Thankful (for a baby) in November 2017

Hiya, so sorry to hear you are going through the same thing!
My PAPP A levels are .2 and was told that it is below the first percentile. I dont actually know what my hcg were- I will go and look at my papers later for you, they haven't mentioned it to me so I haven't thought about it.

I definitely recommend the NIPT test. I don't know about you, but when I had my appointment the specialist gave me a lot of information about the results, then gave me all of my options. He was leaning more towards me getting an amnio (I don't think he is allowed to say you HAVE to do one or not). It was nice to feel like I had options. Anyway, he gave me the referral for the NIPT test and said "you could just get this if you want and hope that you aren't in the small percentile of false negatives, or you could not bother with it at all and just get an amniocentesis, or you could get it if you like and then get an amnio too". (In saying that, the next day when my GP got my results, he called me to recommend getting a NIPT, so I assume it is the go-to step after getting these results).
I would definitely recommend the NIPT test. Even though it was a bit expensive (im not sure about the uk, but in Australia it isn't covered for anyone, even if medically necessary, and costs $449), and the wait for the results was very nerve wracking, I feel so much relief since getting my results. I am still going to have an amnio so that I get a definitive answer but the NIPT has given me some peace of mind while I am waiting for the amnio.
Thank you for that :flower: I should be seeing a high-risk specialist but I don't have an appointment yet. I had my booking in appointment 2 months ago and the midwife wrote a letter to the hospital to request a consultants appointment but we haven't heard anything yet. This is another thing I have to chase up on Wednesday!

NIPT testing isn't yet available on the NHS (although I think it is being introduced next year for women whose test results come back as high risk) so we would have to go privately. The cost for the particular test I want is £370 (which is just the basic test - it doesn't look for any micro-deletions - just the 4 main trisomies).

I haven't even heard of Clexane, have they recommended you take it? I will google it later :haha: but will probably ask my dr about it at my appointment on Thursday .
It is a heparin (blood thinner) similar in function to the aspirin (except for the fact you inject it). I was given it all through my last pregnancy and took it in conjunction with the aspirin. I haven't been given it this time yet but I have moved to a new area and the level of care isn't as good as in my previous area :( In my previous pregnancy I had already seen the high-risk consultant by 10 weeks and was scheduled to see him once a month.

How far along are you?
I am currently 15w + 6 days :)

Best of luck with everything, I will be thinking of you! I really hope that your baby doesn't have any abnormalities and that it is just your PAPP A levels that they need to worry about.
Let me know how you go x
Thank you for the good wishes! I hope your amino results come back as ok too one you have had it x

Serenyx, my Free beta-hCG was 15.000 IU/I, equivalent to .7694 MoM. I don't know if that means anything to you (it doesn't mean anything to me, because they haven't talked about it to me).
Yes it does but only because I have read through several research papers after receiving my results lol

I am suprised your risk came back as high for DS given that free beta HCG result though. 1 MoM is the standard and normally the free beta HCG result is elevated with high DS risk where as yours is on the lower side (but still normal). Was your NT result high then?

My PAPP-A is 0.43 MoM (so approx 5th percentile) and my free beta HCG was 0.29 MoM (approx 1st percentile). Low MoM results for both of those have been seen to correspond with trisomies 13 and 18. However my NT result was 1.33 MoM so a bit high but still what they consider to be normal.

Also, I have been taking half an aspirin for 2 weeks now each night before bed :)
So you started at 14.5 weeks approx. That makes me feel a little better about starting now. In my previous pregnancy I was on aspirin from 10 weeks and clexane from 6 weeks.
Serenyx, my nt measurement was 2.6 so not overly high, I was not concerned when I had my scan... I think the risk for DS came back high risk due to the PAPP A levels being so low. The other trisomies were not technically considered high risk, but the risk was highly elevated compared to what the background suggested risk was, so they wrote that in my notes too.
Also I am 27, so the high DS risk came as a shock to me.

Hopefully you get your specialist appointment soon - I was lucky, the hospital arranged for the specialist to see me ASAP at my midwife appointment to let me know. I am super grateful that they did that then and there and that I didn't have that extra wait to be explained everything. That's the worst part in getting the low PAPP A levels- just waiting and waiting to see whether anything goes wrong, waiting to see whether baby keeps growing etc. It just sucks.
Serenyx, my nt measurement was 2.6 so not overly high, I was not concerned when I had my scan... I think the risk for DS came back high risk due to the PAPP A levels being so low. The other trisomies were not technically considered high risk, but the risk was highly elevated compared to what the background suggested risk was, so they wrote that in my notes too.
Also I am 27, so the high DS risk came as a shock to me.
I can imagine it was a bit of a shock. My NT scan was 2.5 so pretty much the same, however I am 36. After bloods my risks came back much higher too - again most likely due to the low PAPP-A and free beta HCG results.

