Thankful (for a baby) in November 2017

Oh sizzles that sucks.
The vagina swelling is totally normal! Don't stress about that. That question pops up a lot :)
Have you considered buying a Doppler to ease your worries? Mine is a life saver :)
Sizzles, I have a doppler that I LOVE. I use it every few days, when I'm feeling insecure about things. It's great reassurance once you get the hang of it!
Thanks Littlelala and Wookie. Luckily, baby decided to set my mind at rest yesterday when I spent a while laying on my back trying to feel it. I could sort of feel movements, but I could also see my tummy moving as it must have been swooshing about in there! Then last night I had my midwife appointment and got to hear the heartbeat for the first time (150bpm), which was magical. Feeling better about things now, but still definitely more anxious this time round!
Ahhh, sounds like you're more at ease now, Sizzles. Sounds like baby has a perfect heartbeat, and feeling/seeing movement is so encouraging!

I just had my 16 week appointment. Apparently, I'm gaining a bit too much weight too fast...I've already gained 16 lbs. Ugh. I'm eating any and everything, so I suppose that explains that. I guess I better keep a better eye on my appetite, and focus on HEALTHY foods. Such a drag. :rofl: I also had my quad screen, so that we can check for neural tube defects, such as spina bifida...the results will come back in about a week and a half to two weeks. Hopefully baby is okay in there. I popped into the gift shop up in the labor and delivery ward up at our hospital, which is on the floor below my obstetric office where my appointment was, and a new mom wearing a cozy bathrobe wheeled her little bundle in her isolette into the shop, and was browsing through some onesies. The baby was BEAUTIFUL, brand-new, and just so, so, so tiny. <3 <3 <3 It made my heart about burst for this baby of mine!!! <3 <3 <3 I miss my bigger kids when they were tiny and new like that. Such a precious time.
Oh sizzles that's great you had a good appointment! I think it would be worth investing in a Doppler if you are still feeling anxious inbetween appointments :) also if you do decide to buy one, don't bother buying the expensive Doppler gel-- just use lube, it's the same thing lol.

Lol wookie, boo boring food. Good luck on your quad test. I don't know if they do those here? I can't remember getting it done in my last pregnancy? But I suppose I won't need one anyway because the amnio will give me those results, right? (I don't actually know lol).

Aww it's so lovely seeing newborns isn't it? When I was at the hospital a lady left with her new twins and I almost died from how cute they were. So little and perfect!!! I can't wait to have a little newborn again <3
Well, the quad screen is being offered to me, because I'm over 35. I've already had the MaterniT21 blood test, and my results came back fine for the chromosomal abnormalities that it tests, I'm hoping for good results this time, but either way, it'll be good to just know what's going on.

Praying for you and your amnio results, Lala. And I agree...newborns are heavenly. I always can't comprehend people who say they don't enjoy the newborn stage - that is my own personal idea of nirvana, seriously. :cloud9:
Glad to hear all is well Sizzles!

Wookie - fx your results come back all normal.
It's been a bit of torture having to go to the hospital to get my hCG draws where I delivered DS and seeing people walk in with giant bellies or car seats and I knew they were headed to labor and delivery. On a positive note my hCG dropped from 1082 to 203 in 8 days. To top it off I think I may already be O'ing although it's bizarre because I'm still spotting. I still have to wait a couple of months but at least time doesn't seem to stand still anymore. I love seeing all your updates and I hope you guys don't mind if I stick around.
Oh mom15 that's great that your hcg is dropping so quickly. I can't wait until you can start ttc again. Of course we love having you around!!
Hehehe I don't like the newborn stage at all :0 I'm only doing it so I can get another toddler/preschooler.

But I had huge pnd last time so hopefully maybe I will hate it a bit less this time round?
Glad to hear you're ok sizzle!

Wookie I'm getting the quad screen done this week too! I'm hoping it goes well for us both!

I have a scan weds. If baby cooperates it will be my anatomy scan! Either way I hope to find out the gender!
Mom15 - that must be so hard for you. It's bad enough following a mc to see bumps and babies, but to have to put you through direct exposure for hcg testing is really tough; they should have a separate dept or something for things like that.

