these are my most favourite nappies ever. we have around 20, the only time i dont use them is if poppy is going to be sitting down for a few hours, so i use a WNSS. but that doesnt happen too often. i do a wash every 36 hours ish and 20 does us fine
Hey nuke, sorry can I check what WNSS stands for (I know the weenotion bit! Lol)
Hey nuke, sorry can I check what WNSS stands for (I know the weenotion bit! Lol)
it stands for side snap! the poppers are at the hips instead of the front!
Hey nuke, sorry can I check what WNSS stands for (I know the weenotion bit! Lol)
it stands for side snap! the poppers are at the hips instead of the front!
Ahh I see! Does it make a difference in some way?
I can't get on with SS's Nuke. They just don't seem to fit T right