~testing calendar~

So last night I had a dream I went into labor. It was weird because after my water broke I could feel the baby's head in my parts. (Lol) but the doctors were concerned because I wasn't wet... (Not sure what that had to do with anything) anyways... I was telling the doctors that my mom was not able to deliver naturally and she had to have a C-section with my brother and I, so I was going to need a C-section too. Then I woke up :(

Then I had another dream that I went to the bathroom and when I wiped AF was here :( I didn't like that dream as much!

I am currently very worried that my LP is going to be short again and that AF is going to be starting in a few days. Last month it was only 9 days. Currently I am 6dpo. I really hope that AF stays away!

Hopefully the labor dream is a good sign. Your temps are looking really good.

AFM- i couldn't take my temp this morning because the stupid battery in the thermometer died. I hope I can get a new one or I won't be temping until I get home from vacation this weekend. I am 11dpo and i'm having some cramping and lower back pain today so I'm thinking AF might be coming in a few days. Just have to wait and see I guess.

I hope so too!

Oh no! I hope you can get a new battery soon. And i hope the :witch: stays away. Maybe those are some early signs and you will get you BFP. I will keep my FX's for that :)

Thanks! I got a new battery today so I'll be able to temp in the morning. Hopefully it's still a good temp. :)
Ok ladies I have a non ttc related problem I could use some advice for.... here it goes...

Ok. I've been in the military for 7 years, I joined right out of high school. Now our government is cutting 5400 positions and more then half of our budget/funding. So now I'm finding in order to find a more stable job I have to leave the forces. The problem I'm running into is I have nothing but military service to put on a resume.... How am I supposed to sell myself to the civilian world when I've never really been a civilian in the working world? I don't know what to do with myself here.

That sucks! Is there any military experience you have that will lead you to apply in certain fields or will you be applying for anything and everything? I think that sometimes even military experience is better than nothing at all. I hope you have an easy job search. Will they be offering any type of time to get a new job before your position is eliminated?

I'm trained as a cook, and I applied to a couple of provincial jobs in that field. There's a Youth Correctional facility nearby thats hiring cooks right now, so I applied there. My resume is a little stark though with only military service to put on it lol
Ok ladies I have a non ttc related problem I could use some advice for.... here it goes...

Ok. I've been in the military for 7 years, I joined right out of high school. Now our government is cutting 5400 positions and more then half of our budget/funding. So now I'm finding in order to find a more stable job I have to leave the forces. The problem I'm running into is I have nothing but military service to put on a resume.... How am I supposed to sell myself to the civilian world when I've never really been a civilian in the working world? I don't know what to do with myself here.

That sucks! Is there any military experience you have that will lead you to apply in certain fields or will you be applying for anything and everything? I think that sometimes even military experience is better than nothing at all. I hope you have an easy job search. Will they be offering any type of time to get a new job before your position is eliminated?

I'm trained as a cook, and I applied to a couple of provincial jobs in that field. There's a Youth Correctional facility nearby thats hiring cooks right now, so I applied there. My resume is a little stark though with only military service to put on it lol

I think resumes are bull anyway. If I had more money I'd hire you as my cook so I wouldn't have to do it all the time, lol. Hoping you get a job quickly and that they like stark white resumes. :laugh2:
So last night I had a dream I went into labor. It was weird because after my water broke I could feel the baby's head in my parts. (Lol) but the doctors were concerned because I wasn't wet... (Not sure what that had to do with anything) anyways... I was telling the doctors that my mom was not able to deliver naturally and she had to have a C-section with my brother and I, so I was going to need a C-section too. Then I woke up :(

Then I had another dream that I went to the bathroom and when I wiped AF was here :( I didn't like that dream as much!

I am currently very worried that my LP is going to be short again and that AF is going to be starting in a few days. Last month it was only 9 days. Currently I am 6dpo. I really hope that AF stays away!

Hopefully the labor dream is a good sign. Your temps are looking really good.

AFM- i couldn't take my temp this morning because the stupid battery in the thermometer died. I hope I can get a new one or I won't be temping until I get home from vacation this weekend. I am 11dpo and i'm having some cramping and lower back pain today so I'm thinking AF might be coming in a few days. Just have to wait and see I guess.

I hope so too!

