Okay, so I figured I would add my month's trials and tribulations to this thread...to see what y'all think!
I started taking 100mg of B6 on CD1 of this cycle, because ever since my first PP AF (I BFed my son for a year and therefore didn't have a period that whole time), my cycles have only been about 26 days long, and I was hoping B6 would help if I had a LPD or something. I also took Evening Primrose Oil from CD1 till 1DPO to help with my fertile cm, as I've mostly had globby cm during O rather than EWCM since having my soon. Well, I think the B6 may have made me ovulate later, as I got major EWCM on CD 17 and 18 (whereas, I ovulate normally on CD 14). I am now on CD 29, which is 3 days later than when AF would usually show up, but I'm not really considering myself late, since I ovulated 3 or 4 days later than I usually do. Today I am either 11 or 12 DPO.
I've had a few symptoms that totally made me think I was pregnant, but a few that have also made me definitely feel not pregnant. This morning I woke up at 2:30 AM wide awake, and was awake for about an hour and a half. I had major insomnia when I was pregnant with my son, so I looked at this as a good sign. Then, my son woke up around 5:30 with a high fever this morning. I woke up to get him some motrin, blew my nose when I was in the bathroom, and had blood coming out of my nose. I never really had this with my son, but I've heard this is a good pg sign. Also this morning when I brushed my teeth, I spit out blood in my toothpaste (didn't really have this with my son till about 12 weeks, but again, I've heard it's an early pregnancy symptom of some sort). I've been really moody, had sore boobs, and have broken out a little bit...but all of these things always happen to me before AF shows up...so those things make me think

is about to show up. I moderate another ttc/pregnancy/mommy website, and some of my girlfriends there are major POAS pushers, and convinced me to test today, so I used a CBE digi about 2 hours ago, and it said 'Not Pregnant." I only peed for about 4 seconds, as I had peed about an hour before that, so of course they told me I needed to get a more sensitive line test and take it tomorrow morning with FMU.
I'm sort of thinking Af is going to show up late because I think the EPO and the B6 may be messing with my cycles, but I really don't know enough about them to make a good judgement. What do you all think? This is my first time TTC (second month, though) as my son was a welcome surprise. And though we have many TTCers on our site, not many of them have used EPO or B6, so they don't really have a lot of experience with supplements effecting their cycles.
Sorry if I rambles on...my toddler is running around the house like a mad man right now, so I lost my train of thought a few times!