Thanks everyone for your kind words. I'm feeling much better about things, helped by the fact that I'm feeling baby move a bit more reliably now. I won't buy a doppler as it's possible it could cause me more stress and we're not planning any more babies after this one, so I can't really justify it. Less than 5 weeks until the next scan though, so that's nice.
Oh my goodness lana how terrifying. I can't believe that no one is giving you answers... thats terrible! Wouldn't THEY want to know where the source of the bleeding is coming from?
Hmm I was going to say that if I were you, I would go to my GP and ask for another referral for a scan ASAP but seeing as you are seeing a consultant tomorrow then maybe it will be okay until then? Ah I don't know. You must be so scared and upset :( so sorry. I really hope everything is okay. Big hugs.

Thank you. It's so terrifying each day thinking you're miscarrying. I've bought a Doppler which is comforting when I keep seeing bleeding and bad cramps etc. my twin consultant was useless, she just shrugged her shoulders when I told her about the bleeding. She honestly wasn't bothered couldn't believe it. Her response after was 'some will miscarry, and some wont'. I've booked a private scan for this Wednesday and they've agreed they will search for a cause of the bleeding. I'm still bleeding on and off but am resting everyday and booked emergency holiday at work. I believe rest is key to recovering (if I ever will)

So glad your results are good! That must be a massive relief. I am meant to get a phone call Wednesday for mine(if there's an issue) and no phone call if there's not!
Oh goodness Lana I can't believe how much they don't care about the bleeding??? It seems crazy. I feel as though if I were bleeding and went to the pregnancy unit at the hospital they would do as many checks as possible, and put me on a CTG... I know that if you even have a small fall they make you stay there for 4 hours on a CTG for monitoring (even if you don't want it!)
It just seems like terrible care for you- I would have thought that especially being a high risk pregnancy (Twins) that they would be all over you and finding out what is wrong. You must be so scared.
Thinking of you!
Had our gender scan this afternoon and we are officially team blue!!!! :) :) so so happy and such a cute little prince he is :)


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Yay ksilme that's great news!! No mistaking that potty shot haha!
Urgh. I am feeling larger today and less comfy and generally a bit rubbish. Hmmm
They are most concerned about my very low PAPP A levels. So low that I am below the 1st percentile. They are worried about still birth, IUGR, pre eclampsia and infant death (which is a common occurrence with pregnancies with levels similar to mine, and that is if the fetus is chromosomally normal).
So after I heard that, I went and friggen googled it. What a MISTAKE. and then I read studies and that freaked me out more.
However, I am taking aspirin every night to thin the blood to help prevent pre e and to ensure the blood flow to the placenta is easy or something, and last night before bed I was reading on forums about women who have had this issue previously (which resulted in stillbirths) but had in newer pregnancies taken aspirin and everything had turned out better. So that made me feel so much better. Amazing what a simple little tablet can do.
They have booked me in to have lots of scans to monitor growth- one will happen during the amnio, then 19 or 20 week morph scan (not booked yet, will do that through my GP), 24 weeks, 28 weeks, 32 weeks, 36 weeks, 38 weeks all booked at the hospital. So that's good. I will also have regular urine samples and my blood pressure checked regularly :)
Hi LittleLala,

I have been reading through a couple of November threads and came across your posts. Your situation is rather similar to my own as I have just had my screening results back and my PAPP-A is also low. Do you know what your MoM figure was? I am guessing since you came back high risk for DS your free beta HCG levels were high? As far as I can tell my PAPP-A is less than the 5th percentile and my free beta HCG is less than the 1st percentile which puts me at risk for all the compications you have mentioned (IUGR etc) plus the other trisomies (not DS). I also made the mistake of googling it! :dohh:

Would you recommend the NIPT testing? I have my 16 week appt on Wednesday so I am hoping to discuss my results with them then.