Oh no! I hope you can get a new battery soon. And i hope the :witch: stays away. Maybe those are some early signs and you will get you BFP. I will keep my FX's for that :)

Thanks! I got a new battery today so I'll be able to temp in the morning. Hopefully it's still a good temp. :)

Yay! I hope so! :happydance:
So last night I had a dream I went into labor. It was weird because after my water broke I could feel the baby's head in my parts. (Lol) but the doctors were concerned because I wasn't wet... (Not sure what that had to do with anything) anyways... I was telling the doctors that my mom was not able to deliver naturally and she had to have a C-section with my brother and I, so I was going to need a C-section too. Then I woke up :(

Then I had another dream that I went to the bathroom and when I wiped AF was here :( I didn't like that dream as much!

I am currently very worried that my LP is going to be short again and that AF is going to be starting in a few days. Last month it was only 9 days. Currently I am 6dpo. I really hope that AF stays away!

Hopefully the labor dream is a good sign. Your temps are looking really good.

AFM- i couldn't take my temp this morning because the stupid battery in the thermometer died. I hope I can get a new one or I won't be temping until I get home from vacation this weekend. I am 11dpo and i'm having some cramping and lower back pain today so I'm thinking AF might be coming in a few days. Just have to wait and see I guess.

I hope so too!

Oh no! I hope you can get a new battery soon. And i hope the :witch: stays away. Maybe those are some early signs and you will get you BFP. I will keep my FX's for that :)

Thanks! I got a new battery today so I'll be able to temp in the morning. Hopefully it's still a good temp. :)

Your temps look really good by the way :)
Thanks. I'm getting discouraged though. I've been optimistic so far this cycle, but now I'm just not feeling like it will be the lucky cycle. If it's not, I'll start Clomid and hope that helps. I just don't know why I'm feeling so down about it. I guess because I'm feeling down about other parts of my life, too.
Ok ladies I have a non ttc related problem I could use some advice for.... here it goes...

Ok. I've been in the military for 7 years, I joined right out of high school. Now our government is cutting 5400 positions and more then half of our budget/funding. So now I'm finding in order to find a more stable job I have to leave the forces. The problem I'm running into is I have nothing but military service to put on a resume.... How am I supposed to sell myself to the civilian world when I've never really been a civilian in the working world? I don't know what to do with myself here.

That sucks! Is there any military experience you have that will lead you to apply in certain fields or will you be applying for anything and everything? I think that sometimes even military experience is better than nothing at all. I hope you have an easy job search. Will they be offering any type of time to get a new job before your position is eliminated?

I'm trained as a cook, and I applied to a couple of provincial jobs in that field. There's a Youth Correctional facility nearby thats hiring cooks right now, so I applied there. My resume is a little stark though with only military service to put on it lol

I think resumes are bull anyway. If I had more money I'd hire you as my cook so I wouldn't have to do it all the time, lol. Hoping you get a job quickly and that they like stark white resumes. :laugh2:

HAHA thank you. I've got my fingers crossed.
Ok ladies I have a non ttc related problem I could use some advice for.... here it goes...

Ok. I've been in the military for 7 years, I joined right out of high school. Now our government is cutting 5400 positions and more then half of our budget/funding. So now I'm finding in order to find a more stable job I have to leave the forces. The problem I'm running into is I have nothing but military service to put on a resume.... How am I supposed to sell myself to the civilian world when I've never really been a civilian in the working world? I don't know what to do with myself here.

That sucks! Is there any military experience you have that will lead you to apply in certain fields or will you be applying for anything and everything? I think that sometimes even military experience is better than nothing at all. I hope you have an easy job search. Will they be offering any type of time to get a new job before your position is eliminated?

I'm trained as a cook, and I applied to a couple of provincial jobs in that field. There's a Youth Correctional facility nearby thats hiring cooks right now, so I applied there. My resume is a little stark though with only military service to put on it lol

To me (and I recruit regularly) 7 years in the military shows commitment and stamina. I would look at that more positively than someone who had flitted from one job to another, never spending a significant time in one post. Not a nice thing to happen to you - hope it all works out ok :hugs2:
Temp drop for me. Looks like I'm out. Cramping too. AF will be here today I think.

Hope everyone is good.

Hi all- Sorry haven't been updating but was trying not to get too caught up in the TTC fever this month. But I'm back because I'm now in crisis mode! My husband is away this week, which makes it even worse. I'm 14dpo today, and my AF was supposed to arrive. But my temps this week seemed weird - they weren't going down, so I started testing two days ago. At 12dpo I thoght I saw a faint shadow on the test - so faint I almost could have been imagining it. Then yesterday I tested again and it was a clear positive with a First Response test. I was so happy! I resolved to test today with the more expensive Clearblue digital test... but it came up Not Pregnant this morning.

