They are most concerned about my very low PAPP A levels. So low that I am below the 1st percentile. They are worried about still birth, IUGR, pre eclampsia and infant death (which is a common occurrence with pregnancies with levels similar to mine, and that is if the fetus is chromosomally normal).
So after I heard that, I went and friggen googled it. What a MISTAKE. and then I read studies and that freaked me out more.
However, I am taking aspirin every night to thin the blood to help prevent pre e and to ensure the blood flow to the placenta is easy or something, and last night before bed I was reading on forums about women who have had this issue previously (which resulted in stillbirths) but had in newer pregnancies taken aspirin and everything had turned out better. So that made me feel so much better. Amazing what a simple little tablet can do.
They have booked me in to have lots of scans to monitor growth- one will happen during the amnio, then 19 or 20 week morph scan (not booked yet, will do that through my GP), 24 weeks, 28 weeks, 32 weeks, 36 weeks, 38 weeks all booked at the hospital. So that's good. I will also have regular urine samples and my blood pressure checked regularly