"Thats disgusting" (long rant!)


Olivia's mum & pregnant!
Nov 12, 2008
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I've been called disgusting 3 (yes THREE) times today by separate groups of people and I need some hugs. Sorry for the rant, and/or if this is the wrong place for this.

The first time I was BFing Olivia in Starbucks because I was miles away from the Boots in town and Olivia was starting to get hungry and she would have been screaming by the time I got there. So I get drink, sit down latch her on and cover us with a muslin. Then in comes this group of 7 rowdy 16 year olds who had just got their GCSE results, plonk themselves next to us and start saying errr...thats disgusting, we don't want to see that while we are drinking, you should be kicked out, whats wrong with a bottle etc etc etc. I would have said something back, but they were a mixed group of lads and girls and were quite intimidating and I felt like I would cry if i said anything so I finished feeding her and left (didn't even drink my coffee).

The next time I was in the Mothercare changing room changing Olivias cloth bum and I put the wet nappy in my wet bag and this mother and her rowdy friends said "errr....are you taking that home and putting it in your washer....errr....thats disgusting....pampers are more hygenic...you will give her a disease" and then they left. :cry:

THEN after the trip to town from hell, I got on the bus...the driver was pulling off before I had even got the pushchair in the space and I didn't want to let go of the pram so I gently pushed the flip up seats up with my feet to get it in (the underside - not the bit where people sit) and this old couple shout "people have no respect these days, you are teaching your daughter disgusting habits...people have to sit on there!" I could have cried all the way home.

Awww hunny I just wanted to give you lots of hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Ignore those idiots, you know what you are doing is best for your baby hun xx
oh hun bless ya bugger them your doing a wonderful job, hey im in bolton next time u need to go shopping gives a shout I would of give em wat for its no ones buisness how u feed or what ur baby wears on her bum, huge hugs :hugs:
Don't feel bad lady!!!! You're doing a GREAT job!!!! 1. What do 16 year olds know? Nothing! Its THE most ignorant age because you THINK you know everything and don't realise you know NOTHING!!!! They think boobs primary function is to get filled with silicone and entertain them. But they're not! they're primary functions are to feed babies!

As for stupid hygiene lady, 1. you're saving the planet AND caring for babies bum. PLUS 2. being a hygiene FREAK is BAD for children. She's probably a terrible mum who disinfects her house every minute of the day and will have a heart attack the moment her kids go out into the real world and have poor immune systems which wont be able to cope with the real world.

And old people are OLD, smell of cabbage and love to grump. They'll be dead soon. The reason old people die is so that the world can move forward and they don't have to keel over in shock every time it does. Oh NO! Your daughter might learn to use her initiative when in a tight situation!!!! F*CK them. But don't bother saying it, because they're old, just ignore them, they like to whinge and whine and we'll probably be the same in 50 years time. :hugs:

f*ck them all sweetheart. It REALLY isn't (or shouldn't be) your problem. it's their's. when people act so ignorantly either ignore them, suggest they try reading a book sometime or simply tell them to F*** off!

Each one of those people were absolutely insensitive and stupid. you did nothing wrong on all 3 accounts. Teenagers will be teenagers, so even though they said something stupid, take no notice what do they know?
The nappy comment was also stupid, people are very narrow minded and they were not used to seeing cloth nappies. ( I had the same thing with toddler reigns)
and as for the bus, honestly I think that your daughter will be just fine :) stupid people.
Don't feel bad lady!!!! You're doing a GREAT job!!!! 1. What do 16 year olds know? Nothing! Its THE most ignorant age because you THINK you know everything and don't realise you know NOTHING!!!! They think boobs primary function is to get filled with silicone and entertain them. But they're not! they're primary functions are to feed babies!

As for stupid hygiene lady, 1. you're saving the planet AND caring for babies bum. PLUS 2. being a hygiene FREAK is BAD for children. She's probably a terrible mum who disinfects her house every minute of the day and will have a heart attack the moment her kids go out into the real world and have poor immune systems which wont be able to cope with the real world.

