Funny cuz I can only see one. Remember I don't have internet at home so I use my phone which I can't stand. It kept telling me earlier that my reply wasn't going thru so I kept submitting it. I should just get internet at home. Or Chris you can send mini-mod. What is mini-mod btw? Lmao!
chris woah look at that temp today! have you tested??
thanks csunshine, I am using the cbfm instead of OPKs at the moment, and it is reading high. might do some OPKs too though, to back it up.
I have lots of positive thinking that I'll ov this cycle!
chris hope you get a BFP soon you will have to post a pic of the test were all eagle eyed unlike most men lol then i think we are so used to looking for lines on one test or another we see them in our sleep lol
Chris - I didn't get a BFP with FRER until the day after my BFP with Answer. Maybe its the test. That's exactly how I felt, like AF was no where in sight. Go buy a different test. Hurry along, we're waiting lmao!
Oh Chris so excited for you! I have always had good luck getting a line on Answer Brand! Don't buy a blue dye one they suck!
Mrs N your chart is looking great and you can use OPK's or CBFM as long as it give the O a go! Yippee!
hope all you other lovely ladies are doing well!
afm I'm well into the tww almost in the 1ww and going crazy take a look at my huge temp dive this am! WTF???? I had some cramping last night and was very hungry but chalked it up to being pissed off at DH. I am putting my tree up tonight and planning to make BLT's for dinner! Easy and good. LOL
And chris I may be crossed eyed but I think I see a shadow... I didn't see colour though. I would def hold in pee and test tomorrow with FMU some chicks don't get their BFP's till 16 or 17dpo. I was a lucky one, infact my line was so dark at 14dpo I probably could have tested at 10dpo. Which i am happy I didn't cause then there is less waiting.
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