Hi girls, hope all is going well.
I got weighed in at weight watchers today and ive lost 3lb!!!
Hey girls, finally my results are in! I knew I shouldn't have sneaked a peak at the scales, as I spoiled my surprise and was even a bit disappointed -ungrateful sod that I am- but
Drum rolls.... 13 lbs.
and it's only after 6 days not a full week so I'm chuffed really! I'm even more chuffed that I kept to it 110%!
Well done everyone else on your losses!!!
OMG MissAma how awesome!!!
how much did you wanna lose all in all?
**toddles off to update front page......
Well MissAma i shall be brave - i was 14st 9lb when i started and i'm 5 foot 2.5. I wear a size 18 on a good day - but even though i've lost 3lb i feel 'thinner'... i think the fluid retention is leaving my body!
Apparently i carry my weight well according to my friends..... whatever that means! It certainly doesn't mean i'm lighter wheni get on the scales though!!
What is involved in the Cambridge Diet?? I'm just wondering whether it is worth sticking to my healthy eating/exercising or try that... i don't wanna do anything that means i can't sustain it though, not with the IVF appointment fast approaching!
That's not brave by comparison!
The Cambridge Diet is a food replacement diet (fancy name for shakes, porridge and soups) and a Very Low Caloric Diet (as is say Atkins but without the destructive effects of eating but fat). It has been researched and tested since the early 80s and it's well formulated to let people be on the diet for years if they have to. It's not instead of eating healthy, it's a huge help for anyone determined to change their life style and wanting to start by losing the excess weight far faster. It also then reintroduces you to food slowly. How long do you have to appointment? If it's over a month I'd say it's worth it, you'd have the chance to do it for a couple of weeks -thus losing some 20 lbs- and get off it slowly and then continue to eat healthy to maintain.
It would significantly improve your BMI fast. These 13 I lost in a week are basically 2 and a half BMI points!
Booo - I've put 1.4 pounds back on. I've been fairly good this week, not over eating and recording my calorie intake. Mind you, my homemade pizza for tea last night probably didn't help. Maybe I should weigh in on a Friday morning and then my Friday night splurge won't get me too down. Or maybe I should just bite the bullet and go running... Bollocks - I don't think I am going to get to my target weight without exercising more. And walking obviously isn't enough anymore.
Sorry for letting the side down girls...