Hopefully you get your specialist appointment soon - I was lucky, the hospital arranged for the specialist to see me ASAP at my midwife appointment to let me know. I am super grateful that they did that then and there and that I didn't have that extra wait to be explained everything. That's the worst part in getting the low PAPP A levels- just waiting and waiting to see whether anything goes wrong, waiting to see whether baby keeps growing etc. It just sucks.
Well my appointment on Wednesday turned out to be a consultants appointment after all! Nothing on the letter they sent mentioned that and when I asked at the hospital at our 12 week scan I was told it was just a routine appointment to check everything was going ok :dohh:

The consultant seemed really nice though - she agreed to the same regime of drugs as last time. So I am taking one aspirin a day and also a daily injection of heparin (this time it is Fragmin though as that is what this hospital dispenses). In addition to my 20 week scan I will have further scans at 25, 28, 32 and 36 weeks. They will do more if they think it is necessary (last pregnancy I also had scans at 34 and 38 weeks).

So I am feeling a bit more positive now. We are still going to do the NIPT testing though - i'm actually sat in the car park now waiting for the appointment :)

Hope you are doing ok :flower:
Oh that's good that they are looking after you Serenyx :)
Let me know how your NIPT results go!! Good luck!!
Hi ladies.
Im not sure if anyone remembers me but i just wanted to drop in and say that im expecting my rainbow baby :cloud9: i was honestly quite surprised by it with everything that has happened. Some days its hard thinking if i never lossed the lo from this group, id have known if i had a boy or a girl by now and that id be halfway done. But alas, no point in working myself up. This lo is due March 7th. I have a good feeling about this one too.

Anyways i hope you all are well and your babies are doing fantastic too.
Congrats Guppy! I hope I can follow soon with my rainbow 🌈
Guppy, of course we remember you! Congrats! Praying this is your sticky rainbow! Keep us posted on how things are going! <3
Well ladies, I haven't been here in a while. After my mmc in April I found it a little too painful to comment in this thread, but did check in from time to time.

I wanted to update you that I got my new BFP this week. I had a faint positive at 8DPO - so early! I'm 12DPO today and the line is looking good and strong. Crossing my fingers this is my rainbow. I think I should be due March 3rd or 4th.

Guppy!!! I guess we are in sync! Huge Congrats to you! I am so happy to see your post. You went through a lot. You really deserve your beautiful rainbow baby!
Oh I'm so happy for you karoolia :) love these positive stories! Xxx
Hi ladies.
Im not sure if anyone remembers me but i just wanted to drop in and say that im expecting my rainbow baby :cloud9: i was honestly quite surprised by it with everything that has happened. Some days its hard thinking if i never lossed the lo from this group, id have known if i had a boy or a girl by now and that id be halfway done. But alas, no point in working myself up. This lo is due March 7th. I have a good feeling about this one too.

Anyways i hope you all are well and your babies are doing fantastic too.

Well ladies, I haven't been here in a while. After my mmc in April I found it a little too painful to comment in this thread, but did check in from time to time.

I wanted to update you that I got my new BFP this week. I had a faint positive at 8DPO - so early! I'm 12DPO today and the line is looking good and strong. Crossing my fingers this is my rainbow. I think I should be due March 3rd or 4th.

Guppy!!! I guess we are in sync! Huge Congrats to you! I am so happy to see your post. You went through a lot. You really deserve your beautiful rainbow baby!

I remember you both well, and all you went through! I'm so happy for you and hope these rainbow babies stick around. Take care of yourselves! xx
Are people in this group posting in another November group or something at this point? Because for this type of group, things are kind of abnormally quiet in here. It's been nearly a month since the last post...
I think this just tends to happen, on the last group I was in lots of people went to Facebook I think! How are things going for everyone?
I think there are 2 November threads, honestly both are so quiet. I'd like there to just be one so we can all talk in one, maybe it wouldn't be so lonely!
Hi everyone! I'm still here :)
Update on my side of things is that I decided not to go through with the amino after meeting with a genetic counsellor, because the odds of having a miscarriage/infection was higher than the odds of having a chromosomal abnormality that wasn't on the NIPT.
I am getting regular growth scans because they are worried about my placenta failing and baby stopping growing. Buuuuut baby is growing fine so far! I'm 22 weeks and felt a kick from the outside for the first time last night :) feeling positive!!

How is everyone else doing? :flower:
That's great news LittleLala!! Less than two weeks till v-day for you. Hope things continue to go well.
I'm having a good day as I had a pos opk today. My first O since the mc. We will prevent till September though as per doctors orders. Hoping I'm pregnant by the time all of you are having your babies :)
Great news Lala!

Mom15, I conceived this baby around when my last loss was due. Hang in there and keep hope &#10084;&#65039;
There's a Facebook group? Apparently I know nothing. :rofl:

I've been feeling movements (and seeing them) from the outside for about a week now, and it's exciting. It is kind of like a watched pot, however, and when I put my hand on my belly and try waiting it out, it's like the baby knows, and stops moving. My 4 year-old did see a little belly roll/jump last night, which was fun.

Mom15- Hoping for you sticky bfp soon!

LittleLala- I do not blame you one bit for bypassing the amnio. I pray all is well with your LO, and it sounds like so far, he's growing how he's supposed to!

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