Thankful (for a baby) in November 2017

Thank you Wookie!

thank you karoolia, I just joined the ttc after loss thread you are on too. So hopefully we can follow each other to our next bfp. The hormone drop is horrible. I was said and depressed after my son was born although I had every reason to be happy. Now it's worse as I don't have any reason to be happy. I have to keep it together for DS and I am so lucky to have him.
LittleLala- I also just saw your news as well...if you received a higher risk of Down's at your nuchal translucency scan/blood test, know that that particular test is well known to give false high readings, and many, many women go on to discover their babies do not in fact have Downs or another chromosomal abnormality. It's a shame you can't just have one of the blood screenings, such as MaterniT21, Harmony, or Verify...those are FAR more accurate, and often eradicate the need for amnio. Good luck to you. I have my fingers crossed that all will be well!

I had an NIPT done on Monday (called Percept I think, it's the same as the ones you mentioned). It's annoying that where I am doesn't rebate it at all, even if it is medically necessary. Anyway. The specialist recommended the amnio and gave me a referral for the NIPT and it was my choice to use it if I wanted to or not. So I went and had it done to hopefully fill in time before the amnio and give me some peace of mind. The reason he is recommending the amnio is because the NIPT only tests for 4 chromosomal abnormalities - trisomy 21, 13, 18 & monosomy x. He is concerned of OTHER chromosomal abnormalities that the NIPT cannot pick up.
They are most concerned about my very low PAPP A levels. So low that I am below the 1st percentile. They are worried about still birth, IUGR, pre eclampsia and infant death (which is a common occurrence with pregnancies with levels similar to mine, and that is if the fetus is chromosomally normal).
So after I heard that, I went and friggen googled it. What a MISTAKE. and then I read studies and that freaked me out more.
However, I am taking aspirin every night to thin the blood to help prevent pre e and to ensure the blood flow to the placenta is easy or something, and last night before bed I was reading on forums about women who have had this issue previously (which resulted in stillbirths) but had in newer pregnancies taken aspirin and everything had turned out better. So that made me feel so much better. Amazing what a simple little tablet can do.
They have booked me in to have lots of scans to monitor growth- one will happen during the amnio, then 19 or 20 week morph scan (not booked yet, will do that through my GP), 24 weeks, 28 weeks, 32 weeks, 36 weeks, 38 weeks all booked at the hospital. So that's good. I will also have regular urine samples and my blood pressure checked regularly :)
Oh mom15 and karoolia, I wish I could give you big hugs. Hormones are so horrible and having to deal with feeling so awful while your body is going crazy must be the worst. I really hope that you both get a bfp when you are ready xxx
Thank you LittleLala. I wish I could give you a hug too. What you are going through is so hard! Stay strong!! I hope the baby aspirin helps if needed! Still hoping everything will be fine, but I learnt the hard way with this miscarriage that sometimes things don't turn out fine and I don't know if I may have gone in if not everyone had said be happy you don't have any symptoms. Not that I could have prevented it, but it wouldn't have drawn out this freaking long.
My favorite part (not) was getting a baby shower invite in the mail today. Slap in the face!
I have all things crossed for your LittleLala
Does anyone know of any conditions that can cause on and off bleeding everyday along with cramps, and pressure and stabbing pain? I've also had amniotic fluid loss and soaked the bed a floor with it. Despite all this babies looked ok on a very fast scan lasting 20 seconds. They didn't look for a cause of all this bleeding. I'm 13 weeks now and just petrified the worst will happen and feeling clueless.
I have been in and out of hospital since last Wednesday when this began. But out of two consultants that saw me I've had no answers or no investigation. They've simply checked my cervix. I was told there's no hope by one! I thought he wasn't very experienced. The other said my cervix was closed but could open shortly?! It didn't as that was days ago. I had the fastest u/s ever that showed the babies still moving and when I asked if they could check things like placenta or amniotic fluid I got told babies are ok. I just want to know why I'm bleeding everyday, so then I can be properly advised. I think because I'm 13 weeks they just think she'll probably miscarry and nothing we can do to help :-(
That's horrible treatment :0 Biggest hugs! Do you have anyone to come back with you and kick off?!
It is quite crap isn't it. I have my fiancé but he's not one to kick off. When you're there I feel they have the power and if they don't want to help they won't. I do have my proper consultant appointment tomorrow, seeing her for the first time. Hoping she will be nice and want to help me.
That's awful!!!! Have you put yourself on bed rest? What about your Midwife or doctor? Have they said anything?
I'm so sorry Lana! I hope you get better treatment tomorrow. What you have experienced so far seems pretty careless. So rude when in a situation like yours. Especially from reading your ticker you would think they'd take extra care of you.
No one has said what it could be. When I called my local pregnancy clinic they told me to go into hospital immediately. It seems once you get there they don't really do much.
I've had a day of rest today only because oh has taken an emergency day holiday to help me. We have a 2.5 year old boy so can't really completely rest. I've noticed less red bleeding today.
I have a feeling it could be related to the placenta.
Oh my goodness lana how terrifying. I can't believe that no one is giving you answers... thats terrible! Wouldn't THEY want to know where the source of the bleeding is coming from?
Hmm I was going to say that if I were you, I would go to my GP and ask for another referral for a scan ASAP but seeing as you are seeing a consultant tomorrow then maybe it will be okay until then? Ah I don't know. You must be so scared and upset :( so sorry. I really hope everything is okay. Big hugs.
I got a call from the hospital today saying that my NIPT results have come back "good" haha. I am so relieved! I have been shaking! I asked whether I shouldn't bother getting the amnio anymore but she said that it is still the only definitive way to get an answer, and to have an appointment with my dr going over the results and talk about it. So I think we will still get the amnio so we know for sure.
We still have to worry about the other complications such as high risk for stillbirth etc, but that is out of my control and I am just so so so happy that I don't need to have the decision whether the terminate due to chromosomal abnormalities.

Also... It's a boy!
I am so happy that my little man will get a little brother :)
Oh Lala! That is so great to hear and congrats on a boy. I know the worry isn't over, but glad those first test came back as "good"! When is you amnio?
I haven't booked it yet, but it will be scheduled between 16 and 20 weeks so hopefully it is done next week :)
My husband still doesn't know the sex. He said he doesn't want to know until after the amnio because he is nervous. I wish he could relax a little.
Fingers crossed all will be well Lala!

Lana, I hope things have improved for you.

As for me, the last couple of days I've been feeling really anxious. I haven't felt the baby move for definite yet, but was 90% sure I did in the bath about a week ago, but nothing definite since - even when I poke or drink something cold. I was due a midwife appointment this afternoon, where I would hopefully have heard the heartbeat, but my son has chicken pox, so I had to cancel as I couldn't take him to the clinic! :wacko: Luckily it's only rearranged for tomorrow evening, (initially they were saying a week on Friday, but then they told me they offer evening appointments, which would mean my husband could look after our son, I really wanted reassurance today!
I hope all turns out well Sizzles. I know this is not much reassurance, but with DS I felt him first at 18w5d and then not again for about a week.
Thanks Mom15. I think if I hadn't been so convinced I'd already felt movement, I'd be less bothered as I had an anterior placenta with my son, so didn't feel him until beyond 20 weeks. Hopefully by this time tomorrow I'll have had my mind put at rest... until the next time!

Personal question, but does anyone else feel a bit.. 'bruised' or swollen in the vag' area? This is adding to my anxiety, thinking it feels a bit like a milder version of what I have when I get period pain. I'm sure it's nothing, but my head is wrecked this time round! :wacko:

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