my ob's office called with dh's sa results..she said that it was the best sa she has seen in a lOOOOOONNNNNNGGG time. she said normal sa is considered anything over 20million, dh's was over 102 million with great vitality. she said the whole test was perfect.
great news there. dh of course was thrilled. I said to myself "self, i guess it's your own body that is failing".
waiting to o and dtd every other day until o time..which will be in the next 5 days or so..
hope you all are doing well
I got someyesterday and and friday that's it..he would not budge today and i had loads of ewcm last night at work so two days only...hoping it's enough
had more ewcm at work tonight??is it possible i am o'ing late????left dh a note that said we have "booty duty"...we'll see if he cooperates..i might as well try since there is ewcm..never had this many days in a row??? are is very difficult to get them to cooperate..the bad part is,, my dh like to push and and push until i give in and i hardly ever tell him "no, i'm not in the mood"!!i don't think it's fairhe can say no but i'm expected not to..does that sound bad of me to say that???
Hello ladies..I posted in the other thread but decided to post here as I am still in this portion of my cycle body is doing something weird this month. I got a +opk last sat on cd15 had the usual ewcm thought i o'd but kept noticiting an abundance of ewcm the last several days..(if you read my journal it's a little more in depth) TMI alert: after having a bowel movement the ewcm came out in gobs ..(thank goodness i'm in tune with my body) i usually dry up after i knew something wasn't right..took an opk yesterday evening and it was almost a positive.. took one this morning and it was more + than last + again for the second time this month..I think my body geared up to ovulate but it didn't so here i am trying to ovulate again. That is why my ovary was hurting yesterday. Thank goodness Dh and i dtd on cd18, none yesterday and then again this I will try to persuade him to do some more tomorrow and the next I am officially NOT in the tww..I will have a long cycle this month. The last time this happened to me was last novermber. I thought i o'd but didn't then when i took an opk when i thought i was 6dpo it was positive. I only took it as i was having a poas moment and wanted to try to see if i could catch hcg hormone on it. I stupidly thought I was pregnant so didn't bother to consider that i was trying to re ovulate, so then i didn't bother to have any further ..(I was not in tune with my body then)
this time round i am still having to try and catch that darn heuvo no matter what kind of magic tricks she's playing with me