And old people are OLD, smell of cabbage and love to grump. They'll be dead soon. The reason old people die is so that the world can move forward and they don't have to keel over in shock every time it does. Oh NO! Your daughter might learn to use her initiative when in a tight situation!!!! F*CK them. But don't bother saying it, because they're old, just ignore them, they like to whinge and whine and we'll probably be the same in 50 years time. :hugs:

f*ck them all sweetheart. It REALLY isn't (or shouldn't be) your problem. it's their's. when people act so ignorantly either ignore them, suggest they try reading a book sometime or simply tell them to F*** off!


Oh wow I absolutely love you for this post! It's made me feel much better about the prospect of people turning their noses up at breastfeeding. It hasn't happened to me yet but I know it will and when it happens I'm going to think about your post and giggle to myself! Thank you... in advance lol!

P.S. My sister made a statement which I intend to use if someone says something which goes somewhere along the lines of... ''You wouldn't be expected to eat your dinner with a towel on your head so why should my baby''?

Swift and to the point I think!
:hugs: :hugs: Omg poor you!!You have been in the firing squad. I think I would of told them gobby teenagers that I didnt want to sit there and look at their ugly faces and I hope they failed their exams haha.
And for that old biddy I would of said yes your right people dont have respect or the politeness to help others as you are just sitting there watching me struggle. And I was lifting it up from underneath so who sits on the underneath part??
And them women in mothercare are just rude and should but out im sure you could of said your opinion on disposeable nappies but I bet you dont feel the need to butt in and make comments that dont concern you.

O dear my replies make me sound as bad as all them people lol but I cant stand people who stick there noses in and comment, who asked them???
Don't feel bad lady!!!! You're doing a GREAT job!!!! 1. What do 16 year olds know? Nothing! Its THE most ignorant age because you THINK you know everything and don't realise you know NOTHING!!!! They think boobs primary function is to get filled with silicone and entertain them.

This made me giggle, BUT just know that not ALL 16 yr olds are like this... I'm 16 :blush: and I'm no where NEAR.

Anyway, it's sad that people have to be so rude and make nast comments, I'm sorry for the bad day :( But don't let what people say get to you!! She is YOUR baby and you do what YOU want to, where YOU want to :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
:hugs: :hugs: Omg poor you!!You have been in the firing squad. I think I would of told them gobby teenagers that I didnt want to sit there and look at their ugly faces and I hope they failed their exams haha.
And for that old biddy I would of said yes your right people dont have respect or the politeness to help others as you are just sitting there watching me struggle. And I was lifting it up from underneath so who sits on the underneath part??
And them women in mothercare are just rude and should but out im sure you could of said your opinion on disposeable nappies but I bet you dont feel the need to butt in and make comments that dont concern you.

O dear my replies make me sound as bad as all them people lol but I cant stand people who stick there noses in and comment, who asked them???

haha! They sound quite timid compared to my responses. I have hormonal surges. :blush:
Aw thanks for these lovely replies. I think I just needed to get it out of my system. Feel a little bit better now. I just wish people would keep their comments to themselves - the world would be a much nicer place if they did.
day from hell! how ignorant are these people?! take no notice of their dumbness. in fact, in situations like these - give them a winning 'knowing' grin - that'll piss them off right back!

:hugs: to you, can't have been nice, but don't let it stop you doing what you want.
repeat x3
'if I wanted to know the opinions of idiots, I'd go chat to the chimps at the zoo'

idiots, idiots, & idiots that smell of wee. And the bus driver ... Idiot. who cares what they think?
it makes me soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mad! big hugs hun
OMG what sort of people do we have to share this planet with? how rude!! :hugs: hun don't let them get to you they r just plain ignorant!
:wacko:sounds like a fun day out in town. How about meeting up with me for a trot round the trafford centre next time you wanna go shopping and if we get any grief at least there'll be two of us eh?:hugs::kiss:
ignorant arseholes......sod them, you & your bubs all that matter x
P.S. My sister made a statement which I intend to use if someone says something which goes somewhere along the lines of... ''You wouldn't be expected to eat your dinner with a towel on your head so why should my baby''?

Swift and to the point I think!

a woman at my BFing group got told BFing was disgusting when she fed her daughter in a cafe and that she should feed her in the toilet - she replied that if they took their dinner and ate it in the toilet then she'd do the same with her daughter! i'm saving that for when i'm out!! :rofl:
Sorry you had such a bad day hun, dont listen to any narrow minded idiots. You are doing a great job and a wonderful mum x :hugs:

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