, here at least, to go to high school and get your diploma until your 21. Then you have no other choice but to get your GED.
Yeah but being that we all get stereo-typed for being teen moms, you would think that I don't know maybe they should stereo-type themselves?

And that may be true in the UK, here the majority of people who take the GED are over 30 looking to gain better careers, and for the few young people say 18-22 are moms or fathers who HAD to drop out of school to gain a home/work. Since people here are not very excepting of teen pregnancy.
Yeah but being that we all get stereo-typed for being teen moms, you would think that I don't know maybe they should stereo-type themselves?

No but I don't think they were stereotyping everyone. They were talking in regards to Amber who honestly? Yeah, she is being awfully lazy about a lot@
No this was from a different thread a while back, it had nothing to do with the show.
you cant get into the military any more with a ged ;) and I have mine so Im not bashing it.

different states have different difficulty levels, I took mine in alaska but I hear the one in alabama is much easier.

now, enough arguing about GEDs ladies and back to how funny it was to watch amber crying her eyes out because she failed the practice test after saying out easy it was gonna be :)

Actually you CAN get into the military with a GED. You just have to make a 50+ on your ASVAB where as with a high school diploma its a 32. My OH is in the Navy and he was home schooled and they looked at it like a GED. (very proud of his 70 though). =))

I said "anymore" hun. and the minimum entrance is different for each service. Im active duty military with a GED, all I was saying is that you cant get in with it anymore. they stopped accepting it :)

he should be proud of that 70, I was rather proud of my 80 especially since I took the asvab at 24 years old after being out of school for 6 years and wihtout being able to study since I was home alone with a 1 yr old and 3 yr old :)
jeez ladies, relax :haha:
I'm confused, I wonder what the cap is for free daycare for farrah? maybe she does make enough money but has bad spending habbits?
Er, the state was paying for Farrah's daycare because of all the stuff with her mother. Since her mom couldn't be alone with Sophia, she got free daycare until it was all settled. Now that is gone ... granted, I think she could get something worked out where she gets a little help. She better figure it out quickly, otherwise she may find herself in a pickle at some point.
acrylic nails and the way pedicures arent helping her budget if you ask me...
Don't know if the UK gets OK Magazine, but in the US this week's cover has Farrah on the front with the title, "I'm Broke". In her story, she explains she can barely afford rent or baby food for her daughter Sophie. Now I know MTV tries to make their experiences on Teen Mom as realistic as possible, but I'm assuming they get some sort of compensation for being on the show? (Not to mention being interviewed for magazines....)

Maci is also on the cover of US Weekly, talking about her new boyfriend Kyle. :D

https://img266.imageshack.us/img266/4190/maci20and20farrahthumb2.jpg https://img202.imageshack.us/img202/3451/1283281294teenmom290.jpg
Don't know if the UK gets OK Magazine, but in the US this week's cover has Farrah on the front with the title, "I'm Broke". In her story, she explains she can barely afford rent or baby food for her daughter Sophie. Now I know MTV tries to make their experiences on Teen Mom as realistic as possible, but I'm assuming they get some sort of compensation for being on the show? (Not to mention being interviewed for magazines....)

Maci is also on the cover of US Weekly, talking about her new boyfriend Kyle. :D

https://img266.imageshack.us/img266/4190/maci20and20farrahthumb2.jpg https://img202.imageshack.us/img202/3451/1283281294teenmom290.jpg

I cannot imagine that Farrah makes too much working at a pizza place to not qualify for WIC or some sort of assistance, so I imagine she does get compensation for being on the show and that is why she doesn't qualify for these things. The same reason that I believe Amber can work part-time and keep their heads afloat and talk about quitting her job to finish her GED. I say they must be getting something. Otherwise, is it because Farrah thinks she is too good for assistance? If so, that is her problem.
I cannot imagine that Farrah makes too much working at a pizza place to not qualify for WIC or some sort of assistance, so I imagine she does get compensation for being on the show and that is why she doesn't qualify for these things. The same reason that I believe Amber can work part-time and keep their heads afloat and talk about quitting her job to finish her GED. I say they must be getting something. Otherwise, is it because Farrah thinks she is too good for assistance? If so, that is her problem.

The only reason I mention the government / state assistance is that Farrah mentioned that the only help she does get is the free daycare, which will end soon. She also mentions that isn't eligible to receive any other type of assistance. Weird, because I know people who are married who qualify for food stamps or at least some type of welfare. It's hard to believe that she doesn't qualify for either. She must be eligible for financial aid if she went to college, though. Maybe she doesn't realize that she is an independent now, and that her parent's income do not apply to her anymore.

Side note - Farrah said her dad is broke, yet her mom owns two houses! Since they are divorced now, I assume that the mom is the moneymaker. I wonder what she does for a living??
Yeah Farrah's mom is LOADED.
I'm not sure what she does but I know she inherits a lot of money from her parents...who are also loaded.
Yeah Farrah's mom is LOADED.
I'm not sure what she does but I know she inherits a lot of money from her parents...who are also loaded.
Oh, that sounds like a generation of spoiled women! :lol: Farrah must get it from somewhere...

Just watched tonight's new episode of Teen Mom - ARGH! I hate Ryan, he is such an asshole. He is only asking for more time with Bentley because his parents are pressuring him, he doesn't care if he sees him or not, he just wants to win the battle!

And who the hell is his girlfriend to comment on Maci and Ryan's relationship as parents. I'd like to see her get knocked up and see how "great" a parent Ryan is to her child. Stupid b**** needs to mind her own business! :growlmad:
Okay here's my view on last nights episode.

Farrah- So glad she took her mom to therapy with her. I'm glad her therapist pointed out how guarded and mad she is when her mom is around, even though she doesn't have a reason to be. I feel like as soon as Farrah let her guard down at the coffee shop and stopped being so angry, she was able to get along with her mom. I'M SO HAPPY! And now her mom will be able to help her out a bit, and it looks like next week she might be possibly moving into the house across the street.

Maci- not too much focus on HER too much this episode but more on Ryan. I do feel like they need to establish rules on custody in writing, but I don't feel like Ryan deserves to see Bentley more. He didn't want anything to do with that baby for the first year of his life and now all of a sudden he does. It seems like he's just trying to get back at Maci and trying to get her to not move. I feel bad that Maci has to go through this and basically "share" her son with Ryan. I hope he doesn't get more time with Bentley because I don't think he is very responsible in the first place.

Amber- Yay, it's her birthday and shes finally... 18?! Didn't know she was still that young. All the stuff Gary did for her was nice, and yes, I agree she should have a night just with the girls as she isn't able to go out often anyways. How rude for Gary to act like a douche on her birthday just because his friend was egging him on. I'm glad he came around and stopped acting so dramatic. I'm VERY glad she just forgave him and it didn't escalate into a huge fight.

Catelynn- I feel bad for how she has to deal with her mom. Her mom acts like the teenager. She is obviously very irritable since Butch is gone (meaning her drugs are gone) and she is not completely over Catelynn giving Carly up. She makes Catelynn feel like such shit! I feel bad for her. I'm glad her and Tyler had fun at prom, what a surprise winning Prom queen and king...didn't know they were that popular.

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