Panicked, I went to buy more First Response tests, and I tested again (with FMU that I'd saved). A line came up, but not as rapidly as yesterday and it's fainter than yesterday's line rather than being darker. Is this a chemical? Should I prepare myself for bleeding soon?

The worst thing is not having my husband here to share this with. I wanted to wait and tell him the good news in person when he gets back on Monday. Now I'm doubly sad that he'll have missed the good news, and will only get to hear the bad news.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning, but I have a bad feeling that their tests are going to show up negative like this morning's. (The Clearblue says it's 'As accurate as a doctor's test'.)
Digital aren't as sensitive as FRER. You're pregnant. Leave it a few days for digi.



Thanks for replying 4magpies... What I'm really concerned about is the fainter line on the First Response test I did today. Everything I've read says that your HCG levels should go up and the test line should become darker, right? I used FMU in both cases, so I can't even tell myself that my urine must have been more diluted. *sigh* Even after you get that long-awaited for BFP, the waiting and the uncertainty doesn't end!
You didn't use FMU for this FRER though did you as you had already peed on digi. So I wouldn't worry too much. Prob just pee want as concentrated.

No, I tested with the same urine - I always pee into a cup. (Don't trust myself with having to aim at a stick first thing in the morning!) I hope you're right and I'm just being silly. But I really can't shake the feeling that AF is coming. And we've been trying for so long, I guess I can't believe that (a) I finally got a BFP and (b) that this might actually work out.
17 months. We're in the middle of seeing a FS and having tests done to find out why we haven't had a single BFP (until now). Still, I don't feel confident in this pregnancy, after seeing those test results today. Guess I just have to wait and see what the doctor says tomorrow.
I know how you feel. Next cycle will be 7th with my OH but I TTC with my ex for 2.5 years. It sucks.

17 months. We're in the middle of seeing a FS and having tests done to find out why we haven't had a single BFP (until now). Still, I don't feel confident in this pregnancy, after seeing those test results today. Guess I just have to wait and see what the doctor says tomorrow.

Abbie you said that you used FMU that you saved for the second test. HCG starts to break down once it leaves the body so if your urine has been left sitting for a while it will not show as dark on a test.
Abbie you said that you used FMU that you saved for the second test. HCG starts to break down once it leaves the body so if your urine has been left sitting for a while it will not show as dark on a test.

Oh, littlemiss - if you were here I would kiss you right now! Thank you SOO much for this. It makes me feel so relieved, and fills me with hope. I did use FMU which had been sitting around for at least 6 hours at that point. It never occurred to me that HCG might break down. That gives me a good explanation for why the line was fainter, and now I can stop stressing about an impending mc. I mean, it still might happen, but at least I'm going to go to sleep tonight feeling as though this little bean might still have a chance.

4magpies - I'm so sorry you've had to wait so long. Fx'd that your time will be soon. Lots and lots of sticky :dust: for us all!
Ok ladies I have a non ttc related problem I could use some advice for.... here it goes...

Ok. I've been in the military for 7 years, I joined right out of high school. Now our government is cutting 5400 positions and more then half of our budget/funding. So now I'm finding in order to find a more stable job I have to leave the forces. The problem I'm running into is I have nothing but military service to put on a resume.... How am I supposed to sell myself to the civilian world when I've never really been a civilian in the working world? I don't know what to do with myself here.

That sucks! Is there any military experience you have that will lead you to apply in certain fields or will you be applying for anything and everything? I think that sometimes even military experience is better than nothing at all. I hope you have an easy job search. Will they be offering any type of time to get a new job before your position is eliminated?

I'm trained as a cook, and I applied to a couple of provincial jobs in that field. There's a Youth Correctional facility nearby thats hiring cooks right now, so I applied there. My resume is a little stark though with only military service to put on it lol

To me (and I recruit regularly) 7 years in the military shows commitment and stamina. I would look at that more positively than someone who had flitted from one job to another, never spending a significant time in one post. Not a nice thing to happen to you - hope it all works out ok :hugs2:

That's what I'm hoping they'll see instead of 'wow this person has only ever had one job.' lol Thanks for the hugs, I'm a little nervous, this is all I have know.

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