Have you been on the aspirin for long? I am also going to ask about this on Weds and will probably start taking it after that. Have you considered Clexane (or equivalent?).

I am glad they have scheduled so many scans for you. Make sure they do a doppler scan at every appointment to check the blood flow from the placenta.

Best wishes.

Hi to everyone else too :flower:
They are most concerned about my very low PAPP A levels. So low that I am below the 1st percentile. They are worried about still birth, IUGR, pre eclampsia and infant death (which is a common occurrence with pregnancies with levels similar to mine, and that is if the fetus is chromosomally normal).
So after I heard that, I went and friggen googled it. What a MISTAKE. and then I read studies and that freaked me out more.
However, I am taking aspirin every night to thin the blood to help prevent pre e and to ensure the blood flow to the placenta is easy or something, and last night before bed I was reading on forums about women who have had this issue previously (which resulted in stillbirths) but had in newer pregnancies taken aspirin and everything had turned out better. So that made me feel so much better. Amazing what a simple little tablet can do.
They have booked me in to have lots of scans to monitor growth- one will happen during the amnio, then 19 or 20 week morph scan (not booked yet, will do that through my GP), 24 weeks, 28 weeks, 32 weeks, 36 weeks, 38 weeks all booked at the hospital. So that's good. I will also have regular urine samples and my blood pressure checked regularly :)
Hi LittleLala,

I have been reading through a couple of November threads and came across your posts. Your situation is rather similar to my own as I have just had my screening results back and my PAPP-A is also low. Do you know what your MoM figure was? I am guessing since you came back high risk for DS your free beta HCG levels were high? As far as I can tell my PAPP-A is less than the 5th percentile and my free beta HCG is less than the 1st percentile which puts me at risk for all the compications you have mentioned (IUGR etc) plus the other trisomies (not DS). I also made the mistake of googling it! :dohh:

Would you recommend the NIPT testing? I have my 16 week appt on Wednesday so I am hoping to discuss my results with them then.

Have you been on the aspirin for long? I am also going to ask about this on Weds and will probably start taking it after that. Have you considered Clexane (or equivalent?).

I am glad they have scheduled so many scans for you. Make sure they do a doppler scan at every appointment to check the blood flow from the placenta.

Best wishes.

Hi to everyone else too :flower:

Hiya, so sorry to hear you are going through the same thing!
My PAPP A levels are .2 and was told that it is below the first percentile. I dont actually know what my hcg were- I will go and look at my papers later for you, they haven't mentioned it to me so I haven't thought about it.

I definitely recommend the NIPT test. I don't know about you, but when I had my appointment the specialist gave me a lot of information about the results, then gave me all of my options. He was leaning more towards me getting an amnio (I don't think he is allowed to say you HAVE to do one or not). It was nice to feel like I had options. Anyway, he gave me the referral for the NIPT test and said "you could just get this if you want and hope that you aren't in the small percentile of false negatives, or you could not bother with it at all and just get an amniocentesis, or you could get it if you like and then get an amnio too". (In saying that, the next day when my GP got my results, he called me to recommend getting a NIPT, so I assume it is the go-to step after getting these results).
I would definitely recommend the NIPT test. Even though it was a bit expensive (im not sure about the uk, but in Australia it isn't covered for anyone, even if medically necessary, and costs $449), and the wait for the results was very nerve wracking, I feel so much relief since getting my results. I am still going to have an amnio so that I get a definitive answer but the NIPT has given me some peace of mind while I am waiting for the amnio.

I haven't even heard of Clexane, have they recommended you take it? I will google it later :haha: but will probably ask my dr about it at my appointment on Thursday .

How far along are you?
Best of luck with everything, I will be thinking of you! I really hope that your baby doesn't have any abnormalities and that it is just your PAPP A levels that they need to worry about.
Let me know how you go x
Serenyx, my Free beta-hCG was 15.000 IU/I, equivalent to .7694 MoM. I don't know if that means anything to you (it doesn't mean anything to me, because they haven't talked about it to me).

Also, I have been taking half an aspirin for 2 weeks now each night before bed :)

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