Sorry Baby1

Congrats Vietmamsie--- FX for a H&H 9months
AFM. Just got back from my first appointment with our RE. I am getting a saline ultrasound done tomorrow and if everything looks clear he will do a trigger shot with an IUI this cycle. Wow. Crazy. Certainly never how I envisioned getting pregnant but whatever works, right?! Please keep your FX for me that my u/s is clear tomorrow and tubes are open! Thanks ladies.

Congrats Vietmamsie--- FX for a H&H 9months
AFM. Just got back from my first appointment with our RE. I am getting a saline ultrasound done tomorrow and if everything looks clear he will do a trigger shot with an IUI this cycle. Wow. Crazy. Certainly never how I envisioned getting pregnant but whatever works, right?! Please keep your FX for me that my u/s is clear tomorrow and tubes are open! Thanks ladies.